Unofficial Corruption Outcome Thread

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Rust Claw
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Got 10% fire spell damage on an Ouroboros ring.
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Noted, noted.

I have a feeling all bonuses are irrelevant of item class, but I’ll continue tracking as if they are item class specific
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Belt: 20% FHR
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got a 15% fire resist from ring
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Dont you think the rewards are sometimes too little?
The amount of time and work you have to do, to get to this end game area, have Gear for efficient farm, deal with those Arnold Schwarzenegger edition druids, sacrifice very high enchanced rune, get those crystal as its not always in the box, get that 33% chance and roll.... Gold find??!!!

Jesus devs, its already have 33 % chance, another to destroy your item, or 33% to do nothing. This is enogh. Please make those rewards good. Block speed on 2h?really? Thaths some serious kick in the balls.

No hate, Just playing sp and got only one crystal it did nothing and its okay. But if i find Gold find im gonna throw my laptop from the window.

Few of those are great, 60 sf on ring, woow. 15 flat damage? Nice
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+10 Life Regen per second on Short Spear
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I've updated the OP with some important details

Everyone please keep submitting your corruption bonuses!
Void Archon
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This mechanic seems like huge risk for very little rewards. the possible bonuses pool not only has many useless ones, but also is too big and specialized, which means that for example if you want to corrupt a weapon for a WDM build, even if you don't brick it, at least 70% of the possible bonuses are outright useless to the build. In the end I feel you are better off just luckying it for a damage bonus over risking destroying the item for... 20% gold find? Block speed? Spell damage for an irrelevant element?

When I read about the mechanic I was excited, as I was expecting such a high risk to come with huge rewards... Even the possibility of actually saving semi-useless items to corrupt to make a viable one. But it doesn't seem to be the case.
Onyx Knight
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For the amount of both effort and risk involved, and how for into endgame you need to be, I would expect to see corruption modifiers such as:

+3 to all skills
+2% Max res
+20% life and mana leech
+20% movement speed
+40% combat speeds
+100 to all attributes
+15% energy factor bonus
And so on.

Long story short, they need to be powerful modifiers to make this worth it.