Sigma 1.1 Bugs & Feedback

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I'm playing a totem build and the only thing that sucks is Totemic Mastery, a hotfix to this skill would be amazing.

The skills gives 1 extra totem per 5 points starting with Frost, then lightning and then fire.
5 points = +1 frost
10 = lightning
15 = fire
20 = frost
25 = lightning
30 = fire

This is a retardedly stupid mechanic.

If I only wanted fire totems, I have to invest 15 points for +one and 30 points for +two (there is gear for just fire totems builds too...)
if I only wanted cold totems, it's only 5 points and 20 points respectively.
Lightning would be 10 and 25...

Who the hell thought that was a smart idea?

Change it to +1 totem of each per 7 levels or something
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:cry: :cry: I can not reveal map, when reveal map is invisibled. What happen?Image
Pit Knight
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Cain's TP in Tristram can be used as a regular TP. Seems like it's random and doesn't always happen. Game had no other players, (Please don't actually fix this.)
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Standing in rogue encampment in hell, cubing wirts leg - nothing happening. Why ?
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HohoHaha wrote:Image'

Cain's TP in Tristram can be used as a regular TP. Seems like it's random and doesn't always happen. Game had no other players, (Please don't actually fix this.)

Happened to me several times, with Anya as well :)
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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Regarding the weapon damage amazons still being below any expectations in 1.1 i wonder if we can have Curare replacing Ecstatic Frenzy . The holy melee had a similar treat some years ago when Plague was moved from being an uberskill to the melee tree and it worked out well.

Paragon will most probably still be chosen by default for tankyness reasons at least until end game, so this move could solve the curent damage issues.

My 2 cents after testing the minor zon changes
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Blood Golem
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HechtHeftig wrote:Scalewinged said that this new bug is especially noticable when it comes to Heretics

Well... it's most noticable with them but far not limited to them, same comes to most of melee attackers (blink on top of smth like ash troll/living flame/skeleton/any-other-monster and you will pretty much get hit in first 1-2 frames after teleport) ranged attackers with non-piercing attacks if your summons won't be fast enough to spread around you. It's just very simple that no matter how many summons on top of your head after tp - they can't block atk this way.
But if they spread around you (and not got "stuck" behind/left/right side only) and attacks have no autoaim/pierce/warp - then ye, they will block.

PS: Nvm since that topic is not necessary :)
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Glacial trail's waypoint teleports you no where near the actual waypoint
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having issues not being able to go from level to level through portals/doors ect. only since the update a few days ago. i can tp back to town but cant go back and cant go from level to level atm so stuck
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Hey, the new deathlord form its bugged, you cant hit 6fpa with scythe/dagger no matter the IAS you got its limited to 9fpa please fix it :D its frustrating hitting like a level 1 char, ive tested two handed sword and thats 6fpa