Necromancer Shields (zombie heads, etc) keep rolling with + to druid skills instead of necromancer skills.
I've seen it multiple occasions.
BearBearderBarb wrote:But the whole point of labs is to be an annoying waste of time with no rewards by design. If anything they should add Toraja and Yshari bosses to be in line with this.
wuxiangjinxing wrote:ACT3 merc cannot equip warp blade (sorcerer-spec crystal sword)
The reason is in itemtypes.txt, the parent of scrd is mele. Instead, it shall be set to csrd. Setting its parent to mele makes ACT3 merc not know that this is a sword.
alchemistfm wrote:wuxiangjinxing wrote:ACT3 merc cannot equip warp blade (sorcerer-spec crystal sword)
The reason is in itemtypes.txt, the parent of scrd is mele. Instead, it shall be set to csrd. Setting its parent to mele makes ACT3 merc not know that this is a sword.
I wondered about that - glad it's not just me.
That aside -- is it me, or does Arachnomancy not do damage (or nowhere near as much damage) if enemies are haunted/caught in Miasma? Edit: wait duh, of course, because they're already poisoned.
it should apply the stronger poison dps i nthat case, right?
Poison mechanics: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=70559
BearBearderBarb wrote:Do you have the upgrade for Miasma which makes it do 0 damage?