Killing Nithogur

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Thunder Beetle
57 | 1
Hello guys i play SP and i háve my melee nec on 150 lvl... I Wonder about killing nithogur but i dont háve and idea about what should i háve in my items, Like max res, % res, life, Def and other stats.... so any idea about items?
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It's basically just Samael and Deimoss in the same fight; after that I think he does al lele damage, but no magical
Thunder Beetle
57 | 1
I see so i need 90max res.... what about amount of ele res? Is 260% enough?
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dont go over 16.9k life, u get penalized for it.
Thunder Beetle
57 | 1
What is the penalty for that?
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Neles wrote:What is the penalty for that?

In the arena you have -2 max res. For every 1.5k hp above 17k (or 16.5k, not sure) you get an additional -1 max res. There is no flat resistance penalty. Reaching 50% physical res is recommended, as in the 2nd phase desolation might otherwise kill you even if you have all buffs collected. Poison hits hard in this fight and avoid helps a lot against it, but if you don't have avoid you might have to get more max poison res and/or life.
Thunder Beetle
57 | 1
Ok but what about % res.... is the amount of res needed Like for examole in T10? Because of pierce?
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Neles wrote:Ok but what about % res.... is the amount of res needed Like for examole in T10? Because of pierce?

As marrt commented, it's MAX RES based on total life -2; it's like fighting Phoboss, you need max res overcapped if you want to be capped for the fight, but you need 2% max + hp dependent amount in all res. Might be worth gearing down to 16.5/17k hp