Much needed changes to drop rates in mp

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Core Lord
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I may be misunderstanding, but it sounds like perhaps the reason you're playing SP is that you don't have the time to play the seasons? Adulting does get in the way for a large majority of the MXL population. If you're interested in playing on realm and not having your chars wiped at the end of each season, might I suggest Non-Ladder? Our community is very small and frankly not very active currently, but it would at least give you some opportunity to trade and get some of the gear you're interested in. Just thought I'd throw it out there.

Here's the link to the NL discord channel.
Dark Huntress
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Yup Neyhanis, Imma put that qor right into it as a soon as I find it. Dirge is precisely what i am farming for but i've had no luck so far. Double bears Kislev style for the win!
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teodar wrote:Uh. Im a phys bow dud 130 - farming duncraig and fauzt - i really want either a void or a mr. painless bow but both are ssu. The XP is more than fine. But my damage is low - necrobots take a while and i've heard that mobs in scogsglen and the final rifts are much more tanky. Thing is, tons of normal runes drop for me - i have more than 10 zod and also 14 various enchanted runes. The droprates of those were buffed btw. But they are useless to me! There are no runewords with only normal or enchanted runes that beat the bow dudu set i farmed in kurast and dunc. Again sp and no trade. The complain is NOT that not enough good items drop, they DO. The complain is that its hard to find items that YOUR toon can actually USE if you are on your first or second char in sigma.

Necrobots are only tanky because they have very high phys res, and you are playing a phys build.
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Onyx Knight
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Neyhanis wrote:Let's give a quick example : If you use an druid "Recurve Bow" ethereal (base dmg x 1.25)

Bows can't be ethereal. :P
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Frytas wrote:
Neyhanis wrote:Let's give a quick example : If you use an druid "Recurve Bow" ethereal (base dmg x 1.25)

Bows can't be ethereal. :P

Oops ! Well I guess cat's out of the bag, I've never played a phys bow char, ever? :mrgreen: Anyways thanks for pointing it out (that specific RW can still get pretty decent dmg roll, but its not as strong good indeed)
Jungle Hunter
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If there's a reason this game is dying, it's because farming Scosglen, (Which, is pretty much endgame for the average player) is like seeking out disappointment. Maybe I've been unlucky, (to an unbelievable extent) but, I don't think so. I think you're utterly disappointed by wasting a high rune to open a box, right around 80% of the time. The same goes for corrupting. I could fill multiple mules with failed corruptions, while I've only seen a handful of successful ones.
I can't be the only one experiencing this. I love this game, but Scosglen is killing it for me. Resurrected is looking very, very tempting right now.
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Jpo76 wrote:If there's a reason this game is dying, it's because farming Scosglen, (Which, is pretty much endgame for the average player) is like seeking out disappointment. Maybe I've been unlucky, (to an unbelievable extent) but, I don't think so. I think you're utterly disappointed by wasting a high rune to open a box, right around 80% of the time. The same goes for corrupting. I could fill multiple mules with failed corruptions, while I've only seen a handful of successful ones.
I can't be the only one experiencing this. I love this game, but Scosglen is killing it for me. Resurrected is looking very, very tempting right now.

This if my first character able to farm Scos... and I mostly agree. It's slow and unrewarding. I'm better off in Fuazt, but I get 0 exp. So when I feel like leveling I do some Labs.

I don't think "this game is dying because of Scos" though. The game is fun for a couple month and fizzles out, regardless of how far in the endgame you get; I'm not sure what could fix that; I'm not sure that's fixable, it happens in D2 original as well.

I wish they could do an "Uber Cows" and "Uber Dunc" and "Uber fill-in-the-blank" all geared for level 140+ ... that might keep the endgame a little more fresh.
Jungle Hunter
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Uber levels would be great. Anything other than Scos, or Labs. Maybe something like a Hellfire ring too, that gives a massive xp boost, but is really hard to get, so you have to have at least one high lvl character before you can get it. Dropping some of the grind for alts would really help keep things interesting, I think.
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Since when there is "no trade in SP" or "MP trades more than SP"? people claiming that have no clue what they are talking about . Trading in SP is still done by hundreds(if not thousands) of users, just its done via private messages or private emails instead of posting on forums, to avoid any conflicts with the forum general/public rules.

get your shit togather. if you want to trade in SP, you can do it at any time in any day. if you are new to this game or to this community, you just need to find some SP players and work on a playerbase/friend list to constantly discuss needs and trade, it could also help to keep a google sheet with what you got and what you need, so that people can check it in real time and contact eachother when something changes on those lists of "haves" and "needs"

put togather (or find) a team of 8-16 active players that can spend a few hours /day farming , make a public list (google sheet)of needs and work from there. i would bet real money that you will get your hands on the items you need faster than you think. i estimate a full stash with all items available is still doable/collectable in less than 2 months after a fresh patch release. i have tested this again very recently, works 100%

just because the SP players are not so vocal since a while ago, it doesn't mean they have disappeared, it's just that the discussions are mostly done in private.

indeed this forum is dead for many SP players, but the activity is still up in private, there are also up to date guides/miniguides out here that were not posted on this forum.
Void Archon
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Chuck Norris enters the fray and drops some truth bombs.