Game played atm:
1. Killer is Dead.
Cant recommend it because of severe technical issues on PC. Story is really weird although the game is nice on artistic part. I really think I really wanted to 100% it but because I crashed multiple times on it, made me quit and uninstall. I rather take other unreal engine 3 that designed for pc than this. Finished it and it feel like super meh.
2. Ragnarok Online
You have no idea how much I love this game. It started in 2003 where I kinda found a new MMORPG that feel live with community and role playing. Once the official required subscription, I stopped playing and focused on several private server instead. The game have several nice concept from class balanced and both aspect of PVP and PVE, but simply it was kinda like my first love.
Replaying it now feel clunky and nostalgia all over the place. The game planned to released the patch gradually until new class unlocked periodically. Not sure how long Im gonna play but Im giving it chance until end of open beta maybe.
Added picture for RO for context.
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