Σ 1.6 Bugs&Feedback

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dronn1k wrote:Rathma's Chosen aura has no effect on the player. Skill obtained from Relic.


Read the skill description.
Acid Prince
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v1.6. When I enable Amazon's Estactic Frenzy, the defense value doesn't set to 0 but some minus value. I don't have any -defense affix of any debuff.
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Hurricane isn't casted properly when transformed as Baal in the Tal Rasha fight. Tested with 60% FCR and 110% FCR.

Specifically, the stamina and mana is still drained, but, the hurricane animation does not appear and damage is not dealt to the mobs.
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The 0% Avoid Aura from the book of possession gets removed if you have the Witch Hunters Crufix equipped. You have to unequip it and re-pick up the book to kill Lucion
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when i equip
Dawn (Xis)
balance knife, it shows that "town portal is disabled by enemy!". and when i load the character with offline tool it crashes.
also the item states of
Dawn (Xis)
in offline tool is incorrect.

6 | 0
Diaco wrote:Some feedback regarding elemental bases: I love the concept, I just wish they were actually usable. Since they came out I've been trying to make an elemental build work, but they require far more investment than regular physical bases, for essentially way lesser payoff and many disadvantages. I've been able to farm dunc and fauzt with elemental builds, sure, but the problem is that the level of investment to attain that as opposed to physical is insane.

Here are some problems I find with the current state of elemental bases:
1) Though the addition of IED does help elemental bases, it's way too rare and in too low numbers to actually make them useful. There are no SUs with the affix (not even elemental base SUs!), no set items or bonuses that provide it, and can only be attained via MOs, rainbow stones, trinity shrines and charms, albeit in baby numbers that don't actually make a big difference. A good way of solving this could be to make the IED MOs available to all gear, instead of being restricted to weapon only, or maybe even actually adding IED to the affix pool like almost all other modifiers.

2) Only two skills provide IED right now, Nephalem Spirit and Anathema which means that elemental bases are almost restricted to barbarian and assassin. Even though barb has neph spirit, the actual elements on elemental bases don't synergize well with his skills. Stormblast requires a sword, but the only elemental sword is cold. You could argue that stormblast doesn't provide any actual lightning bonuses, but if there was a lightning sword you could actually synergize it with daedalus in the same skill tree. Iceburst requires an axe, and unlike stormblast actually provides a bonus for cold damage, but the only axe elemental bases are lightning and fire, in fact, the two most powerful axe skills are cold based. At least barbarian has a way to sustain with an elemental base in the form of Blood Hatred... On the other hand, Assassin has no way of sustaining with an elemental base. This is not a bad thing per se, but the problem is that the elemental damage on Wrist Blade is so low, even with Anathema and full investment in pierce and IED, that in the end I don't feel there's any actual benefit for going lightning instead of physical (except maybe to kill necrobots faster?). As far as I can see, going elemental provides only drawbacks on assassin.

3) IED is restricted to very few and VERY rare sources of sustain. LoA is the most common, but will only work on melee hits. Life Spark is a great source of sustain, but it's only available in crafts and
Scale Mail (Sacred)

Defense: (7200 - 8440) to (8922 - 10307)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
Adds 5 - 7 Fire Damage to Weapon per 2% Attack Speed
Weapon Physical Damage -150%
1% Chance to cast level 6 Life Spark on Striking
-20% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(1000 to 2000) Defense
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
(50 to 75)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
, which means you either go with a craft or go fire (assuming you are using a heavy multihitting skill and have the actual SSU). This almost nullifies all elemental base SUs unless you are melee or are extremely tanky via other means. then there's life after kill, which is an actual option, but the problem is that most sources of life after kill reside more in caster gear than WDM gear, and since elemental bases rely on WDM skills this makes it very hard to attain any relevant level of LaeK without sacrificing other stats. And last there is life on striking, which is so rare and in so low numbers that I don't even think I have to explain why it's not practical.

4) Gear becomes very restricted when trying to go elemental because there are few bases and all have fixed elements. If at least elemental bases could roll different elements, this could open up a ton of gear permutations and possibilities.

Anyways, the only reason I'm making this post is because I really, really, want to see the concept of elemental bases grow and actually become more than a meme. I don't see many people experimenting with them, and it makes sense, because right now they are so restricted in so many ways that there's not much theorycraft to be done around them. I'm not an expert by any means, so maybe I'm missing something and there are builds out there that can take advantage of elemental bases (besides cold dex wolf), and if so I'd be glad to hear it, but as far as I can tell, the consensus is that there are no viable elemental WDM builds.

Elemental sin is op, i raped uldy,haha. U havent gone far enough and well-understand to play elemental base
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Diaco wrote:Some feedback regarding elemental bases: I love the concept, I just wish they were actually usable. Since they came out I've been trying to make an elemental build work, but they require far more investment than regular physical bases, for essentially way lesser payoff and many disadvantages. I've been able to farm dunc and fauzt with elemental builds, sure, but the problem is that the level of investment to attain that as opposed to physical is insane.

Here are some problems I find with the current state of elemental bases:
1) Though the addition of IED does help elemental bases, it's way too rare and in too low numbers to actually make them useful. There are no SUs with the affix (not even elemental base SUs!), no set items or bonuses that provide it, and can only be attained via MOs, rainbow stones, trinity shrines and charms, albeit in baby numbers that don't actually make a big difference. A good way of solving this could be to make the IED MOs available to all gear, instead of being restricted to weapon only, or maybe even actually adding IED to the affix pool like almost all other modifiers.

2) Only two skills provide IED right now, Nephalem Spirit and Anathema which means that elemental bases are almost restricted to barbarian and assassin. Even though barb has neph spirit, the actual elements on elemental bases don't synergize well with his skills. Stormblast requires a sword, but the only elemental sword is cold. You could argue that stormblast doesn't provide any actual lightning bonuses, but if there was a lightning sword you could actually synergize it with daedalus in the same skill tree. Iceburst requires an axe, and unlike stormblast actually provides a bonus for cold damage, but the only axe elemental bases are lightning and fire, in fact, the two most powerful axe skills are cold based. At least barbarian has a way to sustain with an elemental base in the form of Blood Hatred... On the other hand, Assassin has no way of sustaining with an elemental base. This is not a bad thing per se, but the problem is that the elemental damage on Wrist Blade is so low, even with Anathema and full investment in pierce and IED, that in the end I don't feel there's any actual benefit for going lightning instead of physical (except maybe to kill necrobots faster?). As far as I can see, going elemental provides only drawbacks on assassin.

3) IED is restricted to very few and VERY rare sources of sustain. LoA is the most common, but will only work on melee hits. Life Spark is a great source of sustain, but it's only available in crafts and
Scale Mail (Sacred)

Defense: (7200 - 8440) to (8922 - 10307)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
Adds 5 - 7 Fire Damage to Weapon per 2% Attack Speed
Weapon Physical Damage -150%
1% Chance to cast level 6 Life Spark on Striking
-20% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(150 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(1000 to 2000) Defense
Maximum Fire Resist +2%
(50 to 75)% Bonus to Defense
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
, which means you either go with a craft or go fire (assuming you are using a heavy multihitting skill and have the actual SSU). This almost nullifies all elemental base SUs unless you are melee or are extremely tanky via other means. then there's life after kill, which is an actual option, but the problem is that most sources of life after kill reside more in caster gear than WDM gear, and since elemental bases rely on WDM skills this makes it very hard to attain any relevant level of LaeK without sacrificing other stats. And last there is life on striking, which is so rare and in so low numbers that I don't even think I have to explain why it's not practical.

4) Gear becomes very restricted when trying to go elemental because there are few bases and all have fixed elements. If at least elemental bases could roll different elements, this could open up a ton of gear permutations and possibilities.

Anyways, the only reason I'm making this post is because I really, really, want to see the concept of elemental bases grow and actually become more than a meme. I don't see many people experimenting with them, and it makes sense, because right now they are so restricted in so many ways that there's not much theorycraft to be done around them. I'm not an expert by any means, so maybe I'm missing something and there are builds out there that can take advantage of elemental bases (besides cold dex wolf), and if so I'd be glad to hear it, but as far as I can tell, the consensus is that there are no viable elemental WDM builds.

agree with most, but i find 1.) IED to be a useless fucking stat. the damage bonus it gives does not scale nearly well enough with stats. all these 67% of dex to tri ele and such need a major boost for IED to start kicking in to be competitive. These should be like 80%. There's really no reason not to give these the buff they need -- no one plays ele bases except maybe new clawsin set cause it sounds promising at least.

2.) Lifespark needs to gain more regen. I was told it can stack with itself, but at 1% striking and hitting fairly often with bowzon, I'm seeing like 200 hp per second which is really insignificant at 15k hp. I think it works by giving % of max life per second, but it certainly doesnt feel like it. Constantly having to rely on potion healing because lifespark feels so weak.
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So far this season for me has been more annoying than fun or exciting. And before anyone says "you need to step out of your comfort zone and experiment with other builds/characters"... I've played this mod since around 2009; last season I played a trap rat druid--this season a uhc Paladin.

Two bugs I've found and reported so far: the constantly changing appearance of superbeast going from translucent to normal, and the inability to move after dying (which another member of the community reached out to me via Discord to confirm they were experiencing it as well). See more here: https://github.com/Median-XL/Issue-Tracker/issues

Relics were the new and exciting "secret sauce" of the new season and I have yet to find one. At all. At this point even if a crappy/useless Relic dropped I would still be content. If I'm reading this right..."The SU variants are typically found beginning at Area Levels of 104 and beyond, SSU variants begin dropping in Area Level 119 areas, and SSSUs start dropping in Area Level 130 areas" (this page: https://docs.median-xl.com/doc/items/sacreduniques#idx8)
which tells me--unless I'm wrong here--that relics should start dropping in level 120 areas, like Duncraig. I would LOVE to start finding relics and start experimenting with crazy crossover builds, however the drop rates seem quite low and inconsistent with those of SU drops correlating to alvl. I know they're the new and enticing addition to the season and there are many who will donate money for tg to buy Relics but they shouldn't be so exclusive that they're damn near unattainable to get--and all the fun goes out the window with a handful of players having an oligopoly on the Relic “market.”

Suggestion: Make some new, lower level required relics that drop more often...or nerf some of the relics down so they're easier to find.
Without going too far into Median's existential problem of in-balance whereby no one can just pick any character and build, go from level 0 all the way to Samael and Deimoss without being the "right" build and/or having the "right" stats and/or gear at the "right" times. An example of this is Quov Tsin: as a "gear-check" boss, with enough max elemental resistances you can tank his tribeam attack which is LITERALLY half the difficulty of fighting him--the rest of it is just avoiding the bone spears, moving around as he does because he's also a "blink" boss (he teleports away when struck), and taking advantage of the fact that you can cast spells over long distances off the screen (as he does) to kill him.

Lower-level required relics can help to bridge the gaps that many builds have that are needed to meet these challenges (like avoid, max elemental resists, defense, etc) and still offer a high diversity of challenging gameplay and trading within the community, while at the same time making people "work" (farm/experiment/rebuild/respec/regear/trade/etc) to solve that challenges' internal mechanic as it relates to what their character needs at the time. We need to get past this romantic obsession with the "farmer/charmer" dichotomy of builds and characters.
btw: if you think Sigma is "balanced" in the sense that it's fair to all characters and builds--I have a beach-front property in Chernobyl to sell you...

Another example of this is Kingdom of Shadow. Can we please be done with this long, superfluous, ridiculous walk across the Kingdom to fight some un-targetable zombies and their asshole boss that dies in 2-3 hits? Or better yet: get rid of the lockout timer (another stupid new "feature" of Sigma) on it. Or extend it beyond 20 seconds--a minute, at least, is reasonable imho. Or get rid of lockout timers altogether.

Off the top of my head I can think of (maybe) 2 characters that can kill Brother Laz...no portals, 15 seconds lockout, and he still has totems!? what the actual fuck? And he's not even the "final boss" anymore because the devs decided to come up with "MXL exclusive lore" that includes monsters/enemies that have NOTHING to do with Diablo 2 lore (translation: they're making things up as they go).

The front page of this website reads: "The most popular Diablo II overhaul modification, Median XL is an action RPG with extensive endgame content [which most people/chars/builds won't ever be able to complete], deep character customisation [if you're willing to pay enough in donations to trade for the most meta/OP gear of the season; so much for being a "single-player-oriented" mod] and challenging gameplay [see "extensive endgame content"].
It offers thousands of new items [unless your character is built for charm-hunting instead of farming, in which case, HAHA it really sucks to be you], new skills for all classes [‘all builds are created equally, but some builds are more equal than others’], and multiple improvements to the Diablo II engine [which are wonderful but riddled with bugs that get fixed only for more bugs to arise]."

