Pls remove purify from this game

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SeaWeed wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote: [...] 100% random hit [...]

The different skillsets don't matter and are not of relevance for the analogy cowking is trying to make. As he stated, there is enough evidence to the fact that killing times in purify fights are proportional to skill.

Honestly, we could argue a lot about your first sentence, but that's not something I'd like to spend my free time with since that would be nitpicking. Let's just agree we don't agree?

As for your second sentence: That is of no relevance for me because I already agreed that MXL needs skill.
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cowking wrote:Did you go through dunc naked?...

I literally did it with TU2s. Not really naked but close enough. Could have been half naked if I really wanted to but didn´t feel like it because I was picking my nose while eating a pear and taking my shorts off would be a bit difficult. I only have 2 hands after all. What´s your point?

cowking wrote:
demonshalo wrote:Let me try to clarify:

1. There is no skill to it. Skill comes in if you are doing HC, calling anything else skill is a joke.

This has been triggering me for days.

There's a reason there are people who can do valthek in 8 mins and a reason there are people who make threads like this. There's a reason there are people who can beat NL100 in poker (a game of 100% pure range) and a reason 99.999% who ever play poker, won't. There's a reason you can't beat laz, and it's not because purify is a broken mechanic.

Your head is stuck so far up where the sun don´t shine that you can´t even see that the example you used supports my argument rather than yours. But that´s okay, if you think that Laz is so hard that I cant do it (holy shit my sides) and only "skillful people" like yourself can, how about this: If I beat laz on stream, you pay me 50 000 usd that we sign a contract for. That´s literally what you do in poker; you put your money where your mouth is. So how about it? If I can´t do it, then you´ve proven your point, namely that Laz is about skill and a moron like me lacks it. If you are so sure then this is a bet you will take 100 out of 100 times as it is an easy way for you to show your superiority once and for all. But my hunch tells me that you won´t because the odds are stacked against you and because you are full of shit and you know it.

cowking wrote:What you're saying is equivalent to saying there is no skill in chess (where you opponent's every move can be as random as the game rules allow for instead of an incredibly simple and predictable ancient AI that you can even manipulate) and if you lose once, you're a joke and the game has no skill to it. Well shit, that just makes sense.

Holy shit I can´t believe what I am reading. If you are going to use analogies, at least know the computational basics of the thing you are talking about. I am pretty sure it sounded pretty good in your head when you wrote it down but do you even know what the word AI means?!?! Why would a glorified regression machine change anything about a deterministic exptime computational problem? fuck, what is it that you think is skillful about chess in itself? and how the hell is a deterministic game even comparable to an RNG environment in an RPG? Chess is a perfect information game. you lack the basic understanding for what chess is about at its core yet you are somehow trying to use it here as an example of why I am wrong? shiet. I must be dreaming!

Let me try to explain it to your fragile ego: there is a reason Magnus would get crushed 20/20 times against Stockfish 10. Skill by definition is a relative term. Ex. You can be the king of the morons and you would still be a moron. The only way you can determine true skill absent bullshit like yours is when you have "skin in the game". A concept you clearly don´t grasp. That´s why outside of HC none of it is really skill because there is barely any risk involved. This is the actual reason level lock was introduced and hardcore even exists to begin with. RISK!. What your post is saying now is that a person who does the challenge with level lock, without level lock or on HC are all the same... "skilled" players. or that doing all charms on SC is the same as doing them on HC. How the hell can you make such a moronic statement and still think that you have a leg to stand on? Don´t post stupid shit like this try to pass it off as wisdom.

And to help your ego better understand why chess is a stupid analogy, here is reading material that I hope isn´t too hard for you to pretend to read:

cowking wrote:I'm sure you'll make a great chess player.

As I am sure you will make a decent Median player one day!

cowking wrote:
demonshalo wrote:You have it backwards, the fact that barb can do that so easily shows how little control the development team has over the balancing of characters and gameplay. Once purify is out the picture, suddenly you can see with extreme clarity why it was implemented in the first place. It is because of their lack of ability to balance things that they have to rely on purify. For Christ sake, TU6 guide anyone?...

It isn´t that purify is a good mechanic; it´s that without that mechanic the devs cannot balance things. So they rely on it to surface level "fix" whatever inherit problems exist with balancing. And even then, it fails because barb is still much better than amazon, pally or any other char (almost always) at doing all content with or without purify.

You don't want a balanced game. If you did, you'd be playing chess ...

Stop saying the word chess. You don´t understand what that word means and it triggers me that you think that you do when in fact you are as oblivious as they come: ... e_in_chess

cowking wrote:...or whatever 100% pure PvP game where all unbalancing variables have been removed and interest stems only from player generated hyper-metagame understanding or competition with money. But it's either too hard or too boring...

You talk as if that is some knowledge that you posses that we mere mortals lack. Every single person knows that balance isn´t really achievable to perfection nor is desired in its ultimate form, but there is an ocean of difference between perfectly balanced, somewhat balanced, some disparity and this shit right here:

You want inequality in society to keep the creative engine going, but you don´t want so much inequality that one class of people to literally dominate all others. You don´t seem to get that. In your head you think that you are making some profound and important statements but it´s really not that helpful because your argument is both elementary and can only be used as a counter-argument to a strawman you setup. Saying perfect balancing is not wanted... who in their right mind would ask for perfect balance other than a nutty communist? again, you are straw-maning because that is all you know. You want to show off your fragile ego without even understanding the basics of the argument made by the other side.

cowking wrote:Purify is actually a rather brilliant game design mechanic to fix that problem considering the game engine we're talking about. When builds get ridiculously OP and varied in their single target/aoe dps and defensive stats, how to still maintain universal hard boss fights with limited AI in end game? By making it a fight of skill and adaptation with your own gearing, rather than dps. Valthek even removes defensive stats, and it's basically the best fight in the game. Purify, the broken mechanic.

Builds don't "get ridiculously OP". It isn´t some accident created by cosmic rays or solar flares. Reason builds get OP is the same reason Magnus is a beast at chess: his opponent cannot see far enough down the state chain to understand the implications of their actions. And blaming it on game engine is not only lazy but straight out batshit nuts. This is the POE argument in a nutshell. Some issues can be blamed on the engine sure, but sweeping everything under the rug will get you nowhere with me because that is bullshit. The Collector (shield) as an example is not the fault of the game engine. The skills and how they scale are not the fault of the engine and nor is the oskill list, the item affixes or barb´s continued dominance season after season. You might be able to explain a portion of this stuff by pointing to the engine limitations but don´t get cute. That´s an escape goat at best most of the time and using Purify to counter the dmg inflation created by bad balancing choices is not a solution. It´s like saying band aid is a solution to internal bleeding because it keeps the blood on the inside.

People including myself have pointed out that the Tzin and Assur for instance are perfectly fine fights and those are Purify fights. It´s a gimmick and fine, use it in a quest or two. But to rely on it as a character disabling skill to offset whatever badly balanced bullcrap you have in place is by no means a "brilliant game design". And the fact that you think that shows how little you understand RPG gaming in general. It is called Role Playing Game. I don´t want to role play as a ring that shoot sperms for almost the entirety of the end game. That´s the issue. The issue is not that Purify is in the game or that people lack skill because they are not l33tz like you; the issue is that it is lazy and goes against everything an RPG is and on top of it all, it´s used all over the place.

cowking wrote:There's a reason too why you're playing median xl instead of vanilla, and why you're not going back to vanilla other than for temporal variance.

I haven´t played Vanilla in years but you´re absolutely fucking right. I love this game not because of the Purify mechanic but in-spite of it. What is great about D2 and MXL specifically is the D2 universe lore and the dark sinister setting. And even that is getting removed and shat on now because we wanna be unicorn farting D3 all of the sudden (see new cathedral of light). Soon enough we´ll have to purify the butcher while he runs around repairing the yellow light bulbs in the ceiling.

cowking wrote:
inori92 wrote:Zorun Tzin is a good way to use purify, and retains purpose of game concepts.

