Σ 2.3 Bugs&Feedback

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Cow Ninja
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Baburecc wrote:Bug: Just spent 5 Farnham umos on honorific boots and it got negative MS because i though i could cube with celestial wind effigy but it just doesnt cube the item with it for some reason.

Edit: with further testing it doesnt even work on item that has 32% ms. Please fix it because it makes unable to use marbles(even 1) with celestial effigy on the boots

U cant celestial boots that started with 40%ms.
Stone Warrior
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smartasss wrote:
Baburecc wrote:Bug: Just spent 5 Farnham umos on honorific boots and it got negative MS because i though i could cube with celestial wind effigy but it just doesnt cube the item with it for some reason.

Edit: with further testing it doesnt even work on item that has 32% ms. Please fix it because it makes unable to use marbles(even 1) with celestial effigy on the boots

U cant celestial boots that started with 40%ms.

But i just did...after i failed those boots i made 40% base honorifics, applied 5 farnhams they became 0 and celestial wind worked. I think Sio was right on discord she said that celestial does a check for 0,5,10...35 ms and makes it 40 so if the number isnt a divisor of 5 or positive it wont work
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If you Whirlwind bug on Assassin (dual claw at least) your character becomes completely bugged out (Immortal, cant deal damage, can't teleport etc; Completely lagged out) the only way to fix it is to leave game.
Cow Ninja
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Ekital wrote:If you Whirlwind bug on Assassin (dual claw at least) your character becomes completely bugged out (Immortal, cant deal damage, can't teleport etc; Completely lagged out) the only way to fix it is to leave game.

Its a bug since vanilla. If u die or lv up during whirlwind u got from oskill u will be stuck in ww animation till u leave the game.
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smartasss wrote:
Ekital wrote:If you Whirlwind bug on Assassin (dual claw at least) your character becomes completely bugged out (Immortal, cant deal damage, can't teleport etc; Completely lagged out) the only way to fix it is to leave game.

Its a bug since vanilla. If u die or lv up during whirlwind u got from oskill u will be stuck in ww animation till u leave the game.

It's not just dying or leveling up. It happens just normally if you bug it into stationary animation against a monster.
Lava Lord
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Any druid can morph into a bear, cast idol of scosglen, uncast the morph and enjoy free +30% PR.
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I've been having a really strange issue: sometimes, when I change skills and right-click, my character will still perform its previously selected skill once. This is quite annoying and rippy (for example, I want to quickly blink away and my character will still attack with the first click, and will only blink on the second click).

I have no idea why this started to happen. The issue persists across multiple characters, keyboards and mouses, and I played with no issues two seasons ago on the same computer.
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Idk if reported yet, but possible bug with Astrogha fight:

Spider Statues don’t seem to trigger Bladestorm’s or Fusillade’s missiles (skills like Spiral Dance work fine though). Tested on multiple statues in multiple games just to be sure. Maybe intentional? Not really that big a deal either way.

Otherwise, gg on the Astrogha rework. This new version feels much more engaging.
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Monkey King
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@Solfege exactly as they "improved" Void, Spirit of Giyua earlier.

Void could get long, but it was much simpler.

Giuya is grandmaster in stupidity. Previously, it was enough to kill all electric mobs and drag all summons into one place. The only little difficulty is not to stand in her circle of lightning and destroy the nest using Purify.

Now, first you have to destroy nests from the whole map and the boss himself summons the next ones. With a strong heo, there is not much pain, but on purpose I took a weaker hero and those little summons flew about 20-30. And that is to simplify this dungeon in return for removing Purify.

We are waiting for the Lazarus dungeon remaster (-: (-: (-: