Σ 1.6.2 Patch Notes

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robwastaken wrote:
Wasp wrote:Well that update sounds good, but I damn hope I can finally kill diablo with my lvl 62 Necro with 14k def and 75% fire res with 200% minion dmg

Is necro really bad or something? Does it not clear end game content? I just started at the end of this last season and i didn't push my necro too hard because I'm new and the season is resetting, but I don't want to invest a bunch of time into something that's going to struggle a lot. Any advice? What have your experiences been like?

Necro is OK, don't worry. I was memeing
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sv215 wrote:Such a sad update.

Have been playing for 6 months and really enjoying the game but this update is ridiculous. Nerfing the game to the ground. As a new player I do not like this at all

Welcome to median xl , there are also hidden nerfs to most wdm skills also they say that most skills were buffed by 20% but they used to deal atleast 50% more dmg some even 100-150% more dmg and they werent op at all .
Bone Archer
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i thought that patch release would be is on july 10th , then check my calendar and time table it is says july 11th at 4am HAHAHA
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ImmortalPhoenix wrote:"Amulets, Rings and Jewels are now considered sacred and can therefore be disenchanted into signets of learning"
"New cube recipe allows you to cube 25 of any charm to get a fragment of that charm to further reduce RNG factor"
"BER RUNE: now makes item Indestructible"
"All sets now have a description in-game under the set name, for example: Pantheon (Amazon Bow Set)"

Me likey :D


--No resolution to the infamous "trade bug" that randomly kicks people out of games when viewing items in trade screen.

--Give Kabraxis a very small chance to drop the Xis rune. It's his rune, and it could save some time as opposed to farming the 13 necessary cube reagents. Or be a useful item to trade when someone is down on their luck and needs to make a major change to their character that they can't afford.

--A vessel for holding belladonna extracts would be convenient, similar to those of shrines and arcane clusters. A cube recipe for creating belladonna extracts as opposed to finding them would be even better! I can't tell you how many times I've been low on tradeables (or run into newer players) who screwed up their build and desperately need a belladonna but can't seem to find one...which puts them in a "chicken and egg" situation.

--The Dimensional Labyrinths don't feel or look much like "dimensional labyrinths" at all. They're supposed to be these other-wordly places and yet they're just cave and jail maps we've run through thousands of times before, the exceptions being labs 14 and 15. New layouts/tilesets for the labs would be great.

--There needs to be a monster/object who drops a labstone of the next lab tier in all labs. The difficulty of killing this monster/object could scale in difficulty as you go up the labs. And before any of you say "just kill Navigator" how many times have you fought him in labs 10+ and he only drops a t1 stone after all the time and effort you went through to kill him and the surrounding Sinew Shapers? Yeah, I thought so...

--I've long had this idea of an ultimate endgame quest that could be for level 145 or 150 characters only. It's a 3 part quest and ties into Diablo lore: fight and kill Anu could be part 1, going through a dungeon and gathering parts of a vessel to trap Anu's spirit into it could be part 2, and then part 3 could have you summoning the spirit of Anu through the vessel to re-create the battle of Anu vs. Tathamet, where only Anu can make Tathamet vulnerable (similar to Toraja uber Edyrems) and then both of them dying within 30sec-1min of one another to get complete reward charm.
(speaking of which: who tf are Samael, Deimoss, and Phoboss and where do they fit in Diablo lore? either they don't exist or I don't know how to use Google. Please correct me if I'm wrong here)

--I noticed issues with Arkaine's Valor armor fluctuating around my char's defense and health totals (the numbers change back and forth and don't stay solid). Same with the slow effect on the Zod-Xis rune for armors--the number just keeps rolling.

