Σ 1.2.0 Patch Notes

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Honestly, why these midseason changes? I don't have very much time to enjoy this game since I'm very busy at times. If I make an assassin this season I expect it to be the same and not be forced to reroll thanks to some changes that really just ruins all the fun. The cataclysm trap was already really clunky and poorly made and now you made it even worse 10 SEC to 20 SEC. Maybe a heads up during start every season " Beware, this is a new build, we havn't tested it thoroughly so we might destroy the class you've picked a few days after release of the new season".
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No need to blow this out of proportion, people. Instead of using your catalyst every pack now you use it on every other pack, and in the mean time you cast shockwaves around your enemies which melt everything.

It is still one of the strongest builds in the game and it allows you to do the majority of the bosses with minimal gear.
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Dark Huntress
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People love to complain, and oftentimes it's for dumb reasons. Complaints here are legitimate, though. The build is extremely clunky now, so people either have to respec into something else, or roll a completely new character. I was having fun before the nerf, and now I'm not sure I want to do either. I genuinely love this mod and appreciate all the work that has been put into it, but this just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
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Do not start the game via the launcher and it wont update your single player files.Multiplayer is already corrupted.I assumed Sin was Marco's favorite char.
Guess I was wrong.
P.S. You just couldn't wait could you ?
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Can someone clarify what needs to be level 28 for max DA damage? Is that base level 28 Grim Presence or ?
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suchbalance wrote:No need to blow this out of proportion, people. Instead of using your catalyst every pack now you use it on every other pack, and in the mean time you cast shockwaves around your enemies which melt everything.

It is still one of the strongest builds in the game and it allows you to do the majority of the bosses with minimal gear.

the build feels like complete crap to play now. there is no rhythm anymore it feels clunky and bad to play, shockwave feels like ass to use. catalyst on bosses with 20 sec cd is worthless if they move, this change was not well thought out.

if catalyst trap was so strong nerf the damage bonus on it some the build will at least still feel the same to play. I thought even the 10 sec cd was a bit much. in any area above TA catalyst is almost mandatory to clear with. and this was with 1k+ tg in gear and all charms up to 125. there is no way to scale traps outside of spell damage and when 90% of your damage is locked behind a 20 second CD I think we have the right to be upset.

just my 2 cents.. I feel like there could have been other ways to nerf the build outside of making it feel terrible to play, it already felt very subpar in terms of clear speed before the change.
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At the 20 second Catalyst Trap nerf; it feels like you have created a playstyle that does not flow with MedianXL at all. There is, in my opinion, and having now played it, to much of Peaks and Valleys situation. The smooth(ish) game play is not slowed down to a crawl where the ability to interact with the majority of the game - dealing damage - now is all but disappeared without the Catalyst out, and then takes forever to wait for it to come off cooldown.

Another aspect that is not being mentioned but I felt the most was now the lack of control. The 50% movement speed slow from Catalyst trap really helped from being over run, or having to excessively run around; causing you to spend more mana placing more traps.

Lastly, the Devs really missed an awesome opportunity to add some sort of synergy with the lore and skills without including Queen of Blades synergy. The flavor text says it is Viz-Jaq'Taari tech, much like the nukes. Catalyst helps the nukes from Beacon. It would have been incredible to see something along the lines of QoB hits apply the Cataylst debuff to enemies. This COULD help relieve some of the pain from the current 20 second Catalyst CD.

Could we please have the cooldown reduced, or allow points in the Trap Tree to reduce its cooldown?
Edited by adamo68 4 years.
Stone Warrior
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I'm sorry when say it. I played and completed a lot of assa build in MXL. When play this build. i see the fun when lure mobs into traps or strike in their faces when need. Assa build, no def, shit block, rely on avoid only and your dmg on mobs.
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I appreciate the efforts that the mod team has put into this game, and patching it and making it something that the world can appreciate all at the same time. With that being said, however. I'm having a hard time understanding the choice to move the catalyst trap cooldown to 20 seconds. 10 seconds already feels painful and I honestly felt it needed the cooldown reduced.

I'm surprised that the change moved in the OPPOSITE direction than what my personal experience has been. I'm only barely above 100 right now, and find myself longing for a shorter catalyst trap timer.

I don't think it's necessarily demanded, but it would be cool if a dialogue was started with the devs regarding the direction of this change. I don't think you're under any obligation to, by any means. However, it would be an appreciative step in providing a perspective that we may all not be privy to, and I for one, would love to hear the feedback behind the decisions. Simply put, I love interacting with this community and the dev team, though.
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Although I didnt test them all, but still I think some sets are unbalanced, Rathma Set is far more OP than the other ones, the crucify/guard tower procs combo is so good, and carnage/parasite skillsstill gives you a power of a fucking truck piercing through anything.