Σ 2.2 Bugs&Feedback

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The new forum front page looks great but the way it functions is annoying. It adds an extra click to get where you want to go and it opens a new tab. On mobile you end up with unnecessary tabs that you need to go back and close. Minor thing but still makes using the site worse than it used to be
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morphed wrote:Seer Druid spells gives baby damage from all skills after lvl 35-40, and after 60-65 levels it increases by 2-3 dmg per skill and gets to a point where it does not give any dmg at all i think its around lvl 90-95 , i see that in patch 2.1 skills were reworked to give better scaling early game , but mid-endgame there is not scaling at all from all skills , and as a caster you have atleast 70 points into seer spells , there's only force of nature that scales from all skills, not sure if this was intended but as it is now it makes all skills useless for this build , and as a caster all skills should be one of the best way of getting more damage, as it is now all skills from gear and charms are useless, maybe do the same like sorc spells to add Multiplier from base points, and let the soft point scale linear like sorc skills.

Also, Hunting banshee misses the target 90% of the time it depends of how fat the target is , if you cast on uldy for example 90% of the time wont hit in the middle and deals way less damage, pretty sure it needs to be polished a bit , maybe more aoe in the middle
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Deimoss’s avoid buff + more hp made 99% of builds even worse for him even though most skills were unable to scratch his HP even before buff , i think nerfing multihit skills like tantrum , wychwind , magnetic field , which are the only ones that can do him atm would be a better balance and revert his hp back to what it was , + deimoss hitbox is pretty small and most skills dont deal their full dmg which is pretty much why spells and other wdm skills suck against him, and ultimately revert his hp back to what it was , also skills that deal their damage instantly like Batstrike, Hunting banshee ( explosion skills) are useless here because of the avoid , if the avoid triggers then the full damage is nullified ..
Stygian Watcher
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Was messing around with saber of the stormsail in offhand on a whirlwind barb and was causing the game to "soft lock" and stop communicating. Couldnt take any further actions nor were mobs acting. Made new games and kept doing it. Changed the offhand to something else and stopped happening.
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Run speed too slow, game too slow early on.
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AH , Stormblast and Iceburst need a wdm buff ,coz Blast and AH deal 800% wdm per hit and burst 700% sure the dmg is double after max pierce but you have to waste a lot of gear to get that while skills like Carnage ,DJ , bladestorm , noctule etc , deal the same damage without pierce and you use all gear just to stack dmg, these skills were good before coz of PMSD bug and barb used to get a lot of PMSD from buffs and charms and felt insane dmg.
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So basically "trophy blessings" are not working with "any auralike other effect"? Intended or game mechanics limit?
(if i remove the 3pc set bonus from zak / wolf stance/ things are fine)...
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NEC,Under the condition of the has been called the magic spirit, Using Dux Infernum summon steel golems,
Will to crash the game。Server restart。
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Blood Golem
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Is there any chance that priestesses in TA will be less cowardish?. Sometimes you chase them as melee thru the whole arena. Isn't mod melee-unfriendly enough? XD
Rust Claw
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is it possible to do elemental essences from teganze as containers as well? I currently have 12 essences to only 1 runestone.