Thank you Siosilvar

Discuss Median XL!
Pit Knight
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The other post is locked. So i made this one. :D
Thank you for all the contributions you have made they have been noticeable.
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Thanks for all you have done. Thanks for honesty, frustration, funny answers. Thanks for all the good work.
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Thanks for all the work and being the pillar of this community.
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Stygian Watcher
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Sinking ship? Might be time to pull the plug
Refund all TG and call it a
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Bone Archer
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Pretty peas if you see this make a video about it. The decline of median happened when mnx took over. The entire team as well
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Bone Archer
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Pretty peas if you see this make a video about it. The decline of median happened when mnx took over. The entire team as well
Rust Claw
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Thank you Sio
Cow Ninja
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ApolloNine wrote:Pretty peas if you see this make a video about it. The decline of median happened when mnx took over. The entire team as well

I'm sorry, who do you think was the team when I started playing this mod in 2014 and who do you think invited me to the team because he liked my ideas and thought I could contribute?

It is absolutely disrespectful of you to ask me to publicly disparage the people I've worked with over the past ~21 months. Go back to whatever corner you came from.
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Did I miss something around here? RE topic, you're a great moderator Siosilver, keep up the great work!
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Sad to hear you leaving. Thanks for your time spent on the mod and helping people around in forums/discord. Have a good rest.

ApolloNine wrote:Pretty peas if you see this make a video about it. The decline of median happened when mnx took over. The entire team as well

I don't think many people will agree with this. There's a lot of improvements to the mod since marco took over. There's some things I personally don't agree with since 2.0, but it is what it is. Old versions are still available for you to play though.