Σ 2.4.2 Patch Notes

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Cah23 wrote:I don’t understand the solo player complaints lol just play online in private games only. There… there is your ssf with all content.

Me neither (even tho i'm sp player mostly). There's still aloooooooooooooooot of new stuff to try out. But it seems like whole patch is only about one new uber XD
PS: Well ye... in sp you can just make char with all items and shit and try endgame content instantly without any effort :D But it's unethical and killing the game interest itself.
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Immortal2563 wrote:And now tell me what the real SP player got? The only new content apart from some stupid weapons / armor for barb is a new boss only available in the season.

Necro minions are still not immortal, so I won't play in it in T10. Did you fix the AI Knights at all so that you don't have to stand a kilometer for your character? Where is the Doomgurad RW you annihilated in 2.0?

The mercenaries will also be annihilated there in a few seconds because it's hard to weaken them, but to make them immortal.

Where containers for yellow runes and other items with an increased maximum limit.

Thank you very much for such a patch. We are waiting for patch notes 2.5.0.

Mercs got buff, Bloodzon rework, Quick cast keys added. Are you just complaining because your summons aren't immortal in high labs?

And releasing the new uber to SP would mean that it will be killed after a few hours (by very "legit chars") of the new patch, so it doesn't really make any sense, does it?
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Why not let sp play new boss ? Not fair
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Cah23 wrote:
Immortal2563 wrote:
Cah23 wrote:I don’t understand the solo player complaints lol just play online in private games only. There… there is your ssf with all content.

One chance of corruption, for example. SSSU and will be destroyed during this procedure. We copy the save and sit as much as we want until we get the corruption as we want. Never in your online life where there is no backward option. Plus lags of course.

One chance is how the mechanic is suppose to function lol online is more balanced and immersive. Lag would suck but I’ve honestly never experienced that as a problem.

"Never experienced it" =/= doesn't exist

I also had awful lag until I'd moved into the city and got a fiber optic connection so I definitely get where he's coming from. Went from 7,5Mbps to 1Gbps, the ping is significantly improved too, also only one short downtime within the span of a year... just no comparison to what I've had before. But I get that some people still do have poor connection, or they like offline tools, or maybe even just prefer to have a pause button, so I can relate.

Because of the aforementioned, in the past I've argued for SP having all the content that MP does, but devs are set in their ways so there's no point to even touch that subject anymore.

As for savescumming for corruptions etc that's just lame, do it if you want but bragging about it is just goofy, "hey look at me I can cheat" lmao
(unless that was bait, in which case consider me caught)
Edited by Frytas 1 year.
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Core Lord
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:facepalm: SP cheesers complaining they can't get to boss... Practicing boss with no consequences if you die due to scamscumming. RIP BOZOS
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It would be easier to strategize/cheese if it was enabled on single player. It will most likely be enabled for single player eventually, but not this season. It's also another reason to play on the server, but realistically, not many players will kill this boss, let alone make it to boss, considering its requirements.
Pit Knight
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Pel wrote:
Immortal2563 wrote:
And releasing the new uber to SP would mean that it will be killed after a few hours (by very "legit chars") of the new patch, so it doesn't really make any sense, does it?

And this matters.....why?
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Berkabus1 wrote:Why lock all new stuff to online only?????
Make new stuff available for singel player Also..
this is Wrong, i Cant play online but i want to try everything . These types of discriminating makes me want to play something else. Bye bye

So, a single new boss that you most likely have 0.0% chance to beat is interpreted "all new content is locked in SP"? The reason it's locked for a single season is so people don't trivialize how to beat it by running tests in SP. Look at the bigger picture, and don't demand stuff for no reason - it's a free mod. No need to blow every small thing out of proportion.
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akbugger wrote:
Pel wrote:
Immortal2563 wrote:
And releasing the new uber to SP would mean that it will be killed after a few hours (by very "legit chars") of the new patch, so it doesn't really make any sense, does it?

And this matters.....why?

At this point, you're just trolling of course, it matters it's new content and if you can "cheat" or use an already full decked-out char with Azurewrath or Tyrael's might and 50 umos to just learn the fight or post a guide on it ruins the experience for everyone else.
Pit Knight
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Pel wrote:
At this point, you're just trolling of course, it matters it's new content and if you can "cheat" or use an already full decked-out char with Azurewrath or Tyrael's might and 50 umos to just learn the fight or post a guide on it ruins the experience for everyone else.

I repeat my question - why does this matter? I ain't posting guides. If I want to post a video of the fight everyone will see it's cheating if it is.
SP players can pretty much say the same when they see a MP char stacked with 50 umos, Tyrael and Azurewrath. There's a video of such character moping T10 lab. :mrgreen: