Pls remove purify from this game

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Pub wrote:
ChuckNoRis wrote:the original poster is actually right , yet he got 4 negs :lol:

oh , wait , it happens to me all the time too . priceless community

yes, Sigma needs months (if not years) of extra polish in order to shine bright, but for the moment we can only use what we got , which is better than nothing .

Hey idiot, just because someone shares an opinion with you, doesn't mean they are right by default.

sup with the name calling? :D
Thunder Beetle
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The only purify fight I'd say is bad is Uldyssian. The fact that he spends most of the time in a state where purify won't even work on him just makes the fight tedious. The rest just require the right gear setup and know how. I feel like you overreacted a bit with your initial post..

Oh and chances are, if you're complaining that much about the purify fights, then you probably haven't played the game enough to have all best in slot gear.....
Stone Warrior
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I can understand why it's annoying for some people, but at the same time only a few of the 40 ubers are purify bosses and the content is highly optional. Saying that the game is unplayable because of that mechanic is stretching it quite far.

Some might argue that it could use tweaking i.e make the projectile move a bit faster or the bosses take less hits, but imo it's good there are some really tough challenges in this mod and making it easier might be the wrong move. I have seen people doing those bosses in 20-30 mins, which isn't alot of time if you consider how long mythic raiding in wow can take and there are no guaranteed rewards in those aswell.

pretty much these:

Glow-Worm wrote:Purify was meant for strategic endgame fights. It would be kinda dumb if you could faceroll every boss with BiS gear.

SeaWeed wrote:Purify just means that your damage output is being approximately set to a constant. There is no "bis" gear for every content in median, and there never will be. Deal with it.
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Glow-Worm wrote:Purify was meant for strategic endgame fights. It would be kinda dumb if you could faceroll every boss with BiS gear.

Why? Are you dumb? If people invested the time and energy in acquiring BiS gear, there's no reason why they shouldn't be able to do all the content. This game feels like P2W only it doesn't matter how much money you spend because the ubers are broken anyway.
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Bone Archer
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Bagboy_Brown wrote:
Glow-Worm wrote:Purify was meant for strategic endgame fights. It would be kinda dumb if you could faceroll every boss with BiS gear.

Why? Are you dumb? If people invested the time and energy in acquiring BiS gear, there's no reason why they shouldn't be able to do all the content. This game feels like P2W only it doesn't matter how much money you spend because the ubers are broken anyway.

You sound like you know a lot about Median.
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devs are fully aware of opinions on all sides of the purify mechanic. perhaps there's unannounced plans in the future, still.
Core Lord
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And to no ones surprise, the emerald set using nothing but quill spray trap rat player who fucked up his xis runeword and just thinks everything is bullshit because he cant beat the game acts like he as a clue about anything MXL.

Thunder Beetle
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Marco wrote:

you respond to this thread but not mine about sets and item bases? viewtopic.php?f=4&t=28965
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Stygian Watcher
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mystearica wrote:This game is fucking ridiculous. I have all BIS gear for endgame ,but I can't kill Witch/Uldy/Laz/Valthek ?
Obv that's not my problem ,many people call those ubers broken. Yeah farm BIS gear and then struggle with purifying uldy for 10hours
Fucking entertaining ,isnt it ?
It makes this game literally unplayable. My fav combo is LOCK+PURIFY.
Let's make all bosses like (Andy,Baal) taking damage from purify only. And after people get used to it let's make purifying creeps ,why not ?
Fucking retarded mechanics only does force people to buy charms ,not spending it on gear because gear is irrelevant. Really nice.

Maybe they aren't BIS gear for a specific uber if you can't do it with them. I was struggling at Witch then changed some of my gear and kept trying and improving my gameplay for it and finally got it. Of course this uber (and most others) can be improved but considering the ubers you mention are supposed to be the only endgame this game offers (no maps/ crucible/ rifts/ etc.) they should be hard, maybe even harder than they are now. I agree though Uldy fight is unnecessarily long and annoying.
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Can anyone explain to me why characters with BiS endgame gear should not be able to trivialize boss fights? You see it in every ARPG ever - full geared D2 char could destroy anything by looking at it, same goes for PoE (people reaching 11mil dps, when the boss has 50 mil life). That is where the fun lies - you grind, you get rewarded.
Making a skill which renders any damage gear irrelevant is not good game design. I could see making some bosses extremely hard, so only specific builds could do them quickly (like in PoE - there are farming builds for content and boss killers for hard bosses) - but the main point - gear and skills count, they must always count in an ARPG.
That's only my opinion ofc, im quite new to median and really enjoying this mod, but it is a bit weird seeing all these amazing character optimization possibilities and at endgame it is just... worthless. (that is an overexagerration since there are not many purify bosses, but my philosophy - with BiS gear you destroy all content in 2 secs, that is what makes ARPG's fun for me).