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Void Archon
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grantisimo wrote:Curious about anathema with melee sin, what would be the best way to utilize this? Looking to try claw sin this time around

I've been testing this. with an ornate/trinity/abandoned crafted wrist blade with melee life spark proc you can get VERY tanky. damage is decent but nothing crazy, at least with about 5-6k dex. queen of blades with SU wrist blade doesn't seem to deal very significant dmg
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is a storm crows sin viable untwinked?
Pit Knight
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What things work on ATMG? Does deadly strike,d crushing blow, and on striking effetcs work? Etc.

I feel like there was a chart somewhere but I cant find it now
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How much MF is best for most return on k3k sets?
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Vincendra wrote:How much MF is best for most return on k3k sets?

From my personal testing ive done the last 2 ladders ive found its completely dependent on your build and its clear speed. If you are already clearing super fast add as much as you can without hurting that clear speed. If your build is clearing rather slow then you would do better ignoring MF till you sort that issue out first and foremost. MF only really shines when your are clearing content quickly to begin with.

From there ive found a nice number to get is around 250-300 which feels really good again if you clear content quickly. Anything more from there isnt near as noticeable because of diminishing returns. Unless of course your playing some bow build that can achieve 500-600MF and still clear nicely.
Bone Archer
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Vincendra wrote:How much MF is best for most return on k3k sets?

in my experience k3k always drop set even you have low mf , but if u r hunting specific set u should boost your mf what i read is 200mf is a safe and good one . doesnt affect much your kill speed and have a decent chance of dropping su set. but it depends on your item and char build.
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Question about the new sin skill Anathema. What skill goes best with this passive? I don't know if I'm thinking too much into this, but it seems like all claw skills are phys or phys to magic conversion. With Anathema taking -200 ED, would any of those skills be useful with it? Idk what skill would be good for pure ele!

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Amazon Warrior
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drc4417 wrote:What things work on ATMG? Does deadly strike,d crushing blow, and on striking effetcs work? Etc.

I feel like there was a chart somewhere but I cant find it now

It is ranged WDM skill so all of those work, think of it as any other missile based skill.
Thunder Beetle
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when i make a trade thread like this one viewtopic.php?f=34&t=54582

i saw many people have exactly this layout. So is there a way to insert automaticaly all items in the linked character ( into the thread, or does is have insert each item manually via "insert Item" command?
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Blood Golem
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CircaG wrote:Question about the new sin skill Anathema. What skill goes best with this passive? I don't know if I'm thinking too much into this, but it seems like all claw skills are phys or phys to magic conversion. With Anathema taking -200 ED, would any of those skills be useful with it? Idk what skill would be good for pure ele!


You can use any ssin skill you want. -200 EWD hurting not skills but physical weapons at all.
In other words - Anathema doesn't change anything in skills you able to use effectively, but you supposed to use pure elemental build with it (wrist blade, jitan kamon or albrecht revenge/TU tiara/etc.) and it seems totally worthless at start just because all elemental bases (except for, maybe, TU stag bow) MAY worth smth only at their sacred tier when they're start benefit from some stat.
Overall it's absurdly hard and annoying trying to build elemental-based char. but if you somehow success - it maybe will pay off.