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SpamBomb wrote:
rcarson15 wrote:How about dimming/removing walls that are blocked by the game's POV?

Remove the fucking microwalls in fauzt

Yeah, i hate them too. my melee nec cant reach to the necrobots as fast as i want just becoz of those stupid walls
6 | 0
Would like to see a summoner druid tree. Ravens, wolfs and bears with some new abilities, physical resist/ avoid, a devotion skill. Each summon do give a bonus aura for melee, elemental, spell.
Bone Archer
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Gowryael wrote:Would like to see a summoner druid tree. Ravens, wolfs and bears with some new abilities, physical resist/ avoid, a devotion skill. Each summon do give a bonus aura for melee, elemental, spell.

also let them get half benefit from uber skills + MOTW 1 click buff druind and all summons under druid control

thats a brilliant idea
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Pinball wrote:Did think i entered Assassin suggest/feedback thread for 5 seconds. Love how ppl write a long lecture to prove that sin is fragile and need a larger hp pool.

Syphery please why your sin is so weak. She only has 23k hp not even 230k hp and just around 60 ish avoid...

That's really only trapsin though. So that's really not a fair comparison it's like comparing UHM/Neutraldin to the rest of the paladin specs.
Azure Drake
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So, if the OP didn't mention Holy Caster Paladin(which is mostly TRASH and arguably the worst paladin build imo), I don't think anyone would have noticed anything about them, right?

Edit: 4 downvotes on a single thread, nice!
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Maybe you stop shitposting then ppl would be nice.

I really dont know why you blame all shit, call things are TRASH just because you've never put any efforts into it. Seems you're having many problems in your real life so you go mad at here?
Ekital wrote:That's really only trapsin though. So that's really not a fair comparison it's like comparing UHM/Neutraldin to the rest of the paladin specs.

You wot m8? Have you ever tried Clawsin or Throwsin? How is it not fair against UHM/Neutraldin when Clawsin is really good for boss and Throwsin is pretty nice to start with. I still remember people cried so damn loud when Marco nerfed 20s Catac trap and Syphery did used his trapsin to farm fauzt with cheap gear.

Call me when UHM/Neutraldin can do Sam like Claw/Throwsin does
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Pinball wrote:You wot m8? Have you ever tried Clawsin or Throwsin? How is it not fair against UHM/Neutraldin when Clawsin is really good for boss and Throwsin is pretty nice to start with.

Clawsin is really good for some of the bosses sure but it is nowhere near the level of Neutraldin for farming/general bossing, you're hella deluded if you think that. Neutraldin can basically do all content outside of sammy/t15 rifts with crafted gear.

Throwsin might be nice to start with but I was referring to survivability (With that 23k life comment) which throwsin doesn't have (Relies on avoid/block).

Pinball wrote:Call me when UHM/Neutraldin can do Sam like Claw/Throwsin does


Call me when you can clear dunc in the same speed as neutraldin on any assassin build ;)
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I'm talking about this patch. Not ancient patch from 5 months ago where poison dmg is still OP lmao. We're not living in the past right? And Symphony Paladin is UHM/Neutral build? Wow learning new thing everyday <3
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Pinball wrote:?

I'm talking about this patch. Not ancient patch from 5 months ago where poison dmg is still OP lmao. We're not living in the past right? And Symphony Paladin is UHM/Neutral build? Wow learning new thing everyday <3

It is a UHM build. You're using the UHM Tree and are locked into it so yea?
And yes you can do a UHM setup for sammy just as easily in the current patch just gotta invest into the build a lot and no one wants to invest in a UHM as it is literally just a jack of all trades build.

My point still stands that Assassins outside of trapsins are nowhere near as tanky due to the simple fact that they don't have the luxury of dumping all their stat points into vitality. And as always you're reaching here. I was talking about the 23k hp 60% avoid comment which is only a trapsin thing. You don't see 23k HP throwsins,nagisins etc hence why I made that Neutraldin/UHM comparison.

You're trying to make it seem like throwsin/clawsin is on the same level as Trapsin,UHM,Neutraldin where its simply not even fucking close be honest here. We're not talking edge cases here like who can do sammy better because lets be honest 95% of people aren't even doing sammy. We're talking about how the builds compare in all aspects of the game and in that reference the other assassin builds don't compare to trapsin just how other Paladin builds don't compare to Neutraldin/UHM.
8 | 0
no news for psychic assassin and malice necromancer which are the top 2 bottom tier builds,

ok then, another season then