what's a good farm spot

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idk what i'm doing wrong. i have asur's bane. the boss himself was extremely easy. but dodging every single possible barrel when some are thrown in parts of the map you can't see (like when standing in a doorway). and i die 3-4 times when i have to teleport across into a full room, just to kill enough that I can breathe after. An aggressive playstyle is much better and kept me alive easier than a sit back and spam knives while allowing merc to face tank the front (though he instantly dies when I teleport across).

While i'm ok with that many deaths for pushing to complete a charm (2 sin on first attempt which is nice), that's so extremely volatile for farming. I can't farm teganze for my shark xis atm either, I just die there. well maybe I could with edyrems and a very very slow path for a week till enough elements drop.

not sure. maybe i'll have to go back to the excruciatingly slow and low dmg trap sin or melee sorc. At least trap sin has the health pool to take a few hits, even though their highly gated by catalyst trap cd being so very long for this games pace. Melee sorc just doesn't give a flying fck about dmg intake once she's at 50-60% block, and close to 12-15k hp at this same point. Cause dying in 1 hit from something I can't always see, is a bit unenjoyable.
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I use a build like this guy for Duncraig farming. Works quite well.

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ya i can see pld being particularly good. but for aesthetic purposes i just don't enjoy pld or barbarian. Has nothing to do with their skills/builds at all. I'm trying to get sin to work, but no matter what approach i can't seem to get it to. throw sin has high tg/item requirements. where the last 3 items i'd need has a total cost of 400ish tg, and a health pool that's so small without good gear + charms that something looks at you and you die. claw sin suffers from the same thing, it looks at you and you go splat without 2x claw block + artifice mastery boosting health pool. Prismatic cloak + block don't do anything when that one ability gets through it and takes you from 100 > 0 from a small health pool. Trap sin is particularly strong i feel, but it's reliance on catalyst trap to do dmg is poor design and very tilting to me (20 second cd to do any relevant dmg, in a game paced so fast you'd need it closer to 5 seconds. hell i feel it's barely usable at 10s with clockwork boots, but that comes with a cost of immolation trap being useless points)

Xis - 100tg
Hexward - 45-80 depending on rolls
royal circlet - 250+

Just happens the one class I enjoy for aesthetics reasons happens to be a class that's very highly punished without really high gear. One mistake = death. blink (not skill) = death, play more relaxed while farming = death. . . . and the one build that isn't highly punishing (trap sin), has the worst type of restriction placed on it. A restriction designed to prevent you from enjoying the game by artificially slowing you down for little reason that I can see.

I'll stick to throw sin for now. but i'll adjust my path a little outside dunc till I have the health to survive a 1 shot from the barrels. not sure when that'll be but idk yet. I'll sell some of what i've collected atm. see what sells and what doesn't.
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cyborgtemplar wrote:throw sin has high tg/item requirements.

You are wrong. Royal circlet is not a must have for this build. Witchhunters hood is an option too, a more defensive one, or a good crafted helm. I'd say a beads of the snake queen is whats a must have, not royal circlet, but an angel heart does the job as well. And for xis rune, it is very easily farmable with this build. Anyways, if you dont like the playstyle of throw sin, then dont play it.
Literally every build wants items above lvl120, but how much those items cost is what determines how cheap a build is.
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witchunters is what i'm currently wearing. the playstyle for the most part i'm ok with. just the getting 1 shot by things I can't see in dunc due to a low health pool is the only real frustration i have. what are you using to farm xis rune with? atm i'm using https://tsw.vn.cz/acc/char.php?name=kiisara

I could potentially do teganze to farm my xis rune, it'd just be slow. If i move into an area without multiple edyrems up I tend to just die to a volley from 4-5 different sides. So I can most likely farm the xis rune. just takes quite a bit of time. . . . it's just my survival being really low that's the annoying part. Something that's 2-3 hits is one thing, but a 1 shot from near a doorway that i can't actually see coming is another. A lot of animations in dunc, and atm I don't have the experience needed to just dodge every barrel. . . . my dmg isn't even close to the issue in most circumstances, just survival.
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For tengaze I'm not sure with the sin but if you can shuffle some gems and items like the Tu skull cap gives 2 max res to get 80 max res it makes tengaze significantly better.

I can understand the frustration with wanting to farm on your main but I feel the only way to play median is to play one of the easy cookie cutter farm builds such as the summon barb to collect gear to play the char you want. Hopefully there's more big class changes to come.
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Teganze is super easy with maelstrom if you learn to dodge. I dont bother dodging most balls, just the big barrages when you pull a big pack, your avoid and block will deal with the small amounts of balls that get to you after, unless you are hit many balls in a small period of time.
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Azure Drake
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@cyborgtemplar: if you would have used the time you used to write these big posts here to do 2 or 3 teganze runs you would have your xis and 3 lvlups.

you can get most +max skill level charms now, so i wouldnt bother saving skills. you should have some beladonnas by now right?
just keep on running, items and levels will come.
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i have 3 bella's. and it really doesn't take that long to make a post, not at all. Teganze on the other hand takes a very long time for me. As istaryu mentioned, you gotta dodge every large volley. which is from multiple angles at every crossroad, so it takes quite awhile to deal with those crossroads. A few hits is relativley minor. I'm not using the TU, but i'm at roughly 80% max res atm.

throw sin is a kind of meta farming build. I'm just not great at dodging when doing farm content. I pay that much attention on uber bosses to deal with them, but just for farming i tend to prefer just speeding through it rather quickly. It takes a lot of runs to really drop anything sometimes. The nature of rng, the speed you can clear is just as important as your mf. . . . 100 mf and 4 minute runs vs 200 mf and 10 minutes? (very arbitrary;y numbers to make a point). Taking a long time to clear teganze makes it inefficient in my eyes. 20+ minutes to clear it is pretty long. In that same timeframe i can clear k3k several times. While teganze has better drops, the sheer quantity due to speed offsets it. (i'd do the amazon area, but arrowside is the death of me lol)