I wonder if people know what "hard" means.

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180 + deaths (yes counted after maybe 20~ or so) and 2 hours in, I only got the bastion boss (the one you need to mind control to defeat his servant) to half health before I alt f4d ready to uninstall.. like honestly.
I got the boss mind controlled right by his servent multiple times and no damage was done.
The servant spawned bats on me once every 3 - 4 deaths, resulting in an instant death.
Literally shot me through walls nonstop.

Like if the point is to be challenging I get it, but after painstakingly luring him over multiple times and not getting any damage on a mind control, it starts to feel like jank bullshit instead of a fun and rewarding challenge... The game stops being fun when you say "fuck it I would rather pay someone 100$ cash right now for this charm than deal with this bullshit one more time"

Update a few weeks later

Doing it blind sucks but as advised in the thread, I watched some vids of people doing it and can now clear it in 0-2 deaths and a full run takes about 6 minutes, the actual fight takes about 4 on average

Tl;dr : was bad, got less bad
Edited by Zipper2Fly 4 years.
Stone Warrior
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One thing I've learned on that dungeon, once you charmed Lucion, you have to blink away as far as you can to not get the attention of the servant or you can stay at the exact opposite direction putting Lucion in between you and the servant. If he still spawn bats on you, that's probably the charm effect has worn off. Although it's really, really hard to do but it is possible. Took me 2 hours to kill him before. :bounce: Now I dunno how I'll kill him with trap assassin. (what I'm currently playing)
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Daerouie wrote:One thing I've learned on that dungeon, once you charmed Lucion, you have to blink away as far as you can to not get the attention of the servant or you can stay at the exact opposite direction putting Lucion in between you and the servant. If he still spawn bats on you, that's probably the charm effect has worn off. Although it's really, really hard to do but it is possible. Took me 2 hours to kill him before. :bounce: Now I dunno how I'll kill him with trap assassin. (what I'm currently playing)

Lucion is not that hard, should be fast. But 2 hours :lol:
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Lucion used to take 30 minutes to an hour. Now its a joke given you understand the mechanics a little better. People can complete it in 5-10 minutes even faster in some cases. So I do understand your frustration (i wanted to kill myself too) but I imagine if you watched a video of someone mechanically aware you'd be able to emulate the same results.
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I hated this fight very very much, now its one of my favorite uber and like this mechanic.
First of all you mind control lucion, and its the lucion thats gonna be killed by malic, because first fight i understood it reverse and from your post i think youre assuming the same.
After your any death YOU HAVE TO REEQUIP this book with the charm skill, if not lucion gonna have 100% avoid and wont take damage, thats the part the majority of new players forget/dont know.
Second is pure skill, take lucion to malic left or right corner, where grass is, behind the building, but on corners so malic wont see you, now make himgo to the center to malic, charm him, he will continue to go forward all the time if nothing stand in his way, malic shoot him, they fight, youll heal, watch out for malic bolts, stay full hp.
Now bats, if you gonna stay full hp this spell wont kill you, just annoying tele, but this wont take you to the center of bats pack and die, usually the just spawned and stay there on celling, you are somewhere else, now its important to locate lucion as fast and continue to charm him, if you do, the fight continue, or you must help him reach malic a little, the bolts from malic isnt so impossibly hard to dodge, use high frw, distance and sprint, if something went terribly wrong you can make it again on corners, kill all the bats, start again.
Good luck!!
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pretty sure you dont need to re-equip the book anymore. you'll get a small purple icon by your mana globe if the aura is working properly.
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Crash wrote:pretty sure you dont need to re-equip the book anymore. you'll get a small purple icon by your mana globe if the aura is working properly.

Even better!! Thats great, it was only annoying. Thanks for info.
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Thunder Beetle
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I understand your point. 100%. Took me like 40 minutes to get a charm that does absolutely nothing until you farm for 5 hours for additional charms to cube the original charm with...
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Zipper2Fly wrote:180 + deaths (yes counted after maybe 20~ or so) and 2 hours in, I only got the bastion boss (the one you need to mind control to defeat his servant) to half health before I alt f4d ready to uninstall.. like honestly.
I got the boss mind controlled right by his servent multiple times and no damage was done.
The servant spawned bats on me once every 3 - 4 deaths, resulting in an instant death.
Literally shot me through walls nonstop.

Like if the point is to be challenging I get it, but after painstakingly luring him over multiple times and not getting any damage on a mind control, it starts to feel like jank bullshit instead of a fun and rewarding challenge... The game stops being fun when you say "fuck it I would rather pay someone 100$ cash right now for this charm than deal with this bullshit one more time"

It helps to know the mechanics it does take a bit to get used to. The best way ive found is to place Malic on the bottom portion and Lucion in the middle between you and malic. Have some bats get summoned and then Charm lucion. Lucion will go balls to the walls on the bats and just make sure the 3 little lazer looking spells are hitting lucion(dodge them as they set your life to 1 = instadeath).

Malic should be offscreen and lucion just at the edge of your screen(As under 50% he casts an aoe tht will instagib you and gives him shitloads of velocity).
Watch the little swirls on lucion to know when to charm him(dont cast this too early otherwise this will fuck up positioning

If you want I can try to upload a video of how to do this later.
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Well.. Yes, but if youre level 130 and have room for 30 small charms up to 8 strenght, lets say average 5,you got 150 flat strenght, and thats something on strenght oriented builds.
The charm require many time but its really good in my opinion