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SwineFlu wrote:
Whyred wrote:Again, is cycle droprate in triune affected by magic find?
Is there some defensive stats I can stack for some of the last uberbosses? Like Athanna Khan, Uldyssian, Samael etc? What about damage reduction %?

Regarding your first question, no it's not. To make this simple you can think about it that way: if item doesn't have different quality grades (normal/magic/rare/set/unique) then it can't be affected by magic find. There is only one quality for Cycles and that's a unique quality.

What about golden cycle?
Son of Lucion
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aurumchik wrote:Several guides says to max out merc's resists, but on nighmare difficulty his (act 5 merc) resistances are already maxed out even without gear. And Im a confused whether it is a bug or not?
Am I missing something?

I will appreciate your answers.

bug it shows 75% on all difficulties, try to count it yourself or use d2stats tool but an older version than 3.10.6
not sure what base he has on NM and HELL
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oztor wrote:What about golden cycle?

Golden Cycle is a distinct unique item, it has nothing to do with the other Cycles, it's not their superior grade.
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SwineFlu wrote:
oztor wrote:What about golden cycle?

Golden Cycle is a distinct unique item, it has nothing to do with the other Cycles, it's not their superior grade.

Good to know, thx. I was sure it's just a super rare another type of a normal cycle.
Thunder Beetle
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magic find breakpoints?
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Kraken Guard
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the more the merrier, but due to diminishing returns youre good enough with about 300% mf as long as your killspeed doesnt suffer for it.
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Is there a skill planner tool which show text and synergy skill working with points ?
Would be very cool.

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Two (oops, three) short questions:

1. Usually the last played character is on top of the character selection screen. Although this rule is applied to all chars, since two days this doen't work for just one of my char. Although this is no major problem, it is nevertheless a bit annoying, since it is my main char which is sinking lower and lower. I was hoping for one of the last six O' clock server resets to fix this, but afterwards there was no improvement.

2. To illustrate my problem I wanted to do a screenshot. But pressing print screen and inserting it into a new Photoshop file gave me just a plain black screenshot. This was different in pre sigma as far as i rembember.

3. In pre Sigma I could use button 5 on the left side of my Roccat mouse, which seems to be disabled now. Any solutions?

Sry 4 my bad english, I am no native speaker. ;)
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Kraken Guard
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Check your median folder, there should be a file called Screenshot001 or whatever in it. When you print screen in diablo 2 it will always save it on its folder even if your ctrl+v on paint gives you back a black screen due to fullscreen game.
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Problem No. 3 is solved, thanks a lot!

Here's a picture to problem No. 1:
