Σ 2.4 Bugs&Feedback

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Monkey King
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Amazon's shield Golden Chariot can't activation with 6*ghal rune or 6* element rune
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Colius wrote:Wirlwind barb seems bugged: WW animation stuck at any point when WW 1-2 times.

Im currently playing an WW poison barb from scratch 0-100 (solo, Multiplayer)
i was not changing any skills / items from act1 or 2 Nightmare.
After completing act5 quest 2 nightmare / when entering crystal entrence for the first time:

i WW about 1-2 times and then get animation stuck. At this point It seems like an DC.
Monsters seems like now only get damaged by my merc / wolves. I also cannot die (HP drops to 0 but still be in WW animation and running around).
I also cannot swap weapons / loot or drop items.

I just waited for 5 min ingame, but I dont get disconnected. In fact I can chat with other players in the same game / lobby.
Im not using quickcast (just shortcuts QWERTZ)

I was trying to find an fix for it (change realm, restart diablo, start a new game, join an existing game, swap gear / skills on left or rightclick). But the issue still exist now in every game / difficulity.
Problem also reported by 3 other people in discord. (tech-support)

Problem still exist.
But it seems like an specific problem with WW in combination with poison?
Anyway, im free to share my acc / "armorylink" with the bugsupport to help fix the issue, or see if its an broken d2-setup and its working from other clients with the same acc / gear im using. (contact me in Discord or Forum)
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Stone Warrior
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/q does not let the player know about them missing Crystal Bird from the ISLAND OF THE SUNLESS SEA charm.

While using Strength Beyond Strength I can't test the damage because Crucify procs and adds a fire damage bar and resets the physical damage.
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Orb of Annihilation engages on its own now and is no longer activated as a manual cast, even though it appears in the spell list. Was this intended? I could not see any notes on this in the 2.4 changelog.
Edited by Kronos9999 1 year.
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Having said that - It's actually rather cool as an auto-spell 8-)
Edited by Kronos9999 1 year.
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Good afternoon, I would like to know why my build does not damage the towers in the cave from the Astrogha's, I have a lot of physical damage and fire damage, but the damage to the towers does not pass,In my opinion it looks like bug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_cL7gMqsb8
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Core Lord
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Sometimes the animation of mythal doesn't show, only the curse above monsters heads.
Onyx Knight
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Is there a reason that Druid's Cascade is a spell and not a projectile? I'm noticing that it will not trigger on-striking procs (even though it deals weapon damage), and I imagine this has something to do with it.
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Core Lord
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Seems to be a bug, when tapping quickcast too fast, that it will just swap right click to the spell.
Cow Ninja
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Semigloss wrote:Is there a reason that Druid's Cascade is a spell and not a projectile? I'm noticing that it will not trigger on-striking procs (even though it deals weapon damage), and I imagine this has something to do with it.

It doesn't get EWD either. (-:

The skill function it uses is just very unhappy with being given weapon damage. Abyss Knight attacks were having problems with it too.