Food for thought; bring on the hate :P
Dark Huntress
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(speaking of which: who tf are Samael, Deimoss, and Phoboss and where do they fit in Diablo lore? either they don't exist or I don't know how to use Google. Please correct me if I'm wrong here)

While I don't know for certain, Deimos and Phobos are places/things in DOOM, perhaps a reference to those.
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ImmortalPhoenix wrote:No resolution to the infamous "trade bug" that randomly kicks people out of games when viewing items in trade screen.

That will most certainly come when additional heavy time consuming work will be invested in the GUI code, it's not a deal breaker right now and that time sees a higher return as it's currently invested in bigger priorities.

ImmortalPhoenix wrote:Give Kabraxis a very small chance to drop the Xis rune. It's his rune, and it could save some time as opposed to farming the 13 necessary cube reagents. Or be a useful item to trade when someone is down on their luck and needs to make a major change to their character that they can't afford.

To not upset the balance the drop chance would need to be so small that it would hardly matter at all.

ImmortalPhoenix wrote:A vessel for holding belladonna extracts would be convenient, similar to those of shrines and arcane clusters. A cube recipe for creating belladonna extracts as opposed to finding them would be even better! I can't tell you how many times I've been low on tradeables (or run into newer players) who screwed up their build and desperately need a belladonna but can't seem to find one...which puts them in a "chicken and egg" situation.

This point has been argued during the years already multiple times, the discussions brought to the current system. Anyway keep in mind that there are already 3 free respec, one for each difficulty, and bellas are not that rare in the first place. Normal difficulty is a joke and it's pretty rare for a player to ruin a build to the point of being unable to complete it; worst case scenario you could just restart since you're still in Normal and breeze thru even faster. The case for Nightmare is similar but even if you used your free-Normal respec you have now a new one again as soon as Act1. By the time you reach Hell you might encounter quite the resistence before you can use the additional free respec but, being in Act1, if you have completed Nightmare with a not fully functional build then you should not have huge problem completing the quest on the first act. If you do a mistake once again, by this time the chances of not having dropped a bella are not high, so in most cases you should be covered. In case you're not, there are trades and the friendly community at your disposal.

ImmortalPhoenix wrote:The Dimensional Labyrinths don't feel or look much like "dimensional labyrinths" at all. They're supposed to be these other-wordly places and yet they're just cave and jail maps we've run through thousands of times before, the exceptions being labs 14 and 15. New layouts/tilesets for the labs would be great.

Well they still have fairly unique monsters and an unique enviromental component (conditions that cripple the player). Making a fixed unique map for each tier would require a huge amount of work that perhaps could be better directed towards other tasks at this moment. Also, if by "new layouts/tilesets" you mean brand-new, then the whole thing reaches a new level of improbability.

ImmortalPhoenix wrote:There needs to be a monster/object who drops a labstone of the next lab tier in all labs. The difficulty of killing this monster/object could scale in difficulty as you go up the labs. And before any of you say "just kill Navigator" how many times have you fought him in labs 10+ and he only drops a t1 stone after all the time and effort you went through to kill him and the surrounding Sinew Shapers? Yeah, I thought so...

Labs progression and balance is an ongoing process and changes will most likely be presented in the future, anyway it would be better for feedbacks to find their way into the proper thread (Bugs&Feedback).

ImmortalPhoenix wrote:I've long had this idea of an ultimate endgame quest that could be for level 145 or 150 characters only. It's a 3 part quest and ties into Diablo lore: fight and kill Anu could be part 1, going through a dungeon and gathering parts of a vessel to trap Anu's spirit into it could be part 2, and then part 3 could have you summoning the spirit of Anu through the vessel to re-create the battle of Anu vs. Tathamet, where only Anu can make Tathamet vulnerable (similar to Toraja uber Edyrems) and then both of them dying within 30sec-1min of one another to get complete reward charm.
(speaking of which: who tf are Samael, Deimoss, and Phoboss and where do they fit in Diablo lore? either they don't exist or I don't know how to use Google. Please correct me if I'm wrong here)

Without disturbing the absolute apex of the Diablo-verse mythos, we already have a big list of possible lore-related uberquests for future versions, so we're quite covered from that angle, but thanks for the input.
For what concern Samael, Deimoss, and Phoboss, they are all part of the MXL exclusive lore, as is the case with the new uber mentioned in the changelog for 1.6. This original lore frame is quite interesting and potentially could allow us to tide up some loose ends or enrich (beyond what we could natively do with canon alone) the overall context in an attempt to create a more organic feel to the endgame additions... furthermore it's currently still in its infancy.

