Possible solution to the Merc problem

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Azure Drake
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In the past, I’ve floated the idea of implementing a rez timer every time they die but I understand that’s probably tricky to implement and they’d still just die instantly in labs/other endgame content, even with max ele/phys resist. If they were made unkillable, you run the risk of cheese. The only solution that seems viable would be to make them untargetable. They cannot he killed but they cannot take aggro. This would prevent glass cannon builds from exploiting a meat shield.

Would it be possible to make them untargetable? To make mobs ignore them entirely while they fulfill their basic damage-dealing prerogative?

Feel free to stress test the idea.
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Bone Archer
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Untargetable mercs would be hilariously OP
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Slain Soul
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How about a universal Avoid against mercenaries? All monsters would receive an aura which grants them an avoid against mercs as follows: Normal/Bosses = 20% avoid/40%, Nightmare/Bosses = 40%/60%, Hell/Bosses = 60%/80%. Then they could still provide buffs and procs, but their clearing power will be greatly diminished so to balance their neutering, buff either their health, or give all mercs the same innate avoid against monsters that the monsters receive against the mercs to increase the mercs survivability. IMO, best of all worlds with this solution!
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Just delete mercs, best solution, merc's only for summoners :lol:
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Azure Drake
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Glow-Worm wrote:Untargetable mercs would be hilariously OP

They don't do enough damage for that to be true. If they weren't targetable, they'd be nothing more than a slight DPS pad.
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OnlyForFun wrote:Just delete mercs, best solution, merc's only for summoners :lol:

Whoa there. Wolf players everywhere want to know your location.
Son of Lucion
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Make them wear rings and charms
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Untargetable mercs would be boring. You'd just be giving every class a set of extra skills which auto cast randomly. It would look like a character, but not really be a character.

IMO, the purpose of mercs isn't damage dealing, it's tanking and/or support for the player's damage dealing and filling in for a party when you're in singleplayer.

An automatic Rez timer sounds like a decent idea and I wouldn't be surprised if the devs could implement it given all the other new stuff they've done like boss lockout timers.

It could also help if they had defensive / escape skills to use when on low HP. So rather than just dying quickly, if they get hammered and use their safeguards you'll then be able to play it safe until those skills are off cooldown. Being able to see your merc's cooldowns would help massively for that. Actually, being able to see your own cooldowns without needing to switch to a skill would be great. Even if it's just a buff which does nothing but show up as an icon until the cooldown expires.
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Pit Knight
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It's just AI being dump, not their defense being bad. You won't fix it with buff, it's just the way it works.
IMO it would be fun to control them with Say commands(ones on numeric pad)
"Follow me" - go back to player
"Help" - Fight defensive( maybe sth like reduce follow range)
"Now you die" - GO IN :D
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Jungle Hunter
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imo mercs should be a little overpowered

better than being useless lol