... a boss that is heavily unbalanced and weighted towards single target dps and ability to tank, and then you complain about barbs having these traits as unbalance. Again, what you want is not balance, but unbalance.

Would this thread exist and would you be making these arguments if purify was a defensive shield that set all characters' hp, defense, block, avoid etc... to same figure and maintained character's own dps, with no lockout timer. I wonder.

You really don´t get it. And I honestly don´t think that you want to...
Edited by demonshalo 5 years.
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Tkorpi wrote:
xxdiablo2 wrote:This has to be the worst forum I ever seen in my life. Vetarans jumping everybody that want to say something. I agree 100% with OP it is a shame that you grind and grind, to get the items you want, and then in the end game it has no use. Unreal.

well i am sure developers would listen if you have better option for getting challenge in to the game bosses. Even if they removed purify from the game then what? monsters with so much hp that you need 8 ppl party to kill it? monsters with invulnerable mechanism? bosses with 1 shot abilities?

I agree some bosses like uldy need tweaking as he is just boring to kill but lets take laz for example. you need to practice & know how. to kill him. You cannot just buy full items and go 1 shot him like every other normal mob in the game isnt that something unique?

You fix the items and the skill scaling. That´s what you need to do. Period. If the problem Purify tries to address is dmg inflation then fix that fucking problem. Don´t pretend that the problem is resolved but disabling the character and calling it a win. What is the player playing for then? Imagine if you practiced running every day to get better at football but when you´re on the field the enemy team´s coach tells you that you have to run at half speed because otherwise you´d wreck his players. dafuqing woot?
Edited by demonshalo 5 years.
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HechtHeftig wrote:I don't get how a 100% random hit on a boss with lots of avoid can be compared to chess. To say it with Jules Winnfield's words: Ain't the same fucking ballpark, it ain't the same league, ain't even the same fucking sport.

It requires completely different types of skill. Chess needs lots of planning and predicting, whereas MXL in general needs skills at precise, fast clicking and keeping track of everything that's going on on the screen.

So yeah cowking I agree that you need skills in MXL. It's just that your comparison is lacking a lot and it's really unfair to shove that into demonshalo's mouth. That's all I wanted to say.

Problem is he does not understand what chess is but tries to sound as if he does. Additionally, he draws the line for "skills" where he subjectively wants to draw the line to include himself in said class. Classic!
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nothing to see here just a random comment from someone who's really liking how this thread is turning up.

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I don't even think that purify is that bad, simply give it more projectile speed and maybe some little aoe, it shouldn't hurt the boss fights that much. Not mentioning the fact that purify bosses actually limit builds to one thing and that thing is vit crafts and stacking shitloads of hp which makes build diversity nonexistent unfortunately.
Dark Huntress
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Op is right, how in the hell is that fun, grind the fuck out of the game and love game, and then in the end, it dosent matter.
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Marco wrote:- other purify fights such as valthek are great (current death bug aside). Laz is great too. (aiming is hurd)

Laz spells freeze your PC up to 3 seconds then you die and R.I.P., cant rejoin uber cuz its locked, also he is sometimes faster and sometimes slower x2 and x3 even tho you have same amount of slow, invisible spells / die from something whats invisible, trust, its not great. it have more issues than this but its hard to explain mostly buggy / lag.
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Okay well I guess I'll throw in my 2 cents here. For what it's worth, I've not played median before this ladder reset and started with sigma.

I really enjoyed the various Purify ubers and they were a really interesting change of pace for me. I would be incredibly disappointed if purify ubers were removed from the game. I liked how differently I needed to approach these fights compared to the others. I really didn't believe it was possible to create a challenging and strategic encounter with this old engine, but I think many of the purify ubers accomplish exactly this.