ImmortalPhoenix wrote:I noticed issues with Arkaine's Valor armor fluctuating around my char's defense and health totals (the numbers change back and forth and don't stay solid). Same with the slow effect on the Zod-Xis rune for armors--the number just keeps rolling.

If you think you've found a bug, as stated above, post it in the appropiate thread (Bugs&Feedback) or better still on the tracker.

ImmortalPhoenix wrote:Food for thought; bring on the hate :P

No hate, just love here.
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Why nerf drop rates of UMO's and nerf actual fun builds?
Frozen orb still is unplayable, thunderfury is still unplayable.

Your playbase is null since median XL launched and you started nerfing everything to the ground.
I was a HUGE supporter, but once again a patch built around a playerbase of 100 active members.
Drop rates so low it makes playing Median almost impossible with such a small playerbase.
The few items that do drop cost so much TG good luck.
Ya'll won't ever get old players back with this crap, its why everyone plays Path of Diablo.
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robwastaken wrote:
(speaking of which: who tf are Samael, Deimoss, and Phoboss and where do they fit in Diablo lore? either they don't exist or I don't know how to use Google. Please correct me if I'm wrong here)

While I don't know for certain, Deimos and Phobos are places/things in DOOM, perhaps a reference to those.

Phobos and Deimos are moons of Mars, where Doom takes place. Fun fact, they are named after the Greek Gods of fear and dread. Both are sons of the God of War Ares, whose Roman name is Mars. Leading further credence to the idea that The Lab bosses Phoboss and Deimoss are Mere Puppets for an even greater evil, yet to be revealed --> 1.7.0 (?)
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--The trade bug resolution and your response to the Kabraxis ideas make sense to me; I suppose I can be patient until time can be invested in enhancing the GUI--I know it's a work in progress and the dev team want to deliver a great player experience so this will need time. Same for the "bella vessel" idea.

Well they still have fairly unique monsters and an unique enviromental component (conditions that cripple the player)

--I agree with you on the second part--however the models/sprites used for "Erniys" and "Colossal Tunnelers" aren't unique to D2. As far as layouts and tile sets what I mean is...I don't want to go through a lab and have my lizard-brain instinctively think that I'm doing a Nihlathak run, or rescuing Anya. I'm sure there's a simple solution for this, perhaps put the lab maps over a backdrop of space/the moon and stars. This thread once had a picture of something like this, and I thought it looked really cool (despite being a "small" cosmetic change). As far as I can tell it's nowhere to be found in Sigma...

I promise to be a good boy and use the Bugs & Feedback section and the tracker next time :P

OH, another thing: back when I started playing Median (the "Single-Player-only" days, if you will) every new char would come with a Jade Figurine looking-item to cube and get hints from (then eventually do the old "LC0 challenge"). I think this would be a great thing to bring back so new players have something to reference as they progress so they don't miss out on level challenges and have to back-track on something like the sunstone of twin seas. I mention this because this is where I've noticed a big "falling-out" many new players have in realm wherein they take the conventional D2 approach of getting rushed to hell, realize they've skimped on the twin seas sunstone and class charm, and it's not until around level 100 that they feel stupid, get frustrated, or just flat-out quit.

I really appreciate your response, RequiemLux :D
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THANKS devs for keeping the updates coming, you guys are doing fine work! Checking out the new possibilities is always a great time. I'm itching to try out some flavors of clawsin!