Is there such thing as a reanimate build?

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Jungle Hunter
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Title, i was wondering if you could stack a lot of reanimates to actually make a build or if it used to be a build
Thunder Beetle
52 | 2
i had quite a lot of fun with a necromancer.
roll a good orb of annihilation stat on wand and mana tide totem on shield.
go full hidden crafts.
get a bunch of reanimates. they are not your main source of dmg (even though they do decent damage), but they give you the freedom of casting OoA whenever you can/want to.
i was farming fautz quite easily, the colors were insane :)
Jungle Hunter
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coennek wrote:i had quite a lot of fun with a necromancer.
roll a good orb of annihilation stat on wand and mana tide totem on shield.
go full hidden crafts.
get a bunch of reanimates. they are not your main source of dmg (even though they do decent damage), but they give you the freedom of casting OoA whenever you can/want to.
i was farming fautz quite easily, the colors were insane :)

Hidden over Eerie crafts? Is it hard to sustain mana?
Thunder Beetle
52 | 2
well. even though i am far from being able to spam ooa, i can still cast it 2-3 times before waiting a moment for my mana to regen. mana tide totem on the shield really helps a lot. maxing embalming as well. if you can achieve ~30% reanimates in total you have enough meatshield to stay safe while waiting for the next ooa cast. a decent roll of
Screen of Viz-Jaq'Taar
Screen of Viz-Jaq'Taar
Quilted Armor (Sacred)

Defense: (11132 - 11789) to (12317 - 12993)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(5000 to 6000) Defense
2% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (6)
will come in quite handy as well.
i never pushed it to a limit, but it felt pretty strong.