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Banish level X reduces: 2750*lvl/100*(lvl+6)% max hp.
Jungle Hunter
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suchbalance wrote:Banish level X reduces: 2750*lvl/100*(lvl+6)% max hp.

ty ty
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Need some advice towards single player + world event. I am playing old mods with plugy option. And in one of them i found this info:

ItemsToSell=The Stone of Jordan

I would like to know/understand what each line is for (some are obvious, but still) and about the options of modifying it to make boss spawn more/less frequently.
Thank you.
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Jungle Hunter
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It's been a while since i've played a wolf druid so I mainly have two questions. Does Elfin Weapons work with melee attacks? Also does anyone have a link to a melee druid?
Monkey King
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What specific novels or any other form of literature is the lore that I see in the docs based on? I'm aware there are different novels for the Diablo series but there are different authors so i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to distinguish from each other.
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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those written by Richard A. Knaak
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I need to know what is causing my items to vanish out of my stash. I don't have a huge shared stash there's only about 25 pages full, but for some reason ALL my charms, sots, black void belt (this really gets me) and a shamanka have disappeared. This sucks because I'm on SP it takes a long time to get these things on my own. It really need to know why this happens so I can fix it. I was so pumped when I found that belt...and the trophies for charms. Sigh. Does anyone know??
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annoying cat
Monkey King
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just after crafting dragonheart, in terror, rocky wastes area. just testing damage after buffing w/ shamanka when I noticed a blue aura on a few monsters there, when I killed it, there was a nova and it 1 shot my sin. same with the creeps in stony tomb lv 1 and mobs in fautz, i play in /players 1. i actually changed and crafted armors several times just trying to survive that. help. btw, i had already eaten 500 sigs and I found scales of the serpent.

edit: tried running d2clicker twice 2 days ago, i'm stuck at "waiting for client to connect", i had d2/median already running. before that, i removed plugy including the folder, glide and placed em on the desktop. i even tried waiting for 30 mins for the loading to finish still nothing. :(
Edited by annoying cat 8 years.
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phase bomb perhaps?
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Godsman Guard
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Mountaincreature wrote:items disappeared

Do you have items in your shared stash #1 page?