Σ 2.6.0 Announced

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Dark Huntress
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Marco wrote:There are typically enough AI options when doing regular mob design because the limitation in AI choices comes from the need of having multiple skills, which regular mobs usually don't require. There are some really fun/crazy AIs if you only need them to use 1-2 skills.

I think the best use cases for new AIs will be in boss battles, whether that's from the boss itself or minions/environment having a new routine that breeds a new combat mechanic. For example, imagine a new boss AI which once the boss reaches 50% hp changes the aggression and skillset of the boss, similar to Zelda. Or boss going temporarily into an untargetable form where they focus on spawning mon waves, then become vulnerable again.

When we consider the amount of endgame bosses in MXL which use Summoner AI (spoiler: nearly all) it could definitely be an opportunity for some fresh content and forms of battle, allowing us to move away from the more gimmicky boss mechanics and pursue more organic dungeon variety.

wow! Thank you for the detailed response.
This is fantastic news for MXL and it's future!
Very excited to see what the team comes up with down the road.

Those examples you gave would absolutely help median xl feel more like a modern arpg than d2 lod 2001. :)
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Very nice!
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Thunder Beetle
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Excellent !
Core Lord
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talking about hammerzons, from my testing the following relic does not work:
Hammer of Zerae: Bonus Physical Damage Increased by 25%
+250 to Maximum Lightning Damage
+(7 to 16) to Hammer of Zerae

It does not give the 25% bonus to physical damage.

Is this bug fixed in this patch?
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any word on official support for d2gl on tsw in 2.6.x?
Rust Claw
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Still no Kingdom Of Desync (Ureh) changes?
157 | 16
nwfff wrote:any word on official support for d2gl on tsw in 2.6.x?

bro d2gl works in ddraw mode, hd text works crookedly and there are some problems with displaying particles with motion prediction, it doesn’t work only in 3dfx mode and this does not apply to the median xl team, but only to the d2gl developer if he wants to, he will finish it for median xl