I can't speak for the real Brother Laz, but quite frankly, I think he'd be ashamed to see this version of his "spin-off." I'll keep playing and "trying" I suppose (because I remain confident in the devs' and their abilities to "get" and "make this" right/better) but if at any point you see me say "I'm going back to this version (http://modsbylaz.vn.cz/) of Median: don't be surprised.
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ImmortalPhoenix wrote:Without going too far into Median's existential problem of in-balance whereby no one can just pick any character and build, go from level 0 all the way to Samael and Deimoss without being the "right" build and/or having the "right" stats and/or gear at the "right" times.

^ Truth, alot of classes/builds dont have even chance to be close to "meta" builds, most of them even not working, there was made alot of changes in skills, damage formulas that killed most of builds, no early/mid game items for "new" skills most of time its half of gear honorifics and in midgame shrine crafting, but its extremely hard to craft if your build cant even farm -_-)

player from d2maniacs here
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Immortal Pheonix, you expressed the reason why I didn't play this patch yet better than I could have done. Relics don't seem that interesting to me, because it's essentially endgame content. But the bridge to endgame content for the builds I like to play is still nonexistant. You can't just start with a random build and play it because at some point you'll be stuck. I think Marco once said that you shall learn the build by playing through the difficulties. But how can I learn a build that way when you're only allowed to play with oskills once you reach level 120+? That seems slightly unreasonable.

I play grim dawn nowadays and I think this game is far better for leveling. One reason for that are the many many crafting materials that give you exciting new skills that help bridge the content to a certain extent. Maybe that could be included in Median as well, by giving tiered uniques or low level runewords more oskills. I mean.... there are so many runewords that could be rebalanced because they just seems so unattractive. Just looking at low-level gloves, I can barely imagine a situation where I'd use

Runeword Level: 110
10% Chance to cast level 18 Punishers on Melee Attack
10% Combat Speeds
+(59 to 69) to Maximum Damage
+26 Defense
+(151 to 200) to Strength
(15 to 20)% to Vitality

Runeword Level: 90
+40 Spell Focus if Sanguine Covenant is Active
+10% Maximum Mana if Solar Flare is Active
+(37 to 42)% to Fire Spell Damage
(25 to 35)% to Energy
Regenerate Mana +(10 to 15)%
Fire Absorb 4%
+10 to Light Radius

Runeword Level: 105
+15% Malice Skill Damage
+3 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+293 Defense
(21 to 35)% to Strength
+(1 to 100) to Life
Regenerate Mana +(5 to 10)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
+15 Life after each Kill
when you can just get

Runeword Level: 48
15% Chance to cast level 13 Seal of Fire on Kill
+2 to All Skills
+15% to Summoned Minion Resistances
-214 Defense
5% to Strength
Maximum Fire Resist +4%
Fire Resist +25%
, which outclass all of them easily. I don't even count
in, because it's just such a random item with 2 stats for casters, 2 for wdm and 2 for summoner which means at least 3 of those item stats are useless on any build you play. By rebalancing runewords you'd be able to grant the playerbase access to oskills early on, and even later on, because you can make xis runewords from them and what's more important: you can consistently make them. That's why relics look like such a random compromised design decision to me, which also enforces the following issue:

I can understand the reason for not balancing the builds properly. If there are only 4-5 builds per season that really excel and are downright overpowered, that makes the items required for those builds more expensive because the demand is higher. That in conclusion motivates more people to invest into the trading currency, which means more money for them. At least that's a side effect. I'd never go as far and presume they are greedy and forcefully not balancing the game. I just think it's an issue that the easiest way to progress your character is to invest more money into median to make a single build work for 3 months, than the entirety of the game Grim Dawn costs in total, where almost all builds work and are perfectly balanced and finding specific items for the build you play is by far easier. The price/performance ratio is so off and I'd take Grim Dawn over median anytime.

As for the lockdown ubers, I already once mentioned that the mechanic is awful and that it wouldn't be that awful if the area resetted once you died in there. That means you don't have to walk to the location you want to reach another 5-15 minutes over and over again if you fail, but instead can just use your portal to get back and try again. I had this problem with my SMG sin when I wanted to kill Bartuc. I only managed to get there twice in an hour because I was killed easily by the monsters in the Torajan jungle (meaning: I had to kill everything in my path) and due to the single-target nature of SMG it simply took that long. I managed to kill him on my 5th try after readjusting my positioning and watching out where the fireball novas spawn. But learning the mechanics of the ubers shouldn't include forced breaks where your mind wanders off of the strategy you want to try next.