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Do you have any idea how rad it would be for churel to work in sigma

Too bad LC0 is being dropped because that would make farming that even more of a snooze for literally every class
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Didnt know churel was bugged, i know that piercing ghost only hit once, at least that how other similar skill work in the past (I think it was 1 bullet of lightswarm/wildhunt/bladestorm/stormcrow, lemures, blindshot without pierce).
Am im remembered wrong skill? Maybe it was problem hitting stationary target like k3kba totem?

LC0 was added mostly to show that marco that time "have skill" to code new stuff for median ultimative and thought for something interesting for veteran to do to speed up early games

at the end, it just a power creep (especially with destro shaman)
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It's hard to explain what's wrong with Churel, but the visuals do not synch up with the hits (monsters that are not visually hit take damage) and it's incredibly delayed damage as well. Not only that, but something like 60% of the time, the ghosts just don't do anything.

It does slightly better with stationary targets, actually. Trying to hit anything moving is pretty much a lost cause and you have no excuse to use Churel instead of something like Abyss at that point.
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@unda: i've decided to do (or attempt at least--i make no promises that i'll actually be able to finish this) all the oskills with new sigma icons. i think it includes champs of the sun, as well as pretty much every other oskill, so don't worry. will prob be awhile before i get to it, tho.

@blackhole: the post i put in your thread was not meant as an insult, as u seem to have taken it.

i'm not sure why u r talking about athulua. the test that cowking mentioned is in duncraig/fauzt against mobs--not bosses.

i have never implied that i have used churel. this is why i asked cowking and you if u have ever tested it or if anyone else has tested it.

i have no problem admitting i was wrong, if u can prove it. a short video of u using churel to clear destruction fauzt/duncraig w/o dying on p1 would be enough. if u prove me wrong i will make the proper edits.

if you are confused as to the test, cowking's post on it is in this thread. please read it.

if you are just being an ass because your favorite build isn't as OP as you thought it would be, then don't waste my time. if u act like an ass in your next post, like u did in your last post, i will permanently put u in my ignore list and never bother reaching out to u again. i'll also remove any link or mention to u or your guide from my list.

i'm not going to lie to players because u think u or your build are god's gift to median.
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@nealn : i didnt say my build is GOD! Churel killspeed is average thats depending bug often or no. And, my build char is not viable because he can't do some ubers like brachy - bro laz - witch etc. Well, he can be benefits some area its where you own better. Here i explain;

1-Death Projector - Easy - it takes 2 - 10 mins to clear it cause churel don't hit sometime
2-Creature of Flame - Easy - It's very fast to clear that uber
3-Infernal Machine - Tricky - Well, killspeed is pretty slow to medium
4-Rathma's Square - Hard - Churel hit everything and deal low damage those monsters it's very difficult to kill boss... I used mind flay on him.
5-Azmodan - Easy - Churel can be viable this uber
6-Cathedral of Vanity - Easy - Just cast Churel near totem it and killing but before you do that try lure mobs to north possible.
7-Vizjun - Medium - Cast everything in this uber because Churel killspeed is slow. I respec my char to invest more points in VoJ + SoD to increase killspeed.
8- Toroja - Easy - Churel will do job fine with immortal mobs.
9-Startled Witch - Impossible - I can't win vs her unless you have right gear which is allow to kill her.
10-Uldyssian - Moderate to Impossible - Need expensive gears for that. Churel is not viable this uber.
11-The Void - Super Impossible - Churel suck this uber so don't visit there unless you have nice gears for that.
1-Butcher - Easy - Churel will do job fine.
2-The Blinding Baal - Easy - Churel will do job nice there.
3-Assault on Mount Arreat - Easy - same as the blinding baal.
4-Akarat - Medium - It's annoying when boss regen life quick and churel deal nice damage or no cause bugs. So, i use mind flay on him.
5-Legacy of Blood - Easy - Cast everything you got. Might be help your killspeed make better.
6-Lord Aldric Jitan - Hard - Churel might be viable his minions but not the boss... I used mind flay or hailstorm on him because it only way to kill.
7-Judgement Day - Tricky - Respec your build to become full mind flay one. Churel suck this uber
8-Zorun Tzin - Haven't test yet.
9-Brother laz - Hard - Might be viable this uber with purify skill. Just get 100% ow thats it.
10-MarcoNecroX - Impossible - Churel win ? Really no!
11-Inarius Revenge - Easy - Churel rock this.
1-Kurast 3000 BA - Tricky - One problem is Churel don't hit totem many times... All you need is cast mind flay or hailstorm on totem.
2-Island of the Sunless Sea - Easy - Churel rock this.
3-Khalimgrad - Tricky - Same for k3k
4-Tran Athulua - Easy - Churel rock this.
5-Fauztinville - Tricky - Your killspeed is slow in this uber but you need respec build to get better damage from VoJ + SoD.
6-The Triune - Tricky - same for fauztinville.
7-The Unformed Land - Tricky - Churel + Avalanche work very fine this uber. Killspeed is reasonable.
8-Kingdom Shadow - Easy - Run to King and cast hailstorm. Churel ? no...
9-Ghost of Bremmtown - Easy - Churel could be viable this uber
10-Duncraig - Easy - Churel killspeed is average slow to high that's depend those missile will hit mobs. With help Shatter of Flesh can clean this uber quickly.
11-Yshari Sanctum - Hard - Churel work very well this uber but not against boss.
12-Wretched Hive - Impossible - Forget that uber. Respec your build to become full mind flay style
1-Bull Prince Redeo - Impossible - Churel suck really hard... o.o
2-Quov Tsin - Easy - Churel can kill him
3-Belial - Hard - Very difficult to battle vs him with churel but have nice strategy how to kill him. It take 30 mins - 1 hour
4-Athulua - Easy - Churel kill her in 10 - 20 mins.
5-Astrogha - Impossible - Churel can't own him cause MASSIVE DARKLING!
6-Kabraxis - Impossible - Churel can't own him cause MASSIVE SKELETON AND BABY WORM!

