Σ 2.4 Bugs&Feedback

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Was the bug fixed with twin terrors 100% noticle Projectiles? I'd like to try claw sin possibly next season.
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Have the dev team considered removing or revamping some weapon umos? IMO, most of the weapon umos are purely trash. Due to the bone chime, none of those umos designed for caster/elemental BD can be better than Uldyssian's Spirit. For physical BD, shop mos aren't worse than the umos. What's worse, we only have one weapon while all types of umos have the same drop rate. I believe most people have much more weapon umos than other types of umos in their mules, and these umos don't seem to be used in the future.
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The lightning boss in fauzt suicides near (certain?) walls.

I am able to consistently repoduce this by pulling him to the outer free standing wall segments of the fire bosses arena and teleporting behind it.

This only seems to happen near small freestanding walls, but that might just be observation bias. I first observed it happening inside his own arena near free standing wall segments aswell.

I have not been able to reproduce it on other fauzt bosses but I also haven't tried it all that much. It did not occur "naturally" when dragging them across the map tho. This leads me to believe that it has to do with his lightning spell.

Stumbled upon this on a poison claw assassin. I was just dragging the fauzt bosses (the ones that follow you at least) along waiting for the poison to eventually whittle them down after a few screens while killing white mobs cause she lacks single target but has good aoe clear.
Ice Clan
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Splargh wrote:The lightning boss in fauzt suicides near (certain?) walls.

I am able to consistently repoduce this by pulling him to the outer free standing wall segments of the fire bosses arena and teleporting behind it.

This only seems to happen near small freestanding walls, but that might just be observation bias. I first observed it happening inside his own arena near free standing wall segments aswell.

I have not been able to reproduce it on other fauzt bosses but I also haven't tried it all that much. It did not occur "naturally" when dragging them across the map tho. This leads me to believe that it has to do with his lightning spell.

Stumbled upon this on a poison claw assassin. I was just dragging the fauzt bosses (the ones that follow you at least) along waiting for the poison to eventually whittle them down after a few screens while killing white mobs cause she lacks single target but has good aoe clear.


Also, this Spirit of Vengeance (Amazon skill) can't keep up with me running. Have to re-cast it every 10 ish seconds.
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Lava Lord
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There are two points that I highly recommend to modify. It's too inconvenient
1. After sigs exceed 5, the current sig quantity will not be displayed
2. What STAR CHART and DREAM frag synthesized by the Dimensional Key is not displayed
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I got an offering necromance oskill set. However, its SOULSHATTER oskill does not work.
Void Archon
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dkhoa24 wrote:I got an offering necromance oskill set. However, its SOULSHATTER oskill does not work.

keep in mind that soulshatter can only be cast on minions
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Fortress range Synergy seems not to be accurate, while the seek range should be increasing per base level (0.33s), it only increases every 2 base levels (0.6smthing prob 0.66). not a huge issue though..

also, targeting sometimes seems to not work, not sure when exactly. Maybe if You're getting hit during casting animation?

Hunter's Mark and Screaming Eagle -debuffs- could be adressed as such in the skill text for accessibility, otherwise you will have to "know" or "test" that they are not curses, cancelling each other out, but instead do stack.
Dark Huntress
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it is boring that we need AC to enter THE DIMENSIONAL LABYRINTH. May i buy something in TG instead of AC to enter THE DIMENSIONAL LABYRINTH free for ever?
Cow Ninja
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metasequoia wrote:Fortress range Synergy seems not to be accurate, while the seek range should be increasing per base level (0.33s), it only increases every 2 base levels (0.6smthing prob 0.66). not a huge issue though..

If you are aware of diablo ii's tile size, this makes perfect sense. Ranges are expressed in tiles, and each tile is 2/3 yard.

also, targeting sometimes seems to not work, not sure when exactly. Maybe if You're getting hit during casting animation?

Expected desync, client often ghosts skills when the server says no, you should be interrupted by hit recovery.

Hunter's Mark and Screaming Eagle -debuffs- could be adressed as such in the skill text for accessibility, otherwise you will have to "know" or "test" that they are not curses, cancelling each other out, but instead do stack.

Hunter's Mark doesn't stack with Doom, but it does with Screaming Eagle. I can look into making it clearer, but no promises.