M17 1.1.3 Bugs&Feedback

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lunar.seven wrote:another thing : what is needed to see the portal to the abyss ? the void
To enter the Black Abyss you must first find the Seal of Darkness in the Cathedral of Light quest.
i made the cathedral of vanity cleared the room, but no seal of darkness in there was found.... what is supposed to to ?

It's a chance-to-drop item.

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willyboy wrote:
lunar.seven wrote:also : Act 3 - hratli has no oils anymore, that sucks, i use to run to act 2 to get oils from drognan, whenever i farm in act 3

Alkor have the oils in A3 ;)

i know ;) to run to alkor, i am faster by runing to drognan, only faster would be hratli, whenever in act 3, its not a big thing, but it was nicely, i like also more to be in act 3, when i craft items, so, its an waypoint switching thing atm

my head get confused a bit with the stash movin in act 3 aswell, also the chaotic new uber locations, there are so many logic connections in my brain with median xl old patches and legacy uber locations - its interessting, but not all new is very good now, just saying that clearly, not all has to be changed, only to get a very old game new stylish, like i personally dont like the "new unformed land" - > tenganze - i think the underground look of the sewers was nice, but the change to act 5 with the tower levels was also not bad at all, i always saw unformed land like something as the sanctuary in act 2 with the atmosphere galaxy sound

bugreport to tenganze, you cannot summon totems from the corpses of the spirits
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lunar.seven wrote:bugreport to tenganze, you cannot summon totems from the corpses of the spirits

Spirits don't leave corpses (same as old Unformed Land levels).
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L H wrote:
lunar.seven wrote:bugreport to tenganze, you cannot summon totems from the corpses of the spirits

Spirits don't leave corpses (same as old Unformed Land levels).

yup, i remember that correctly

ty to the seal answer aswell :)
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I have to post it here i guess:

I started a treewarden with the no ND thorn wall skill. Basicly this is now stormblast on steroids (75% wdm!) with a much wider AOE. I had a tier 1 Tal rw as my weapon and was able to kill (hatred ):

1. Andariel in 1 hit
2. Duriel in 2 hits
3. Diablo before he even spawned because you can precast thorn wall
4. baal in 3 hits ( at this point i had tier 3 jitans though which added most of my dmg)

As of now i can only image what its like to have nimmenjushin on a treewarden. I think with this mechanic the weapon dmg should be tuned down alot (10-15% maybe)

As of now i think that this is by far the strongest skill in the entire game, available to the player
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Some feedback fwiw. Sorry for wall of text.

- Auto corpse recovery is such a nice feature, and it makes learning how to do things with builds you've never played before much more enjoyable. It also makes the trial-and-error learning process much faster. In end-game, having to constantly resummon and rebuff every time you die is more inconvenient than dying, so that cures you of any lazy habits you may have picked up early on.
- The fight with Quov Tsin is much more enjoyable now. There are enough open areas to run, but still plenty of places to hide.
- The Torajan Jungles are nice once you get an idea of where things are, and having a static map really helps that. The actual walking area isn't that big compared to the overall map, so size-wise, it's fine. It's also nice to be able to farm for something (in this case, sigs) while out Trophy hunting.
- I like how Teganze is set up now, and Terul is a much more interesting fight with respawning Umbaru Spirits around. The previous Unformed Land had an advantage in that you could just farm whatever level you wanted depending on which Essence you were looking for. It was convenient, but the whole thing felt repetitive and artificial. Teganze doesn't.
- The Torajan Cemetery is my favorite place. Even though it's empty (aside from the ghosts), there's still enough going on design-wise to keep it visually interesting.
- Destruction Baal is great. Definitely a more epic fight now, and a more consistent one, too. You still have to occasionally disengage to kill Minions and Visions, but at least you're not standing around doing nothing waiting for 1hko runes to disappear before you can reengage. New D-Baal is just a more dynamic fight.

- I prefer the previous version of the Desolate Road; otoh, it's neat to find Atanna Khan there, considering her connection to Ureh. The contrast between the bright, bustling Caldeum and this dark, Desolate Road was stark. It had an oppressive atmosphere, despite it's emptiness, which made entering the vast Ruins of Ureh all the more intimidating.

