Σ 2.10.5 Patch Notes

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weapon scroll Pandemonium gives 2H weapon 52% Strength/Dexterity added as Innate Fire Damage
it shows 52% on weapon but in fact 33% on D2Stats when uesd on bow/xbow
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Shadowfang necro sword orange text doesn't work.
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Earthquakes skill damage only effects the Aftershock, not the initial burst
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funny that no one noticed this with PSISIN this season.

cognition 75 bonus is advertised by the skill as "shuriken flurry: 0.4% total damage per cognition" if below 75, then when you reach it, becomes "pisonic storm: 0.4% total damage per cognition AND shuriken flurry 0.4% total damage per cognition". also, pisonic storm typo in game lol.
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There is a strong demand to cancel Angel equipment because the entry threshold is low and the drop rate is high, which has seriously affected the balance of the game and devalued the sacred dark gold equipment. It is recommended to increase the income of advanced maps such as mazes to give players the motivation to explore more difficult maps.
Pit Knight
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1 month into the new season and it's dead already?

Auction house died fast...
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Image Why can't I transmute into Pulsating Worldstone Crystal?
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duytan1405 wrote:Why can't I transmute into Pulsating Worldstone Crystal?

use Sleep instead of laz charm
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felix0808 wrote:
duytan1405 wrote:Why can't I transmute into Pulsating Worldstone Crystal?

use Sleep instead of laz charm

Image Cannot transmute to scroll
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duytan1405 wrote:Cannot transmute to scroll

no need runes. Great Signet is enough. You can read it at description of charm.