Lack of powerleveling hurts (kills) online population

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Lava Lord
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I played through normal this ladder then quit a1 of nightmare. Normal already felt like a slog, just teleporting running dodging through the content as fast as possible, then couldn't get phsyched up to do it again on nightmare.

I've played like 6 seasons on d2maniacs but haven't seen sigma endgame changes yet..
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Istaryu wrote:
RequiemLux wrote:I think 1-100 goes by too fast and easy. Imho it should takes few days and not few hours

People want to get to "endgame" as fast as possible, and you cant blame them. Path of exile has the same philosophy, and running trough the storyline of acts in a few hours to get to "endgame" faster is one of its best feature. Why would people want to spend days to get to the exciting part of a game?

Because ideally you'd make those segments more interesting and generally worth the time, I've pointed out that it would require a different version than the current one. Regarding poe I wouldn't count that as a "best feature", but sounds more likely an unintentional consequence of forgoing work on making the early game worth being part of the game itself. If all the action and cool stuff is in a potentionally open never-ending late game why even have the rest? my opinion and interest is oriented in making half of the game to not feel like a filler part, I think is one of the best way to increase retention, especially with the nature of ladder resets. SP is a different story.
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Completely agree, past 120 becomes so boring because leveling takes huge time and you cant go try other content because they are lvl locked. Why the hell there is a lvl lock?!?? This is diablo not an mmo.
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RequiemLux wrote:
Because ideally you'd make those segments more interesting and generally worth the time,

That is absolutely true. Right now, there is no point in running normal and nightmare at all. It is repetitive between difficulties (and we already ran it 100 times anyway) + no good loot. Now I would like to also make a comparison to PoE, pardon me. In PoE you have different kind of currencies that can be dropped along the way to end game, which can still be very valuable end game. Obviously the chance/time needed to get them would be much lower end game, but that serves as a pleasant surprise along the tedious boring process. Here, there is no such excitement at all. You used to be able to get UMO on the way, you can not anymore. And about ACs, you get much less ACs naturally (without grinding) than you need them to finish nightmare. Power leveling was a feature in MXL I hugely prefer compared to PoE , now it isn't anymore.
RequiemLux wrote:making half of the game to not feel like a filler part

Except it's not half of the game. I think that 90% MXL players do not think early game as half of the game. MXL has almost always about end game, with almost all its changes about end game features. Also I don't think something that players spend 5% or less of their time playing should be seen as half the game.
Acid Prince
45 | 2
Third season in a row for most players looks like:
105 IotsS
110 Jungle
115 K3K
120 Dunc/Teganze
125 Fauzt/Bremm
140 lost all motivation to do anything; or even earlier.

Thats 1-2 weeks of fun and the servers become empty. I really miss the opportunity to run many different uber level in a row while all feel kinda rewarding. TA is a joke. K3k also after lvl 119. who runs Cows anymore? Wouldnt touch Toraja with a pliers.

Powerleveling to be able to try different chars is one thing (which doesnt need to be available at the start of a ladder imho - i‘m fine with playing the early/mid game once). But please also change the exp-/ level-progression and available areas for lvl 105+.
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What are you talking about? Getting through normal and nightmare is much faster than in vanilla d2. Playing casually, you can get to start of hell in a day. Or in 2 to 3 afternoons.
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Yeah, powerleveling would help guys like me out.
Having a job and a real life - but also wanna play median. I made 3 chars since reset. (lvl 60 sin , lvl 50 sorc and now i got a lvl 117 barb)
Cant rly play with my mates cause they already 125+ and they are bored to farm kurast all day long ( they already did that hours, and i understand them)
I feel like when im hitting lvl 125 the ladder is already "over"..
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Stygian Watcher
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Manu300000 wrote:Am i the only one who is annoyed by playing through norm / nightmare / hell with every char, every time? I mean, i play this game and median since they are released. Played probably around 500 chars or even more :bounce:

if its that annoying then just stay in non ladder and respec with bellas...
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Some constructive feedback from someone who just tried playing online for this patch (please treat as constructive input, I'd like to see MP work well, but I don't feel that it's there yet).

First, I always felt that the design of d2 was a bit rubbish with having to repeat the same content 3 times in norm, nm & hell.

At least in old d2 you got a reasonable feel for how well the class was going to play whereas in median it's a walk in the park through the first two levels and most of hell. Only ubers are a real challenge. And I'm not saying that the solution is to make them harder, as I said that was always annoying in d2 anyway - and in d2 you could use cows to powerlevel.

Another factor here is that previous median versions changed d2 content (quests etc) but now the old d2 content has been set back into the game it's like levelling of 20 years ago, why would I want to do the same thing over and over for 20 years? And these 'quests' were boring then, they don't get better with age - what is the point of the A1 merc quest in nm and hell? Or the countess? Why doesn't Anya give us an amulet that is guaranteed to be good instead of just another random rare?

I've found this patch frustrating. I decided to try playing online instead of SP. What a mistake that was. The devs suddenly decided to nerf a couple of the new builds and took them from powerful to "I wish I hadn't chosen this class/build" in one step.

