Sigma 1.1 Bugs & Feedback

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Frytas wrote:
nshade wrote:Amazon's Enfilade skill has this text

Max this skill until Base Level 10 to remove cooldown

But there is no cooldown. Also noticed, that there is no such hint for Phalanx, which actually has a cooldown.

As long as it is at the highest possible level limited by your character level(for example at lvl 13 it will be 2/2, at 18 - 3/3 etc) it should have no cooldown. If it is, for example, at 8/10 - the cooldown should be there. Once you hit base skill level 10, so 10/xx - cooldown is removed permamently.

Oh, thank you, I appreciate. I haven't noticed it at first, my bad
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1370xg01 wrote:

its just invisible trinity beam like dunc barrels
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Any idea if item dyes will be implemented in next patch?
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There seems to be a bug with the tier upgrade cube recipe

My items were not created with the stats as given in this forum for the T2 versions.

The Warped Blade after one upgrade has only 22-60 base dmg, rlvl 18 and only +18dex and also only 2 socket slots
Wedding Dress of the Zann has after one upgrade def 1334, AS still +15%, str +22, dex + 18 and rlvl 18 and sadly also only 2 sockets
So both far from the stats given for T2 in the wiki.

Both are ilvl 28 and dropped at T1 from Duriel. My Sorc was lvl 35-36 when I upgraded. So lvl req should have been met for the T2 versions from wiki.

Will add screenshots later.

Found on 1.1.4 Solo play
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i also confirm this , uptiering recipe is not working as intended . unique item + arcane crystal is only increasing the tier of the item , but the stats are not getting boosted . this used to work fine in the previous hotfix , but not anymore
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The "Nightwalker" passive portion of Death Pact says it increases Spell Damage but, according to D2Stats, it only does so for poison and phys/magic. I thought perhaps it acts as a true synergy to the Malice Tree like the actual Nightwalker skill, but looks like Funeral Pyre is not affected at all. Is this intended?
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datdudejay wrote:possible bug with The new Effigy - Sigil of absolution.

The effigy reads its suppose to lower the level requirement of any armor/weapon by 5 levels but in turn increases the requirements of the item by 25%. I then wanted to see if i could use it on "The collector " Bone shield and get double the effect, but it turns out you can not apply it to this shield. I suppose its because the collector has double MO effect and this is an intended balance mechanic.

But on the off chance its a bug i felt like i should report this, given there is zero information on this effigy.


This effigy requires the item to have its level requirement increased over the base, it won't work on a vanilla item. Put a UMO into the shield first, for example. Effigies are not affected by MO multipliers, as stated in the changelog.
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Kabraxis' damage numbers/mobility are pretty crazy, and since he heals from killing anyone (including the player), this fight just isn't very satisfying or fun right now.
Stone Warrior
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(I dunno if anyone already posted something like this)

Can you make Deathlord buff duration extend/reset back to 10min every cast? Indeed there is a short cooldown but even if it can already be casted there is no use since the buff always end after 10min of the first cast. I always die everytime the buff ends while I'm surrounded by mobs. From a chance of getting hit at 18%, it goes up to 75% chance of getting hit (Duriel - Nightmare). It interrupts the melee gameplay to the extent that I have to precisely time the buff duration distracting the flow of my game. Hope this gets fixed by next patch.