2.1 DLab Build Recommendations

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Bone Archer
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What are good Dlab builds?
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The best build is one you have fun playing :-D
Rust Claw
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BigBKH wrote:The best build is one you have fun playing :-D

I have the most fun with the best build so.
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TechC wrote:What are good Dlab builds?

Non-melee tri-elemental dmg builds with innate sustain.

Reduced lifesteal wreaks havoc on melee/phys.

That said, I believe Xbow necro can clear labs just fine.
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Onyx Knight
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javelin ama :coolstorybob:
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Jav, only weakness really is navigator since you cannot trigger shieldmaiden.
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Navigator is not really a weakness: just chase him into a corner and watch him cast lightning circles that will never hit you, then hit him with shift down (he doesn't really cast comets melee range). When he tps out, you tp out and leave the screen to reset the ongoing lightning circles, repeat. Dies in 4-5 chases in red labs usually, no risk.