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Onyx Knight
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Unholy melee's Possession caps out at 34% now instead of 35, right? I have it a 16 points and it gives me 25% projectile dodge, so when maxed at 25 it should give 34%. Unintentional maybe? It's not mentioned in the patch log that the cap has been reduced, in game it still says 35% too.
1 | 0
Not sure if this is intentional, but if you fight Duriel after you have beaten the quest you cannot leave his chamber. Tyrael isn't there any longer and you cannot use a TP. You literally have to save and exit to get out.
7 | 1
Started new barbarian from scratch, reporting different things:
1) Barbarian Wolf companion (skill available from level 1) probably applies some debuff (at least enemies look affected by animation), it applies when wolves attack enemies for the first time, probably with 100% chance, the debuff itself is not described/documented at all, even in the skilltree.
2) Documentation > Base items > Barbarian Two-Handed Axe "Ono" states, that "Innate Cold Damage: (50.0% of Strength)", but in-game it does Lightning (not Cold), and 25% of Strength (not 50% of Strength).
3) Documentation does not answers anywhere, what is the dungeon Lockdown timer, some people have asked it in the forums, so it is not hard to find an answer.
4) Documentation > Runewords > "Barbarian Swords, Barbarian One-Handed Axes" section is not sorted - "Smoldering Edge" is lower level should be in the beginning of the section.
5) Documentation > Runewords > "Barbarian Swords, Barbarian One-Handed Axes" section > "Anak" is displayed twice (repeated) in that section.
Edited by Saniok 2 years.
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Saniok wrote:Started new barbarian from scratch, reporting different things:
1) Barbarian Wolf companion (skill available from level 1) probably applies some debuff (at least enemies look affected by animation), it applies when wolves attack enemies for the first time, probably with 100% chance, the debuff itself is not described/documented at all, even in the skilltree.

7 | 1
Istaryu wrote:
Saniok wrote:Started new barbarian from scratch, reporting different things:
1) Barbarian Wolf companion (skill available from level 1) probably applies some debuff (at least enemies look affected by animation), it applies when wolves attack enemies for the first time, probably with 100% chance, the debuff itself is not described/documented at all, even in the skilltree.


but it was not learned yet, if it was, i would know about it. Maybe at aplies just the animation with 0 benefit... that is just not intuitive, but fine.
7 | 1
Saniok wrote:5) Documentation > Runewords > "Barbarian Swords, Barbarian One-Handed Axes" section > "Anak" is displayed twice (repeated) in that section.

Also "Gharaniq", so just first 2 runewords in that section need to be removed, then both, duplicates and sorting will become fixed after that.
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Why Superposition is Bad in 2.0

Median XL Sigma 2.0 was a brave foray into revamping many skill trees and providing interesting options to every class in the game. Sorceress' Lightning tree Proficiency skill, Superposition, was one such attempt that appeared in the highly viewed #sigma-leeks channel in the MXL Official Discord in the days leading up to launch.

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Hearkening back the old glory days of D2's no cooldown Teleport Sorceress, this skill has flavor and panache. It was clearly designed much like the other Proficiency skills were: to only be used by those seriously invested into dealing lightning damage (outright preventing other elemental damage, though physical/magical damage is still on the table), requiring 50 points of investment into the preceding offensive skills in the tree. Old D2 teleport on Sorceress in MXL? Exciting leak, right?

Well, no. Superposition is a bad skill and quite poorly designed. There was probably some debate about this on the forums and in Discord prior to launch, but now that 2.0 is a week into launch and everyone has had time to settle down and figure things out, it is universally and unequivocally agreed to be bad. Here are some reasons why.

Superposition is designed as a risk-reward warp skill with the following attributes:
+ Increased cast speed
+ No cooldown

- Deal no fire, cold, poison damage
- Short range
- Disallows summoning
- High mana cost (effective cooldown)

