There may still be bugs or grammatical issues present in these translations, so for this reason this announcement will act as a Bugs/Feedback thread for translations as well.
These translations are maintained by members of the community voluntarily, so these translations may not be completely up to date upon the next patch and mistakes will be expected.
Do not post bugs and feedback that are unrelated to translations, post them in this thread instead: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23335
Languages updated to 2.10:
Chinese translated by CaiMiao, Zahariel, and QIQICYQ - Download (Simplified) Download (Traditional)

Russian translated by Anhe1 and Kambala - Download

Chinese (Simplified Only) translated by CaiMiao and Zahariel - Project 项目地址

Spanish translated by Seekers, XanderTheOne, Jforte, Ignacius and Diaco

French translated by Wasp and Rumblealex - Feedback

Italian translated by Loki86

Polish translated by MY4SG4, Nasghar and Hubix

Installation instructions with the new launcher currently
Download your preferred language, put the file (an MPQ, do not open this MPQ) into the median-xl folder created by the launcher (by default this will be in C:\Games), and then go to %localappdata%\mxl-launcher and open launcher.json. For translation_language put the two letter code for your language (if your language is Russian put "ru" or Chinese: "zh" (keep the quotes)) where null is. Then download one of the Use files below for your language (if it says no longer required then you may skip to the end of this paragraph), and place it in data\local within the median-xl folder (you create the data\local folders yourself). Then rename this "use-la" file to just "use". Then after all this, launch the launcher and then launch the game, and the translation should be installed.
Use Files For Languages :
Russian: no longer required
Chinese: Download
Miscellaneous information
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Special thanks to:
Wasp for initiating translations as a community project.
Whist for helping code the game to allow better support for translations.
Kambala for his Qtbleditor tool.
CaiMiao for additional tools.
Athudes for providing assistance on the Russian translation
Special Notes
Some parts of the languages (like base items, unique names, rifts, dungeons, etc...) have not been translated to allow for searching in the Docs and minimal issues in D2Stats.
Any non-translation related Bugs and Feedback please report in the Bugs and Feedback thread for the current season
- Ensure that you do not crash in the same scenario with no translation selected.
- Check that you are using the latest version of the translation. (It does not auto-update)