New elemental bows good for bowzon?

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Just wondering if they make a big difference for bowzon? Might be worth playing as main in this patch.

I guess it makes a dfference to how you build it (no leech, so just life & mana on striking / kill)?
Edited by Captcha 4 years.
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You can look at affix pool in docs, what are the rolls possible. Orange text is 50% total dex as elemental damage as base.
Your crushing blow will still trigger even with those bows as you still deal some physical damage from items/charms.
Imo they can be competitive, especially su.
If you play classic phys bowazon, your passive that grants you -enemy all res is basically wasted, most of it at least. It is important to take that into account if you go ele focused build. All these damage numbers get multiplied by free pierce you get from passive.
Rust Claw
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Im experimenting with one on SP. I can get an ok-ish dmg, but main problem is sustain. Its difficult to get enough LaeK and life on striking to sustain in Fauzt.
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aerial wrote:You can look at affix pool in docs, what are the rolls possible. Orange text is 50% total dex as elemental damage as base.
Your crushing blow will still trigger even with those bows as you still deal some physical damage from items/charms.
Imo they can be competitive, especially su.
If you play classic phys bowazon, your passive that grants you -enemy all res is basically wasted, most of it at least. It is important to take that into account if you go ele focused build. All these damage numbers get multiplied by free pierce you get from passive.

Yes good point re the passive aerial, I guess it has to be laek or life on striking as Jeppe says.

But physical bowzon looks worse than last patch since it will effectively lose the Dragonlore passive (it added elemental dmg before iirc) so I guess it has to be the elemental bow build now.

Maybe I should go play around in SP as well to see if it works at high levels before putting more time into it on ladder. Deja vu - that's what happened last ladder, I ended up staying on SP.

UPDATE: I just looked at some docs and I see there's a thing called "Life Spark" which seems to be a proc that regens life. I guess that gives the sustain to replace leech.
Not sure how good it is but I guess it could take a very long time to get it in SP, trading on ladder might be easier?
Edited by Captcha 4 years.
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Consider that you don't deal physical means you can't leech
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Progressing with Stag bow is extremely rough. The tiered versions don't have the Orange text bonus from the sacred variant, so you lose a lot of damage compared to the physical version.

You can't leech which means you have to rely on potions to keep your health and energy up. And you'll find yourself constantly chucking potions in late nightmare / early hell just to keep attacking because wyrmshot costs so much energy at that point.

You can't use sockets and vendor mo very well either. Most gems don't synergize well with Stag Bow and neither do most mystic orbs sold by vendors.

The Stag Bow only really shines when you reach high level and have enough shrines to craft. It has an amazing affix pool with tri elemental pierce and kraken stance to top up your damage, and mana / life on striking among other goodies.
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Don't go leveling with the Tier Elemental bow, it's painful :)
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Stereox wrote:Consider that you don't deal physical means you can't leech

Mind = blown.
Teach me more... please?
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Lack of leech is good argument, it is serious problem in the endgame. Phys bowa with 0 defenses, just big life pool from paragon can heal extremely fast via leech, and it is basically main thing that makes it this "tanky". Take character with same stats and no leech to place like fauztinville, its gonna die in seconds.
Bone Archer
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I have never played bowzon before. Now i made one (lvl 120). Im following the basic Bowzon guide what was posted before , but with the changes i dont really get it. Stag bow , if you are building ele dmg (but will have no leach). Or reflex bow with ewd if you go physical and you can leach decenty ? (Crafted one with 200ed% and almost 200 max dmg, but no proc :/ ).
Im on singlePlayer can play twinked up to a certian point , but i still struggle on some ubers. Some seems inpossible. Not to mention the single target damage to bosses. Trinity arrow is the best for this but still little weak. My general problem is i need a lot of things togather. Dex, ewd, fhr, attackspeed,only gem sockets,dont really have place for mf. Can someone give me a really brief guide or suggestions for bowzon ?
PS: Pantheon set looks decent :O