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Acid Prince
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Pretty good!
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tbh i can understand objections in this thread like "makes the game easier", because it proably will. but imo thats not necissarily a bad thing since for me, ive always wanted mxl to be more untwinked casual speedrun-friendly with many different builds and requiring few/no respecs so my hope is that overall game progression will become more fluid with these changes, so i approve of all of them :thumb:

lets also not forget that mxl has been an ongoing project for a long time, so in case the game actually gets way too easy, there will be changes in a follow-up patch to address it.
so nothing is set in stone, and with that in mind as far as im concerned, these upcoming changes look pretty darn good
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MedianXL wrote:
  • Open Wounds is no more.

Hey Everyone!

I'm new to Median XL!

I have a Unique Gloves that has 20% Open Wounds.

How will this change work in practice? Will this effect disappear from items that have it on or it will stay there but on proc it will do nothing anymore?

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Don't really value the opinions of the 15 year vet neckbeards that cry and whine muh median easy mode. Getting one hit by a 1HKO mechanic thats barely visible and limited by a 20 year old game-engine is not fun.
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KPeter wrote:
Hey Everyone!

I'm new to Median XL!

I have a Unique Gloves that has 20% Open Wounds.

How will this change work in practice? Will this effect disappear from items that have it on or it will stay there but on proc it will do nothing anymore?


Hi, these changes concern the upcoming version - "Sigma" which is currently in beta testing. Characters made on the current Median 2017 will not be compatible with the update for technical reasons.
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Will we lose all single player stuff again too?
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King wrote:Will we lose all single player stuff again too?

yeah obviously
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ChuckNoRis wrote:strongly indicating to me that Sigma might be some kind of Median-Easy_mode

The difficulty is a bit more streamlined. There are buffs & nerfs all over the place, so its very difficult to argue whether it's easier or harder without playing it. Just have to wait I guess.

Unda wrote:The changes Im against is removal of debuffs like miasma and spellbind (player got that skills from tree or procs, so should accept the fact monsters are capable of using one too), my first thought was its taking off some spice and variety mod had but maybe you got plans for future which can add monsters who will be able to reflect (cast back) players/mercenaries debuffs.

I addressed this concern in reddit, so let me paste it back here:

Marco wrote:We should probably have put more details in the "monster curses" paragraph. It's only a total of 4 effects removed:

  • Melee-only aura from hellcats
  • Stat-reduce curse from fallen knights
  • Prevent-heal from nightmare curse
  • Porkchops
And the effects of spellbind/miasma were reduced, but this is due to a different rework. There are still lots of additional monster curses/debuffs in the game: SoR, Chronofield, Mythal, Amplify Damage, Banish, Colosseum, Unseelie, etc. The unfriendlyness with HC & glitching of the removed effects were just not worth it.

So yeah, it kind of looked like we just got rid of all debuffs or something, but not the case. Sorry :)

Unda wrote:About 1HKO's I hope you didnt removed Detonators and Firebloods, as mentioned above its spice that mod needs, even on hardcore.

We did not, at least I think firebloods are fine, detonator I'm not fully sure still.
This is partly why we clarified on why 1HKOs are over-represented and we are looking to get rid of the inherent-1HKOs only

Jaedong wrote:these changes seem very hardcore friendly

was this intentional or is this "just" a positive sideffect of regular changes

It was intentional, but I forgot to include it. Especially nightmare curse is really obnoxious in hc.
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Glad hardcore is getting some love. That's what really amped up the replay value of vanilla for me.
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Marco wrote:This is partly why we clarified on why 1HKOs are over-represented and we are looking to get rid of the inherent-1HKOs only

What about Duncraig barrels?