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Slain Soul
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1.>>>>>>>>>Q on Tectonics for Earthquake Barb;

WHEN DOES IT BECOME USEFUL?...... Such a useless skill so far! Up till clvl 122 or so, I had 10 points into that bullshit skill with 4.5k STR. I respec'd and just followed Ariels advice to ditch that useless POS skill, but now I'm building up skill points once again and I got over 5K STR and about now I'm wondering when that skill actually starts to shine? How much STR is necessary to make it not just a meh skill, but a cannot live without skill? Is the skill valuable enough to MAX +STR on all my gear before hitting full endgame?

2.>>>>>>>>>Q on Giuy Spirit dude... how the fuck to kill this guy? Purify does not work. I can't figure out how to damage him, and almost everything melts to my barb. Suggestions welcome.
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You have to kill all nests in proximity for him to lose immunity.
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Slain Soul
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BearBearderBarb wrote:You have to kill all nests in proximity for him to lose immunity.

Derp. Thank you!
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Monkey King
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GoochMcNuts wrote:Hi guys, I know that spell procs scale with spell casting stats like spell power, spell focus and energy. Does that include +skills? Like if I have a level 50 flamefront on striking does that turn to level 70 something with all the +skills from gear/charms etc?

you cannot change the skill lvl of a given proc. so no, they are not affected by +all/+class skill lvls.

also, if you get for example 2 identical procs, the proc %chance gets added up, not the proc lvl.
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Hi guys, the redeemer gives my fire spell dmg to fire elementals. Does this work if I have the relic or does it require the actual skill tree talent?
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Cow Ninja
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GoochMcNuts wrote:Hi guys, the redeemer gives my fire spell dmg to fire elementals. Does this work if I have the relic or does it require the actual skill tree talent?

Redeemer's orange mod should work with the relic.

Problem is, Elementals won't do much fire damage without base levels from Blood Ama tree (those scale FSD and most importantly Fire Pierce) - without proper fire pierce their damage will be non-existent in the endgame.
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How to drop item directly from cube?
Monkey King
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yyyyy wrote:How to drop item directly from cube?

drop cube, whatever is inside will spread on the floor, just as in real life :)
no other option atm.
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Hello, I found the fireheart totem and it does good dmg with my fire build but they have no range at all and they also die super easy, is there an effective way to use these totems?