Also, I found that another old problem with d2 is still true here. Public games are useless. Example: I try to join a game called "Act1 nm" and find that they are in act 5 (they didn't bother to make another game with an appropriate name after killing Andariel). So I join another game and play through act 1 on my own while they are in act 2, so when I get to act 2 I have to join another game since everything is dead in this game's A2. So I join a game that says "A1 A1" and this time they are in A1 and they start shouting at me for doing their content in A2 (missing the point that they shouldn't be doing A2 content in a game called "A1 A1".

And on it goes. The only people who seem to be getting any fun from MP seemed to be people who were playing and making games together as friends, probably in real life. All in all, I never played with other people in any meaningful or positive way in the TSW servers. In the end I gave up and made passworded games.

Since I never got as far as having anything useful to trade, I never used that feature. With the public gaming being useless (and no pvp) I found the whole multiplayer experience worse than useless - it was actually worse than playing SP in every way, especially if you add in issues such as games dying or locking up, servers going down etc.

None of these problems exist in SP and I can powerlevel a new character by copying an old one, which means I only have to level each class once. The only downside of SP is that the items don't get changed to new versions of the same thing, so some can be over- or under-powered and I may not be aware of it (such as new set items) unless I know almost every word in the docs inside out. But then it's probably a good way to play SP if we throw away all our items except what we're wearing and start our items from scratch each season - at least that way it is like a fresh start, just with a newly-levelled character.

Yes, there are lots of ways to cheat in SP, so it needs some self-discipline since in the end you're only cheating yourself. And it depends how you define cheating. If an uber is seriously boring and time consuming (to my mind, which is the only one that counts in my games) then I can do it once and dupe it into other characters.

Just my views based on my experiences so far in MP, please don't shoot the messenger :)

Suggestion: In each account, after hell mode is unlocked by one character, make it possible to make a level 104 character and start in hell.
Lava Lord
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Captcha wrote:Some constructive feedback from someone who just tried playing online for this patch (please treat as constructive input, I'd like to see MP work well, but I don't feel that it's there yet).

First, I always felt that the design of d2 was a bit rubbish with having to repeat the same content 3 times in norm, nm & hell.

At least in old d2 you got a reasonable feel for how well the class was going to play whereas in median it's a walk in the park through the first two levels and most of hell. Only ubers are a real challenge. And I'm not saying that the solution is to make them harder, as I said that was always annoying in d2 anyway - and in d2 you could use cows to powerlevel.

Another factor here is that previous median versions changed d2 content (quests etc) but now the old d2 content has been set back into the game it's like levelling of 20 years ago, why would I want to do the same thing over and over for 20 years? And these 'quests' were boring then, they don't get better with age - what is the point of the A1 merc quest in nm and hell? Or the countess? Why doesn't Anya give us an amulet that is guaranteed to be good instead of just another random rare?

I've found this patch frustrating. I decided to try playing online instead of SP. What a mistake that was. The devs suddenly decided to nerf a couple of the new builds and took them from powerful to "I wish I hadn't chosen this class/build" in one step.

Also, I found that another old problem with d2 is still true here. Public games are useless. Example: I try to join a game called "Act1 nm" and find that they are in act 5 (they didn't bother to make another game with an appropriate name after killing Andariel). So I join another game and play through act 1 on my own while they are in act 2, so when I get to act 2 I have to join another game since everything is dead in this game's A2. So I join a game that says "A1 A1" and this time they are in A1 and they start shouting at me for doing their content in A2 (missing the point that they shouldn't be doing A2 content in a game called "A1 A1".

And on it goes. The only people who seem to be getting any fun from MP seemed to be people who were playing and making games together as friends, probably in real life. All in all, I never played with other people in any meaningful or positive way in the TSW servers. In the end I gave up and made passworded games.

Since I never got as far as having anything useful to trade, I never used that feature. With the public gaming being useless (and no pvp) I found the whole multiplayer experience worse than useless - it was actually worse than playing SP in every way, especially if you add in issues such as games dying or locking up, servers going down etc.

None of these problems exist in SP and I can powerlevel a new character by copying an old one, which means I only have to level each class once. The only downside of SP is that the items don't get changed to new versions of the same thing, so some can be over- or under-powered and I may not be aware of it (such as new set items) unless I know almost every word in the docs inside out. But then it's probably a good way to play SP if we throw away all our items except what we're wearing and start our items from scratch each season - at least that way it is like a fresh start, just with a newly-levelled character.

Yes, there are lots of ways to cheat in SP, so it needs some self-discipline since in the end you're only cheating yourself. And it depends how you define cheating. If an uber is seriously boring and time consuming (to my mind, which is the only one that counts in my games) then I can do it once and dupe it into other characters.

Just my views based on my experiences so far in MP, please don't shoot the messenger :)

Suggestion: In each account, after hell mode is unlocked by one character, make it possible to make a level 104 character and start in hell.

I usually just look how long a multiplayer game has been played and you can estimate what act they are on. A game named act 1 that has been up for an hour is probably a act 2 or act 3 game. So you join and see where they at. If they not where you want then join another game