Lack of powerleveling hurts (kills) online population

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I would rather have a more complete game with bounties and all included before we start nitpicking about something that takes two hours to complete in the game.

Marco has mentioned in the past about wanting to remove nightmare altogether, but that's a massive amount of reworking and rebalancing for drops, monster difficulty, skill scaling, experience, etc.
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Crash wrote: we start nitpicking about something that takes two hours to complete in the game.

if 1-100 takes two hours i am all ears on the methods
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Well it depends on the build mostly + how much crystals you have to farm, but most things only need tier 3 to at least beat nightmare if a wdm char, casters even less so cause you can just make cheap runewords 1 socket for pierce or skills/damage and just use summons every so often.

I wouldn't say this is a deathless AFK method, but it is doable
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Agree with OP. I see one main fun of this kind of games is to explore many builds of many chars. However, the lack of power leveling makes this a tedious process, which pretty much kills my excitement of testing out a build.
As a returning player from before sigma, I see that almost every patch aims at eliminating some "cheesy" aspects of the game. Power lvling, procs, itemization choices, items rerolling. The game experience to me now is complete different, where I have to be serious and grindy on doing almost everything. But I want to enjoy some cheese, I don't want to play a game where it feels as serious as work.
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Personally I don't find the process of getting xp in this game to be slow.. I mainly play solo and the few times I do join in on a open game farming a zone the xp goes so fast I would say its to fast.
Acid Prince
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Well, to be honest i feel the same as OP and don't really like most of the recent changes... They tried to increase long-term motivation but instead it feels less rewarding and fun to play.
What i totally dont get is those "balancing" mid season. Nerfing MF-Jewels last season when top player already got a bunch of them? Nerfing new builds to the ground when lots of players had fun playing them and invested a lot of tg & time? Seriously, thats how to shrink a playerbase :-(
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Well...if anyone is going to spend a bunch of TG for gear, that already takes out a chunk of 'long term motivation' or reward.
Don't talk about motivation or reward because you'd be a victim of your own consequence. (Well partially)

Is there any real competition going on? I'd assume it's only for a very small select group of people who actually manage to hit 140 on hardcore or kill Samael on whichever ladder. Whatever it is 'hardcore' players do. Most likely the main contender would be this individual called -Ben and various other forum regulars in awe and kowtow in a circle around him. That's how I imagine it anyway. :flip: :flip:

I play SSF on MP and sell whatever I don't need for TG. I have no use for TG. I just like to see the number get bigger. The same reason why some people get hooked to clicker games (lol).

I do think there's a valid case to sell Hell completed level 105 or 110 toons in the TG shop. Normal/Nightmare/Hell is more of a rite of passage than an actual challenge. Makes people willing to pay happy, makes people receiving the money happy as well no?
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Crash wrote:Marco has mentioned in the past about wanting to remove nightmare altogether, but that's a massive amount of reworking and rebalancing for drops, monster difficulty, skill scaling, experience, etc.

But it would be awesome. :mrgreen:
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Nah I disagree, personally I'd rather see all the effort and time that would take to remove a difficulty (or two, why stopping at one?) and rebalance the whole game channeled instead into making normal and nightmare (in particular) more worth playing and enjoyable. Median has become so much more than it ever was, and fading the end-game content focus/objective in favour of a more complete and solid experience, in my opinion, is a path worth considering always more at this point. In any case by no mean I'm suggesting this to be the "easy/fast-way", since it would require massive efforts expanded throughout several patches. Also I'm kind on the opposite side when it comes to experience gain: I think 1-100 goes by too fast and easy. Imho it should takes few days and not few hours... but again this would be something for a "slightly" different Median version than the current one. But there are some things I think we might agree on, e.g. being locked in specific zones in order to gain exp or facing some lvl gap walls instead of a smoother progression curve; but, in the end whatever the case, everything will keep getting better, there's surely no shortage of talent and dedication in the dev team.
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RequiemLux wrote:I think 1-100 goes by too fast and easy. Imho it should takes few days and not few hours

People want to get to "endgame" as fast as possible, and you cant blame them. Path of exile has the same philosophy, and running trough the storyline of acts in a few hours to get to "endgame" faster is one of its best feature. Why would people want to spend days to get to the exciting part of a game?