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And I still can't kill laz because of goofy purify procs

Maybe this with more rift loots from 10 will make up for that lol
Acid Prince
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I want and try to like this mod but it really really takes away from the diablo feel and it just pigeon holes the game, like CLOD, but at a different point with more balancing issues than any Mod out there.
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ChewableTrash wrote:I want and try to like this mod but it really really takes away from the diablo feel and it just pigeon holes the game, like CLOD, but at a different point with more balancing issues than any Mod out there.

I've certainly had my own gripes in the past but, to lend a little perspective:

This mod adds more content than pretty much any other mod = harder to balance.

The skill trees and many mechanics are completely reworked = harder to balance.

The engine had many, many constraints that require a lot of work to finetune = harder to balance.

It takes years to develop a robust understanding of what works/what doesn't and the documentation does leave a lot of gems out (sometimes you just have to play multiple classes/specs to fully understand what exploits/playstyles work best for which content.

The mod has a high skill/knowledge curve and it is a work in progress but its still the best multiplayer D2 adaptation in existence with a HUGE community for a reason.

If you're looking for a more linear mod with lower skill/knowledge curve, Hell Unleashed is pretty cool, but I strongly suggest giving MXL the old college try before calling it quits.

Also, the relic changes in 2.2 may afford unique playstyles that could streamline spec playability (even for more casual players) so maybe see how the patch notes play out.

MXL is the mod that everyone loves to hate but there's a reason we all keep coming back, from one patch to the next.
Acid Prince
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Honkler wrote:
ChewableTrash wrote:I want and try to like this mod but it really really takes away from the diablo feel and it just pigeon holes the game, like CLOD, but at a different point with more balancing issues than any Mod out there.

I've certainly had my own gripes in the past but, to lend a little perspective:

This mod adds more content than pretty much any other mod = harder to balance.

The skill trees and many mechanics are completely reworked = harder to balance.

The engine had many, many constraints that require a lot of work to finetune = harder to balance.

It takes years to develop a robust understanding of what works/what doesn't and the documentation does leave a lot of gems out (sometimes you just have to play multiple classes/specs to fully understand what exploits/playstyles work best for which content.

The mod has a high skill/knowledge curve and it is a work in progress but its still the best multiplayer D2 adaptation in existence with a HUGE community for a reason.

If you're looking for a more linear mod with lower skill/knowledge curve, Hell Unleashed is pretty cool, but I strongly suggest giving MXL the old college try before calling it quits.

Also, the relic changes in 2.2 may afford unique playstyles that could streamline spec playability (even for more casual players) so maybe see how the patch notes play out.

MXL is the mod that everyone loves to hate but there's a reason we all keep coming back, from one patch to the next.

Yes, it adds more content but it gets just as stale, just as fast.. if not more-so to your average casual player.

The unbalancing is the biggest issue with me. A lot of grinding and effort has to be put in only to find out over half the skill trees on most characters are useless and so unbalanced, the character is sh*t.. so they need to rely on Oskills to make up for the horrible balancing every season.

I do like Median and appreciate a mod that keeps rolling out updates. Maybe it's just not so much for an average/casual player, or it could very well be me. Again, not bad mouthing, I want to like it but I struggle trying to keep up and feel pigeon holed faster in the end.

Maybe it'll be better if I tried online with some people for advice but I'm not a fan of lag/playing on their servers, especially in dumb places where barrels explode and kill you before you can even see them because the server lag.

Also, not a fan of needing to obtain TG and using the AH. Def prefer the trading on items instead of the "I can just use paypal to buy my items" but in the same sense, I get it's not free to do this stuff or host/run servers.

Again, not trying to sound negative (comes off that way, Im sure) but just gripes I have, as a casual player. Always open-minded about things so, maybe ill try giving it another shot.

Appreciate the talk/reply, hope you have a blessed week!

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ChewableTrash wrote:
Honkler wrote:
ChewableTrash wrote:I want and try to like this mod but it really really takes away from the diablo feel and it just pigeon holes the game, like CLOD, but at a different point with more balancing issues than any Mod out there.

I've certainly had my own gripes in the past but, to lend a little perspective:

This mod adds more content than pretty much any other mod = harder to balance.

The skill trees and many mechanics are completely reworked = harder to balance.