- 75% to 100% reduced potion effectiveness

This design doesn’t work for the following reasons:
    - Cast speed can be capped with mild effort by Sorceress, she doesn’t need 200% extra
    - No cooldown is a trivial benefit, as Uber content is designed around smart movement + 3 to 10 second CD on warps like Teleport/Jitan’s Gate.
    - Dealing no fire, cold, or poison damage is mostly thematic and not a big deal. It does reduce some alternative damage sources and build variety, but those trees have their own special skills as well. They will do fine without Superposition.
    - Range is poor, unable to go across gaps in Bremmtown, Tran Athulua, Kingdom of Shadows, etc. You would need to hotkey Jitan’s Gate alongside Superposition anyways, you may as well use Jitan's Gate/Teleport exclusively.
    - Summons are crucial distractions for early Ubers. Sorc DPS uptime is improved by having summons between themselves and the boss / enemies. Losing them is bad.
    - Mana cost vs. other warp skills is worse for early game mana sustain. Just use the other warp skills instead of Superposition when doing content that requires repositioning mid-combat.
    - You can’t Superposition when you need it most (low on life/mana)
    - You can warp with other skills no matter what due to their far lower costs
    - Potion effectiveness is life sustain for casters, aside from regen and LaEK which are both comparatively small compared to pots.
    - Potion effectiveness is also mana sustain for low level casters, who are disproportionately more likely to pick this skill and to suffer from it
    - The 5 second duration debuff period is too long, whether Superposition is used offensively or defensively. You can’t cast it again or else you refresh the duration.
    - During those 5 seconds, if you’re low on health or mana, you just run around like a headless chicken until your potions work again.
    - Lightning sorc wastes ~14 points because of the 50 point allocation requirement.
    - In optimal allocation, you max Forked or Tempest for clearing, put 4 into Eye of the Storm, and maybe a few into Mind Spark if you stack energy and use Tempest.
    - You either put the extra required points into a clearing skill you don’t use, or into Thunderstone, which interferes with sustained mana for single-target DPS.
    - You lose points that you would put into Masteries, Coven passives, Reward skills, or Familiar.
    - By design, new players focus on their offensive tree as an easy to understand source of damage rather than on defensive passives, since they don’t grasp the nuances of MXL stats.
    - Placing Superposition where it is signals that it is the pinnacle of the lightning tree, rather than an alternative playstyle with hefty risks but potential benefits.
    - Requires level 100.
    - This is past the point where you would still have infinite respecs (level 50) and just before where you start to need summons the most (level 100+ Uber content).
    - New players who can hardly cast Superposition and need their summons back will need to respec, and respecs hit new players harder than veterans.

What does Superposition do well?

    - It has nice flavor in its design
    - It farms Nihlathak and probably a few other zones faster
    - At the cost of reduced combat effectiveness (reasons listed above), making other farming harder

In summation, there is no real reward to using Superposition, there are only disadvantages.

Now that we've outlined why Superposition is bad, how can it be fixed?

The idea of creating an offensive / defensive trade-off for no cooldown warp utility is fine.
The idea of allowing the player to dictate the teleport limit for themselves via scaling stats is fine.
The implementation is what is poor, and that can be fixed.

Give Superposition more tangible benefits. Mix and match benefits as you want:
    - Cast speed is not that useful. You could choose to give it or not, up to you.
    - It could give faster hit recovery. This is something Sorc needs some MOs, jewels, or items for.
    - Could even give a stupid amount of FHR so reaching the meme 2 FPA on Staff is actually realistic
    - Lightning spell damage or pierce. Plain but serviceable.
    - Increase defense, thematic with the Lightning coven passive
    - Possibly grant flat defense if you have Warp Armor allocated, percent defense if you have Ice Queen, or both if you have both
    - No benefits, just reduce the downsides. A high cost combat reposition is conceptually fine as is.

Reduce or alter Superposition’s downsides. Mix and max downsides:
    - Remove reduced potion effectiveness. This is just too much for a caster, especially when 5 seconds.
    - Give it the same range as other warps and don't try to gate range behind more passives. A combat reposition is meant to be short range, but if the player still pulls out Jitan's Gate or Kabbalah (Divine Apparition) or Blink to get over walls or just further in the map, why would they ever use this skill.
    - Set movement speed to a very low amount if possible in-engine, forcing the player to only move with Superposition (matches the "Entangled" name)
    - In conjunction with the above change, reduce the debuff duration to 1-2 seconds so the player can cancel out of this state if they wish.
    - Keep the mana cost as a functional cap
    - Or make it a stacking successive increase in mana cost
    - Reduce avoid and/or physical resistance and/or flat damage reduction, to solidify it as “alternative to normal gameplay” in addition to much stronger buff effects (this would interfere with typical Lightning caster items like Mistress of Pain, AotoR, etc).

In summation, Superposition is bad and it doesn't need to be. Please consider improving it in a later version, as it is worse than useless (is actively detrimental) in the mod's current version.
Bone Archer
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EnkerZan wrote:I can't get passed Hell Duriel with this recent patch, the game keeps freezing. :-(

I have more to this; The game was freezing upon load-up so I had to load my character into Nightmare and back into Hell for it to stop Freezing. But once I get to Duriel's room and try to fight him, it freezes and I have to repeat this process. So I am stuck in Act 2 Hell until this gets resolved.
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Can Cow Legs be turned into right click to use instead of transmute? My cube often ends up full of shit and right click to use brings it in line with keys/scrolls.
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After my pc crashed, my amazon no longer appeared in single player, though the save files are still there. Can anyone help? I attached the save files.

Thank you in advance!