like i said churel is not god's gift to median. Churel can be viable some ubers and other ubers not. I think you want more information about churel here i explain you how churel can be good wich ubers. It's fun to play but it's NOT viable some ubers. Churel need support other skills buffs like VoJ + SoD + secondary skill with a lot damage, it would increase killspeed global. Here, i tell you what's my style favorite is Bow Zon and barbarian with wolf stance on. Finally, i m sorry to bother you nealn and i promise it won't happen again.
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cowking wrote:The problem with these comparisons is that they don't make any sense in real gameplay. Flamestrike and apocalypse will never be competing with each other, nor will abyss and churel.

It goes beyond this though. People still don't seem to understand the complexity of missile chains in median. There is a lot of multihitting action in most skills, and in a lot of cases this cannot even be noticed. There's not only ND here, I'm talking about: specific skill/missile functions, hit functions (such as splash), progressive damage missiles (fires), collision types (some missiles don't collide and thus are able to hit multiple times), missile size and more. Also some skills with ND (like wychwind) can hit more than once every 4 frames because multiple missiles can hit the monster in their non-delayed phase. Just get a %knife proc and see whether 1 cast of wychwind or 20 casts will have a different proc rate. Needless to say, d2 does a terrible job illustrating skill damages in numbers.

There's only one way to compare skills: testing them against real monsters. Tools like spell calc are useful to compare a skill with the skill itself at a different level or using different gear. Otherwise you're wasting your time.
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Marco wrote:.... you're wasting your time.
thank you for confirming everything i said about this thread
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ChuckNoRis wrote:
Marco wrote:.... you're wasting your time.
thank you for confirming everything i said about this thread

Well that's no reason to bash the entire thread, I think what the OP is trying to do is cool, and it's looking good. He might not be experienced enough to comment on some of the skills, but hey no need to start a flamewar.
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Chuck: Literally so desperate to have attention that he quotes himself being a dickhead to be a dickhead

Stop shitting on the OP like a child and do what they're trying to do but better then if you're so knowledgeable when this person has openly admitted that they aren't

You exclusively play SP and use plugY to make all sorts of goofy builds on pretty much any niche you can imagine, put that knowledge to use instead of linking everyone to your bandwidth road challenge miniguide thread in broken punctuation every time someone asks about a build

The last I'm going to say on the matter, since I know I'm just feeding into your complex (and the flamewar actually already happened a few pages ago)
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Marco wrote:I think what the OP is trying to do is cool, and it's looking good
i think that too , but those comments based on first impression after testing "x" oskill for the first time are not supposed to be there , that's what i kept trying to explain to the OP . the list is fine , the comments are not . but w/e . he may do as he pleases , it's his topic , his list .
Marco wrote:He might not be experienced enough to comment on some of the skills

Dude Love wrote: put that knowledge to use
i did do that a few pages ago , i gave him full descriptions of what all those oskills actualy do or what do they require to be viable , but my help was ignored and rejected , reason why i have edited my post and deleted all the wall of text with oskills descriptions . [blue]he knows better[/blue] ;)
Edited by ChuckNoRis 7 years.