What games are you playing atm? V2

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A hole of depression
Frostpunk is the first society survival game. As the ruler of the last city on Earth, it is your duty to manage both its citizens and infrastructure. What decisions will you make to ensure your society's survival? What will you do when pushed to breaking point? Who will you become in the process?

Game that I was high anticipated in the past because how gritty the developer previous game was (The war of mine). I uninstally the game after first hour because of the small UI issue, but somehow i managed to prevail through this time.

Frorstpunk is a city survival that required you manage your population and resource, while trying to survive in day to day of harsh winter. You have limited worker and you have limited heat source, the goal is pretty much trying to maximize your efficiency while trying to scale up your city. The game have nice steampunk aesthetic, especially related it day / night cycle. Go throught the tech tree, and you will discover more crazy resource gatherer for the end game. Oh btw, the winter is pretty brutal.

Oh boy, you have no idea how hate I was with the game. First, the game required you way too many micro-management in real time (at least you could pause), it down to shutdown individual building or managing amount of worker you send in specific building. Burnt too much heat? You will lose coal pretty fast and brutal winter will your people. Burnt too little, and they will get sick. Personally, the aspect i hate is because the campaign built around scripted event, that hit you hard if you just playing for first time. Once you have that knowledge, you will get hit with another harder events.

Rarely I give thumbdown on good video games. The game is just not for me. If resource management in survival game for single player is already annoying enough, imagine trying to manage 400++ populations.
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Prime_Evil wrote:Image


If you know you know.

i want that
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Tabletop night tonight with a few peeps.

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My gaming experience so far have been messed up since i platinumed Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.

1. Assassin Creed Odyssey
I thought i will able to enjoy this, since it was said that this one of the better action combat for modern assassin creed, especially after my favourite AC Origins. Turned out that game is so flawed & repetitive in many aspect. World itself is vast empty boring that is annoying to move around, especially with its simplified ship usage. Combat have so many issues, especially with tracking & how tanking most of the enemies on hardest difficulty. I think worse part is the quest / narrative system where I would just skip most of the dialogue and seem the protagonist seem able to romance every freaking NPC in the game.

I only managed to cleared 50% of whole map, and still have 2 big DLC to tackle. I decided to just uninstall now as I no longer have fun with it as the game was so freaking annoying after you cleared tutorial island.

2. Dota 2
Nothing much to say except i suddenly dedicated to reinstall the game again. Last time i played was back in 2018 and i have been playing for a decade before that point. The newer crownfall seem adding some sort of narrative and story progression that reward to play multiple different heroes, so i guess i will use that as my reason to play. Despite mostly i will just stick with ability draft or turbo for now since I just aiming to have short burst of fun.

3. DRG
Tried to reinstall and play the game, my fire with the game just gone. Mostly because I no longer have objective to aim for and recent season is just annoying corruption based encounter. Uninstall after like couple of games.

4. Dead Island Riptide
After annoyed with dying light for not having fast travel and slow animation when you open the chest / door, i though I enjoyed the dead island in the past more than dying light, turned out that the game is much more clunky & arcadey than i remember. Surely I like the sunshine / bright paradise of first game compared to dread dying light, but the game just not it for me anymore

5. 7 Days To Die
Almost 1.0 and the game have horrendous outdated graphic and UI that seem came from mid 2000s. I thought I would enjoy the tutorial aspect first but the game is just not for me. Hard to play open world crafting survival now, once you already experience the forest or green hell.

6. Graveyard Keeper
Annoying little bugger that trying to make snarky stardew valley with theme of using zombie. Problem is the game is very tedious with of its system and it took me 3 months (mostly because I was clearing MH sunbreak) to finally have the mood to replay the game and finish it. Turned out that I rushed through DLC pretty quick and finally can uninstall it after 5 hours straight.

