I was invited to PI network. It's a crypto that you can mine with your phone, and you can only get in by being invited.
It works as follows: You offer some RAM of your phone to solve some formulas automatically in the background. You get 0,1 PI per hour if you're a "pioneer", another 0,1 per hour when after you finished 3 cycles (1 cycle lasts a day) and another 25% per active user you convinced to join. I already convinced 3 users, add to that the one that invited me, and we're already at 100% gain. It's my 2nd cycle today, so I didn't get the additional bonus. But 0,2 Pi per hour isn't bad either I guess.
As for how much it is worth: I have no idea. That's mainly because it's not in the main net yet. Supposedly they want to join the main net of crypto currencies within the next 12 months. And how the price then develops is to be seen. It could potentially be worth something in a couple of years. Or it could lose all value once it hits the main net and everyone starts selling.
Currently there are over 10 million users. And the next halving will come as soon as 100 million users are reached. And then 1 billion. Once it reaches 1 billion it looks like no more coins can be mined. But this all is pretty confusing anyway. But it could be that all mining is finished after they reach 100 million users, too. It's all pretty vague to be exact and nothing is set in stone. I just know that at some point there will be a phase 3, which is when they hit the main net.
But this all is confusing for another reason: The developers haven't decided on a cap yet! For example, Bitcoin has a set amount of coins that can be mined. After that, no more coins can be mined. And each coin has a different amount of max coins available. It is pretty suspicious imho. Bitcoin for example had that cap set right from the beginning, so people could already calculate themselves just how much a single bitcoin could potentially be worth if it used as normal currency some time in the future. And it's in the millions. Seeing just how many coins are mined every hour (let's take 0,3 x 10 million, that's 3 million coins per hour) is simply insane. I don't think it'll grow to big dimensions, but if the price can get to 1 $, that would still be great already. (0,3 x 24= 7,2 coins per day, 7,2 x 365 = 2628 coins mined per year, so that would already be over 2 k €) But well.. we can't calculate it because the cap has not been set yet.
That also means this probably isn't a decentralized coin, since the cap can still be changed. So this all reeks of suspicion to be straight honest. And the invite only thing looks very much like a pyramid scheme.
So to sum it all up:
Is it worth it? I have no idea.
Is it a scam? Maybe.
Do I care? No. That's mainly because my energy consumption of my phone has not skyrocketed or anything. I didn't notice any difference to be honest. And just clicking a single button a day at the same time isn't that much of a problem either. It could be that all of this is a huge scam. But even if that's true, I have not lost anything, because I have nothing at stake. So if I can make a couple of hundrets of euros that way in a couple of years... why not?