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Cow Ninja
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anathema does nothing if your resists are capped, it's basically just equivalent to elemental res. that effect will likely be removed or replaced soon
Cow Ninja
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void wrote:How rare is the Golden Cycle in Triune?


Odds are similar to finding a full set of all seven +1 class skills cycles.
60 | 3
Has anyone tried to farm fauzt-scos-labs with pillage passive? Is it worth to use it?
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Azure Drake
174 | 8
Is it 5FPA the fastest I can get on werewolf?
Is the online speed calculator accurate? , because I don't know how to make the java one work..
185 | 19
B_ATAKY wrote:Has anyone tried to farm fauzt-scos-labs with pillage passive? Is it worth to use it?

Absolutely, because each oil drop saves you ~30 minutes of running braindead content in worst case. The impact of other items is hard to measure because it's hard to tell if a erune/sig dropped from the skill or not after mowing several packs down.
302 | 8
Anyone knows that wildfire skill trigger with life/mana on attack? Or I need to get healing some other ways? Thanks for advance
314 | 10
nemmate wrote:Anyone knows that wildfire skill trigger with life/mana on attack? Or I need to get healing some other ways? Thanks for advance

Yes it is
302 | 8
Bliyadolubov wrote:
nemmate wrote:Anyone knows that wildfire skill trigger with life/mana on attack? Or I need to get healing some other ways? Thanks for advance

Yes it is

Thanks and have a nice day
5 | 0
How does Life Spark work? I'm using Hellfire Plate runeword on a Palazon and it feels like its not healing at all?
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xsojournerx wrote:How does Life Spark work? I'm using Hellfire Plate runeword on a Palazon and it feels like its not healing at all?

lvl x life spark heals x% max hp.