7. Immortal Fenyx Rising
After discourage with this game demo as well as horrendous AC Odyssey, i hesitate to play another open world game like this. My god, it was good decision. The game have very nice presentation and powerful first impression, basically it is like metroid vania that give you dopamine rush with every set of new abilities in just first 2 hours. Definitely will try to finish the game now

8. Hand of Fate 2
Another small indie game I played long time ago and stopped. I finally figured out that game have nice concept / idea, but terrible execution especially with annoying mini games. With a knowledge of editing some codes, now i can progress the story campaign without needing to repeat the run too many times. Still not perfect solution, at least i can play it until completion (100% achievement required DLC and alot of grind though, so i wont do that)

9. Crown Trick
Alot of those heavy roguelike is too emphasize on twitch / dexterity skill i cant muster. So this small indie game with turn-based system is pretty good as I just can be careful with my every step. I would say that its element synergies and powerful gears made a fun short run. Too bad game is small on RNGs aspect so I just need to grind abit more just to get enough stats so I can win the game.

I still on burnout mode after MH sunbreak, i only play small bit of each games everyday and rotate once I get small progression. Not even in mood to watch any anime atm.
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Roguelike? Roguelite? Who cares! This SLAP!
Crown Trick is a beautifully animated rogue-like RPG adventure characterized by turn-based combat and skill-item interactive strategy. Enter a labyrinth that moves as you move, where mastering the elements is key to defeating enemies and uncovering the mysteries of this underground world. With a new experience awaiting every time you enter the dungeon, let the power bestowed by the crown guide you in this challenging adventure!

Lets just say, i was kinda hyped since they this game have nice artwork for its poster as well as considered as modern roguelike that emphasized on turnbased combat loop.

Wow, I was surprised by this game. Despite I played many other roguelike / lite games, its have one of nice progression from start until the end where you will slowly unlock new tools for your arsenal. Many other skill-based games are just too hard to for me, thus this concept is pretty comforting as i no longer have to complaint about my lack of dexterity to play action game. Find the godly combination, then try to go through 4 dungeon levels and try to beat the final boss.

I get that this game arent perfect. Difficulty wise, it is pretty easy even on hard mode difficulty. Mostly because its limited weapon combat (spell is excellent though), so you will pretty much able to come out with meta tactic after couple of runs. I would argue the content of the game is pretty short since there are about 4 main routes and each route recycle 4 different "areas" everytime. Some people might find the combat loop abit samey, but for me it is good enough since the best part is getting good RNGs.

I said on my steam review that this game is essential roguelike. Not because it was the best game, but because it have similar turn-based system like original rogue game. Many of the modern iteration rely too much on metroidvania or real time action combat.
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Hellblade 2

This "game" follows almost the same formula as the first game. A walking simulator about being a schizo with severe bouts of psychosis with some puzzles (frankly i prefered the puzzles on Hellblade 1 i thought they were more interesting and original) with very sparse fight sequences where its mostly just spam attack and the occasional parry to spam more attacks.

It's asking for FULL PRICE for this, just like they did with the original. Don't fall for the gorgeous graphics trap. It's 100% not worth that price. Once its in 70%+ discount on steam later on, then sure give it a spin. Or better yet, yell out you best and loudest "YARGHHHHH SHIVER ME TIMBERS" instead (those who know, know. )

Just bear in mind that like the first game, if you're looking for action packed swordfights every 6 seconds, then this ain't it, chief.
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Probably one of my recent favourite

I have review the demo for this game in the past and i didnt like it. Mostly because the jokes was excessive in 1 hour span and combat arent felt that deep. When i saw this game on sale for 85%, i ask people in steam forum and most of them highly recommended it. So i buy it.

Oh boy, after disappointed with excessive assassin creend odyssey this game is super fresh. Mostly because it check many stuff that i liked in open world game. The game give you small progression in term your skills and gears, to a point you will super OP near endgame. Every map marker give you some progress. The game have many variety of puzzles, parkour challlenges as well as some tough enemies to fight. Story is fun, just enough for set dressing from start to the end.

However, if you arent fan of ubisoft formula then this game will be boring / repetitive to you. While the mechanic is there, it offer just small enough that all aspect can feel like busywork (im ok with it as long as not too excessive). The game allow you to spam potions, but you need to a lot of materials gathering which another tedious task. Personally, I will we had more variety of monster to fight since the open world is pretty huge but you will see repeating monster over and over again.

Definitely one of favourite ubisoft game recently and i feel like not many games offer thing like this (unless you count botw obviously). It just sad ubisoft will no longer make this unique concept of games anymore.
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Beat Elden Ring's DLC. Gotta say, that was tough. Puts into perspective that FromSoft took the feedback from players about Elden Ring base game being too easy, and they just went "oh yeah? hold my estus".