The engine had many, many constraints that require a lot of work to finetune = harder to balance.

It takes years to develop a robust understanding of what works/what doesn't and the documentation does leave a lot of gems out (sometimes you just have to play multiple classes/specs to fully understand what exploits/playstyles work best for which content.

The mod has a high skill/knowledge curve and it is a work in progress but its still the best multiplayer D2 adaptation in existence with a HUGE community for a reason.

If you're looking for a more linear mod with lower skill/knowledge curve, Hell Unleashed is pretty cool, but I strongly suggest giving MXL the old college try before calling it quits.

Also, the relic changes in 2.2 may afford unique playstyles that could streamline spec playability (even for more casual players) so maybe see how the patch notes play out.

MXL is the mod that everyone loves to hate but there's a reason we all keep coming back, from one patch to the next.

Yes, it adds more content but it gets just as stale, just as fast.. if not more-so to your average casual player.

The unbalancing is the biggest issue with me. A lot of grinding and effort has to be put in only to find out over half the skill trees on most characters are useless and so unbalanced, the character is sh*t.. so they need to rely on Oskills to make up for the horrible balancing every season.

I do like Median and appreciate a mod that keeps rolling out updates. Maybe it's just not so much for an average/casual player, or it could very well be me. Again, not bad mouthing, I want to like it but I struggle trying to keep up and feel pigeon holed faster in the end.

Maybe it'll be better if I tried online with some people for advice but I'm not a fan of lag/playing on their servers, especially in dumb places where barrels explode and kill you before you can even see them because the server lag.

Also, not a fan of needing to obtain TG and using the AH. Def prefer the trading on items instead of the "I can just use paypal to buy my items" but in the same sense, I get it's not free to do this stuff or host/run servers.

Again, not trying to sound negative (comes off that way, Im sure) but just gripes I have, as a casual player. Always open-minded about things so, maybe ill try giving it another shot.

Appreciate the talk/reply, hope you have a blessed week!


I can understand the frustration of playing a character that is sub-optimal (or straight up bad after a certain level without awesome gear), but there are lots of builds to choose from, and they vary alot in play style. Some builds will be good at farming dunc/fauzt, others are good boss chars e.t.c., so knowing what u focus on will perhaps narrow it down and make the decision easier.

Another good idea might be to check out some build guides to see what other players recommend when it comes to gear/playstyle with a certain type of build. That way u also know in advance what build u are going to play, which should make it less likely that u find out that u don't like ur chosen char at lvl 100~ or w/e, since u know the skill tree and the skills within it.

And from my point of view playing online adds alot to the game. Playing with friends and helping eachother out, farm/lab together etc is fun.
As far as the trading goes, u can start trading items to get ur tg going, u dont need to buy tg for $. If u play on ladder start it shouldn't be too hard to get gather some tg, which u can then use to get some item(s) u want for ur build.
Lastly, lagg is for sure annoying, but there are like 50-60 servers or something, so there should be a server that is playable without lagg for u. Once again, worth a try to play online imho.

Dunno if these points target ur concerns in any meaningful way, but hopefully.. (:
Acid Prince
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Fululf wrote:
ChewableTrash wrote:
Honkler wrote:
ChewableTrash wrote:I want and try to like this mod but it really really takes away from the diablo feel and it just pigeon holes the game, like CLOD, but at a different point with more balancing issues than any Mod out there.

I've certainly had my own gripes in the past but, to lend a little perspective:

This mod adds more content than pretty much any other mod = harder to balance.

The skill trees and many mechanics are completely reworked = harder to balance.

The engine had many, many constraints that require a lot of work to finetune = harder to balance.

It takes years to develop a robust understanding of what works/what doesn't and the documentation does leave a lot of gems out (sometimes you just have to play multiple classes/specs to fully understand what exploits/playstyles work best for which content.

The mod has a high skill/knowledge curve and it is a work in progress but its still the best multiplayer D2 adaptation in existence with a HUGE community for a reason.

If you're looking for a more linear mod with lower skill/knowledge curve, Hell Unleashed is pretty cool, but I strongly suggest giving MXL the old college try before calling it quits.

Also, the relic changes in 2.2 may afford unique playstyles that could streamline spec playability (even for more casual players) so maybe see how the patch notes play out.

