2.7 Bugs & Feedback

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when eating signets of learning and you need less signets than the custom signet of learning has in them ex 3 to hit 400 and custom signet has a greter number, it consumes all the signets instead of what is needed.
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BoneZone wrote:when eating signets of learning and you need less signets than the custom signet of learning has in them ex 3 to hit 400 and custom signet has a greter number, it consumes all the signets instead of what is needed.

Thats not a bug, you can still consume sigs when you are at 400, they just wont do anything
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feels like a waste if u make multiple characters.
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Beta in Fautz has significantly less survivability than the other robot bosses for some reason. Dies offscreen very often.
215 | 19
Killed Kabraxis 182 times, got a trophy and 20 extra fragments, but not perfect charm. Maybe it's time to change this quest to something similar to Riftwalker 3 with extra steps to get max resits? Or introduce formula to cube 3 trophies for perfect charm?
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bah, with a charm that powerful, dropped from a relatively simple boss fight, and the fact that most people will just ditch the poison max res, i think its fine the way it is. hope you find arrogance soon, though ;)
Dark Huntress
12 | 1
On Deimoss, I found a rare bug, which consists in the fact that the activated shrine with a heal disappears and does not heal the boss and minions for a while (I've had different times when the shrine didn't work in the arena, from 20 seconds to 2 minutes), and then appears again, and this is not affected by repeated use of purify. For some reason, it occurs during a long stay in the arena (without deaths), somewhere in the region of 5 minutes.
Dark Huntress
12 | 1
I would like the Dimensional Plane location to have an npc or portal shrine that opens a portal to the city (it is better that you can also get into Tur Dulra if the player was in it for the last time). This was fixed on Uldyssian and in Yshari sanctum (labyrinth), but for some reason not before Deimoss. Sometimes people forget to open the portal in the Dimensional Plane and if they die on Deimoss, they will not be able to go to Deimoss again, even if the lock timer in Dimensional plane and Twisted sanctum has not expired.
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When fighting ancient riftwalker to get lab stone, you cannot exit out of the red portal to go to belial fight.