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Hey guys, I started farming duncraig recently. The thing is I hate those fucking barrels :evil: ,as most of you (probably), but i can manage dodging them in open areas, the problem is i'm having trouble as i teleport through walls and find myself sourrounded by those slain souls, so i cant move and dodge the barrel explosion, tried circling the room but at some point i just get locked by slain souls melee hits. So I wanna ask how you guys manage this problem, I'm playing a Trap Rat.
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Kraken Guard
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Carry tp scrolls on your belt at all times. If you cant teleport away because of cooldown then pop a portal and try to get in fast (i hope you have fhr breakpoint by now).
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Polar Worm
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Swagkitten wrote:Hey guys, I started farming duncraig recently. The thing is I hate those fucking barrels :evil: ,as most of you (probably), but i can manage dodging them in open areas, the problem is i'm having trouble as i teleport through walls and find myself sourrounded by those slain souls, so i cant move and dodge the barrel explosion, tried circling the room but at some point i just get locked by slain souls melee hits. So I wanna ask how you guys manage this problem, I'm playing a Trap Rat.

U manage it by gitting guuder at it..
(also by rejoining if u cant pick ur body)
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hello, I read about the unformed Land Pierce, but is there any difference now in 80% max res or 90%+ max res from dmg income ?.
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having some issues with soul of envy part of the void. It seems that i dont have enough DPS to kill him since he just instaheals right away. Is there a healing mechanic that deals with his minions? using imperius set atm w ashareas armor and rare jewelry and amulet so my gear is not incredible but i have around 39k topend mindflay with 4 beams. is my dps just not sufficient or is there a mechanic i just am not aware of.

also fuck pride maze XD havent been able to get through it yet so any tips there are appreciated. im thinking that using tps is a waste as when i come back in from town i just get 1hk0ed by 4 lightning beams. so im going to just try running through like a madman without tping to town. just wish i could kill the darkspawn faster.

void is a sadistic uber...

edit : when i get back from work i can post ss of my gear.
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Currently working on getting charms, have most of the easy ones. I play a fire/cold sorc and currently I am using an Exemplar merc. Would an act5 merc be better, and what kind of end game gear am i looking for for my merc. Crafts, RW, SU? TY.
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I'm playin' tantrum assassin with xis amok runeword and xis lily circlet, perfect hellfire plate and hanabigami. But in destruction it seems i cant do much. Fauzt is impossible. Any suggestions?
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Dreamhunter wrote:I'm playin' tantrum assassin with xis amok runeword and xis lily circlet, perfect hellfire plate and hanabigami. But in destruction it seems i cant do much. Fauzt is impossible. Any suggestions?

Switch to Judge + ATMG Shield
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Im working on a tree druid, and question on stun, how much fhr do i need to avoid the stun locks.
it seems when i get hit with stun and it lasts i cant move and cant do anything when other mobs are on me.

is there away to avoid this? or reduce?