A lot of people are angry at the difficulty spike, and even though there is that (one boss will take around 80% of your life in one attack for example) and theres a lot of cheesy "enemies with sneak multiattacks that are meant to make you staggers your way back into falling off ledges" i think its pretty decent.
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Lets just say I did have a blast playing Dota 2 again.
As i mentioned before, I heard about the hype with crownfall.
Only to hear that it was disappointing story campaign to sell arcana skins.

And then BOOM
They introduced a super big patch 7.36 which effectively introduced innate passives to all heroes
On top of them, crownfall event give me extrinsic motivation to play multiple different heroes
While still able to play casually in turbo or ability draft (custom game is bad since doesnt give token)

Now I already cleared act 2 of crownfall (and i bought the DLC)
and I no longer have motivation other than clearing for weekly wins.

Now preparing to play other multiple games
Still in slump, hence Im going back to binge anime atm.
Although many of my favourite games seem doing updates left & right atm.
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In a slump again, I pretty much dunno what to do / play while steam summer sales going around.
I thought I will just ignore them but just decided to put some fund and buy random games instead

So game related stuff:
1. Dota 2
Crownfall act 3 began, but i no longer have mood to play. Mostly because it doesnt feel rewarding as I think the fun already gone the moment it become monotonous. Everyone trying to tryhard and no room for build / hero experiment. Mostly I just stick to my usual 20 heroes and play accordingly

2. DRG Survivor
Another big patch for this vampire survivor clone. Took me solid 2 weeks to grind all new achievements and cleared all mastery challenge in the game. I still didnt bother to 100% as it kinda get pretty annoying since weapon balance is terrible (it have 1 weapon challenge), especially on support weapon

3. Freshly Frosted
Donuts on conveyor belt. No idea why I decided to install this free game I got on epic. It was pleasant / chill factory where you need to put donut through multiple toppings and delivered based on order. Tried to play legitly, but at the end I just resort to hint whenever I get stuck more than 10 minutes.

4. The manifold garden
One of the game i bought on steam sale. Kinda on my wishlist for a while. If you ever seen a drawing with multiple directions stair in a room, that is the game. Except It is kinda disappoint gravity-based puzzle game. Im expecting more on the puzzle side, but lackluster despite it have bizarre artstyle.

5. The Inscryption
I just cleared this game, at least for the original ending. It have new game plus mode. Lets just say that this game is pretty quirk with its meta narrative about roguelike / card game. Best experienced blindly as it just kinda bizarre when crazy moment happened. Once a life time game i guess?

6. Journey to the savage planet
No idea why tempted and bought this game. I know it is simplify survival single player FPS, but i really hunting for subnautica itch and seem this game delivered abit. Not exactly perfect as I saw the tech tree is pretty small and game play is pretty simple. Wacky game nevertheless

7. Sunset Overdrive
Another wacky game that I have eyeing for a while. Third person shooter with ability to grind on many surface. Nothing to hate on this arcadey game. Although it started with super weird premise, regardless I holding this a bit until i cleared other games

8. Shadow Warrior 3
Another game that I bought just before steam summer sale and I kinda put on hold because performance / graphic issue. Im not sure why i just couldnt start the game again. Story & tones are just terrible compared to previous 2 games.

9. Risk of Rain 2
Ugh, I really not good at this game. I barely beat level 3 on normal difficulty. It feel like a knowledge AND skill check. It become bullet hell too quickly and most of the time I lost the run without knowing what killed me

10. Marvel Guardian of the Galaxy
Another free epic games that I couldnt finish even its 3rd major mission. Mostly because I feel like gameplay is kinda too simplistic and I really not in mood for heavy dialogue / narratives story in video games.

11. Dicey Dungeon
Perhaps one of my regret purchase. You know how much I like roguelike deckbuilder and this game is almost like kindergarten version of it. RNG arent much and it felt like you always lost for reason beyond your control. I only cleared game once with all characters.

12. Asssassin Creed Odyssey
Somehow this become my current "chill and watch anime" game because how boring / sloth the world is. Regardless I made some progress compared to time I stopped playing last time. Still have about 25% of the world, which i assume need like 50 hours more including extra 2 DLCs

*Also, what with no one moderating this forum. So many bots creating new threads. Is the forum dead?