Σ 2.10 Announced

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Ohhh boy , Finally! :-D
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holy shit a loot filter... I have been asking for this for YEARS. Awesome work
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This is amazing, thank you MXL team !! Hype!!
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Ice Clan
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Jungle Hunter
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:stupid: :pop: :pop: :pop: :pop: :pop:
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Me see Trial of Blood with 10s :coolstorybob:
Acid Prince
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Trophy system redesign looks strange, it is either for offline mode, or for those who have the lowest ping, whose ping is not very good, and a lot of desinks to kill valtek in less than 5 minutes is almost unrealistic. With Kingdom of Shadow is the same, because tp removes desink... Or have you defeated desinks in the game?
Maybe things will be better than they look. Will the old system stay?
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Shadowgate Totem
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Maybe those were just random examples. And as was said: "this topic is a teaser and everything is subject to change"

Luckily I have a lot of free time just at early november, not hard to quess where I'm going to spend it. :)
Monkey King
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this looks very hot. lots of cool changes, especially trophy challenges hype! :D
Cow Ninja
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Very excited! Thanks again to the devs and median team!!!!!!!! :)