MXL is the mod that everyone loves to hate but there's a reason we all keep coming back, from one patch to the next.

Yes, it adds more content but it gets just as stale, just as fast.. if not more-so to your average casual player.

The unbalancing is the biggest issue with me. A lot of grinding and effort has to be put in only to find out over half the skill trees on most characters are useless and so unbalanced, the character is sh*t.. so they need to rely on Oskills to make up for the horrible balancing every season.

I do like Median and appreciate a mod that keeps rolling out updates. Maybe it's just not so much for an average/casual player, or it could very well be me. Again, not bad mouthing, I want to like it but I struggle trying to keep up and feel pigeon holed faster in the end.

Maybe it'll be better if I tried online with some people for advice but I'm not a fan of lag/playing on their servers, especially in dumb places where barrels explode and kill you before you can even see them because the server lag.

Also, not a fan of needing to obtain TG and using the AH. Def prefer the trading on items instead of the "I can just use paypal to buy my items" but in the same sense, I get it's not free to do this stuff or host/run servers.

Again, not trying to sound negative (comes off that way, Im sure) but just gripes I have, as a casual player. Always open-minded about things so, maybe ill try giving it another shot.

Appreciate the talk/reply, hope you have a blessed week!


I can understand the frustration of playing a character that is sub-optimal (or straight up bad after a certain level without awesome gear), but there are lots of builds to choose from, and they vary alot in play style. Some builds will be good at farming dunc/fauzt, others are good boss chars e.t.c., so knowing what u focus on will perhaps narrow it down and make the decision easier.

Another good idea might be to check out some build guides to see what other players recommend when it comes to gear/playstyle with a certain type of build. That way u also know in advance what build u are going to play, which should make it less likely that u find out that u don't like ur chosen char at lvl 100~ or w/e, since u know the skill tree and the skills within it.

And from my point of view playing online adds alot to the game. Playing with friends and helping eachother out, farm/lab together etc is fun.
As far as the trading goes, u can start trading items to get ur tg going, u dont need to buy tg for $. If u play on ladder start it shouldn't be too hard to get gather some tg, which u can then use to get some item(s) u want for ur build.
Lastly, lagg is for sure annoying, but there are like 50-60 servers or something, so there should be a server that is playable without lagg for u. Once again, worth a try to play online imho.

Dunno if these points target ur concerns in any meaningful way, but hopefully.. (:

First, I always appreciate feedback, advice, and/or suggestions.

I do like Median and what it brings, in terms of change. I think it just might take some more time getting used to. I've gotten pretty far, to Scog (sp?) and then just got drained on trying to farm such better gear that seemed to never drop and it also looked like so many characters couldnt even handle that place if they were forced to not use Oskills. Balancing just seems off, again, it could be me. (I was SSF).

I'll def give it another go this season, I guess I'll try online also. Maybe I can find some people to play with and see if that changes anything for me.

Appreciate the input/feedback, maybe I'll see some of you next season!

Monkey King
274 | 8
ssf is still ok, maybe you can't do samael or lower labs, but is that really such a big deal.
Sure median isn't as easy to play casual as classic d2, but with some off game research etc it's good.
Dark Huntress
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Will Claw skill (Noctule, battrike, Vampiric strike) can trigger DualClaw ?
Cow Ninja
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suchbalance wrote:
Newbking wrote:
Splargh wrote:Curios about oskill changes, expecially Guard Tower. Hopefully Barb can get access to that oskill for the Fortress synergy. Outside of relics (and procs), only Amazon has access to Guard Tower right now

Agree 100%!

It spawns as an oskill on Barb shields now.

Thank you!!!!! :) I did not know that.
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Newbking wrote:
suchbalance wrote:
Newbking wrote:
Splargh wrote:Curios about oskill changes, expecially Guard Tower. Hopefully Barb can get access to that oskill for the Fortress synergy. Outside of relics (and procs), only Amazon has access to Guard Tower right now

Agree 100%!

It spawns as an oskill on Barb shields now.

Thank you!!!!! :) I did not know that.

I've noticed a trend that when oskills get rework, they typically start showing up on underutilized (S(S(SU)s so I doubt you'd have to craft a barb shield to make use of the synergy.