- I know Caldeum is “unfinished” so I won't judge it harshly, but all the platforms and such make it kind of a pain to navigate. If removing some of the smaller platforms makes the streets feel too empty, then some rear stairs on the larger platforms could help.
- The Ruins of Ureh feels lacking for some reason. Maybe too repetitive—dead trees and crumbling foundations; repeat. Adding some points of interest could help break up the monotony.
- I like that the little “secret” area in Fauztinville finally has a purpose, but I don't like its purpose being Bremmtown. Bremmtown is a pass-or-fail Uber—screw it up, start all over—which means having to fight your way through hordes of Necrobots just to get there again. I wouldn't mind it so much if that causeway you teleport to were empty. It could serve as a little breather between the chaos of Fauzt and the anxiety of Bremmtown.

That's all I could think of for now.

All-in-all these new areas are fantastic additions and I've been having a blast exploring them all. My sincere thanks to the entire team for all your hard work.

Good = Corpse recovery, Vizjerei Temple, Torajan Jungles, Teganze, Torajan Cemetery, D-Baal.
Neutral = Old Desolate Road layout was better, but having Atanna Khan there is better too.
Bad = Caldeum platforms, repetitive Ruins of Ureh, Bremmtown in Fauzt.
Dark Huntress
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I cannot get to the torajan jungles in act 3 at all, I keep desynching with the server and getting stuck in a wall.
I can't even do it if I teleport the whole way there, is anyone else having this problem?
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"Brother Laz Trophy + Kabraxis Trophy + Uldyssian Trophy → I Am Rich Gem"


"Brother Laz Trophy" should be named "Archbishop Lazerus Trophy"
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RollsRoyce wrote:I have to post it here i guess:

I started a treewarden with the no ND thorn wall skill. Basicly this is now stormblast on steroids (75% wdm!) with a much wider AOE. I had a tier 1 Tal rw as my weapon and was able to kill (hatred ):

1. Andariel in 1 hit
2. Duriel in 2 hits
3. Diablo before he even spawned because you can precast thorn wall
4. baal in 3 hits ( at this point i had tier 3 jitans though which added most of my dmg)

As of now i can only image what its like to have nimmenjushin on a treewarden. I think with this mechanic the weapon dmg should be tuned down alot (10-15% maybe)

As of now i think that this is by far the strongest skill in the entire game, available to the player

Lots of skill changes and adjustments are made so here and there some skills got buffed a little bit to high. Presonally i would love to see more balance patches rahter sooner then later so that some things get patched and ladders dont die or get owned with op skills and chars to quickly. I highly doubt those dps wich some skills deal are intended.

Balance is a thing where mxl lacks the most sadly. Also balancing stuff is very hard and a long term process so i can understand it.

The heroic boss change some patches ago was a good thing in right direction but those fights are just too easy right now and boring. Imo all heroics need a huge buff to compensate the heroic shield removal a little bit in some way.

Pretty much all ubers are joke now and very easy, combine it with high drops, tg trading system wich sucks, ladders get crushed to soon imo. How to fix that? U cant actually but u can slow it down atleast a little bit so ladders live atleast for a month or two in best case.

In current state trash mobs, bosses, act bosses, heroics, all of them need huge buff in terms of hp, def, avoid or whatever. They just get steamrolled with naked chars and that is something i dislike the most. Imagine if u get some high gear and full charms how things will play out then.

Overall median turned to casual to me and it should go back to his roots when it was way more harder and more enjoyable and atleast a little bit more challenging then right now, cuz now u jump into rand uber with t6 gear and beat the shit out of it, and im not talking about ubers like butcher or infernal machine, im talking about "hard" ubers.

Still there are some stuff wich i like, those new map layouts for example are fun. Jungle, Teganze etc. so good work has been made for sure. But overall give monters more steroids pls and i will like it even more :)
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RequiemLux wrote:
MisterHouse38 wrote:c0000005 upon tryinng to enter act 2 for first time on a sin. single player no plugy or anything

Are you playing with " -ns"?

I was turned it off and it works thanks >.>