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How do I know when a heroic has spawned? Do I have to search the entire place for them or is there some sort of cue?
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kikinak wrote:How do I know when a heroic has spawned? Do I have to search the entire place for them or is there some sort of cue?

You can summon heroic bosses (BPR, Qouv Tsin, Belial and Astrogha) by using Dark Summoning skill from the book.
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Ice Clan
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kikinak wrote:How do I know when a heroic has spawned? Do I have to search the entire place for them or is there some sort of cue?

Heroics are just random monster formations (that are a bit rarer I think?) just that they're bosses instead of monsters (and spawn lone instead of a pack).
For example, Quov Tsin.
When you enter stony tomb, you search the entire tomb for 2 reasons:
1: QT teleports everywhere, so all the tomb needs to be cleared beforehand.
2: To look for a good spot to summon him.

However, QT sometimes already spawns in the tomb without the need to summon him, in this case you can either fight him or make new game to summon him properly.
If QT didn't spawn and the tomb is clear, you go to a good spawn point and start spamming dark summon until he appears.
You know it's QT because he has unique name, heroic shield (aka full immunities) and he fires a lazorbeam and trinity novas.
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What are important stats to have on werewolf ring? Aside from +1 and unseelie. Need -enemy res?
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Pit Knight
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Does Toraja have a guaranteed chance to drop a Great Rune? Can Celebrant of the Triune drop Great Runes or only Morlu?
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BlackZ wrote:Does Toraja have a guaranteed chance to drop a Great Rune? Can Celebrant of the Triune drop Great Runes or only Morlu?

Morlu and celebrant can both drop great runes. Idk what you mean by guaranteed but you do have a chance, RNG
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Pit Knight
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annihilus5 wrote:
BlackZ wrote:Does Toraja have a guaranteed chance to drop a Great Rune? Can Celebrant of the Triune drop Great Runes or only Morlu?

Morlu and celebrant can both drop great runes. Idk what you mean by guaranteed but you do have a chance, RNG

Ty for replying, by "guaranteed" I did mean without summoning more, can at least one great rune drop every single run when I completely clear the whole level?
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RNG, can go 10 runs without finding anything then find multiple gr in one run.

A trick you can try is trapping Lillith behind a wall and killing the morlus she spawns
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Pit Knight
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annihilus5 wrote:RNG, can go 10 runs without finding anything then find multiple gr in one run.

A trick you can try is trapping Lillith behind a wall and killing the morlus she spawns

Thanks for the tips :D
Acid Prince
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Would like to play something based on procs, so any good way to know if X skill will proc on striking/on attack? (for example, does any throw/bow skill proc on attack and on striking?)
For instance Druid's LAUGHING GHOST launches a thingy wich explodes in a nova, does the atack itself have a chance to proc on atack skills and do the enemies caught in the nova have a chance to suffer my "CtC on striking" skills?
(i find the projectile based skills hard to read when the matter is if they will or will not proc things, so any other clarification/exeption would be appreciated)