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Support for viewing own skillplans & editing has been added, and fixed many bugs as well.
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Looks very neat, definitely gives the in-game feel. However, to start off, I had to start up Firefox to test it. On Chrome I somehow couldn't get past the class selection screen (it's like the character didn't get selected when I clicked it). I'm not really a fan of the way settings are set either (prompted questions).
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It should work fine on chrome, after clicking the character were you able to see the name (permanently) under it? You can also check developer console and see if there's some kind of error.

As for settings layout, I know I'm going to get this asked a million times. I decided to take this approach because:
1) It's more modern and fun (filling tiny checkboxes is lame)
2) It can be done purely with keyboard and literally under 10 seconds
3) Checkboxes are the result of hardcoding, noone cares where you get your +max skills from, this keeps the code more dynamic, straight forward and faster
4) You don't need to fill the settings anyway because default ones (level 120, all quests, all charms, SP, all challenges) will do just fine
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Marco wrote:It should work fine on chrome, after clicking the character were you able to see the name (permanently) under it? You can also check developer console and see if there's some kind of error.

Nope, the name doesn't stay there, and the OK button stays greyed out. Didn't think of checking the console, which I just did. It doesn't catch any error. However, disabling adblock seems to do the trick... Intended?
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Obviously not, this site doesn't run ads :roll:

I'm assuming you're having problems loading the event handlers for the class sprites, there might be some weird configuration in your ad blocker or some extension corrupting jQuery's $ variable, or for some reason your cache'd javascript asset is wrong, in which case you could try Ctrl+F5 to clear your cache and see if it works.
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Ctrl+F5 did the trick. Not sure why it was necessary though, maybe I went on the page before you made some changes or something.
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Lava Lord
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The characters on the selection screen are sometimes distorted, but that might just be my linux.
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Works really great, typed in the build name I wanted and selected a character - pressed okay - and got to the talent screen.

How about planned features? Will there be skill/talent descriptions in the future? At least some abbreviations and percantages would be nice.
Also, max points for each skill (if they are different) - I personally don't know how many points I can put into a talent.
Edited by Crowned 8 years.
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Great work! 2016 is being a productive year so far :D
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Ok, how do I delete my skillplan rathen then re-save it?
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Doesn`t work with Microsoft Edge.