I need farm char that only use TU.

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(sorry, my english so poor)

I read guide and made sor,dru,pal,ass but they can't farm on destruction. they were died so easy.

I need some new build or new char to be stable on destruction any field or easy uber.

lightning sor - burst damage good but to often using potion.

werewolf dru - to good in open field, but high dmg enemy or 1vs1 too hard. And must eqiup mana striking weapon.

Tantrum pal - very good high def, auto laser, burst damage. But tantrum skill is hard to use for me. high ping and bow oskill misuse (click wrong target or clicked at long distance) ->a slight mistake lead to easy die.

atmg or throw ass - no life steel, low def,- too hard for me. so always died.

I need char to quickly hunting at destrction field(on high magic chance) or safely farm easy uber lv.
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Lava Lord
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Have you checked out the Rebound Barb? There's a miniguide in the Chuck Norris Comp. with the name "Madawc the Rebounder". Also God(des) Stoya made a video guide:
http://www.medianxl.com/t1878-rebound-b ... n-by-stoya

Here's a thread link to suggestions for more passively played farming characters:
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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you may also try a javazon , maby the safest farmer with crap gear : all you need to do is kill a few with Ricochet then spam fairy ring and run till fairy ring kills them all .
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also you are using tantrum wrong, use shift click instead of clicking on enemies
Onyx Knight
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Edited by Unda 7 years.
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ChuckNoRis wrote:you may also try a javazon , maby the safest farmer with crap gear : all you need to do is kill a few with Ricochet then spam fairy ring and run till fairy ring kills them all .

Yeah, Javazon is a really overpowered char. Actually I FARM TA WITH TU EQUIPMENT:
-tu cervelliere
-tu heavy belt
-lament of the arzobisp (well, rares amulet and rings really help and sometimes outshine uniques. a 44 lvl doom more TTAD, more 2-4 all skills and LAK is possible to get). Also, tu gives a lot of options: Angel heart is noticeable here
-dual empyrean band.
-tu splint mail . The loved Jitan's kamon... that's right.
-tu setzshield.
-Honorific boots with 60 all resist, 60 to strenght and 60 to dex.
-Honorific gloves with the same mo that gloves.}
-Weapon: TU glaive, actually double mo'ed.

Now, call me noob, I don't care, but I use a special skillplan:
15 to ricochet.
20 to moonbeam. USE IT ALL TIMES
10 or so to Defensive Harmony for get the 50% slow
10 to fairy ring... for the lulz of moar fire damage, and I don't know how invest the rest of my skill points...XD
Actually I'm thinking in max Balance, and invest 10 hard points in WILD AND FREE.
1 point requisites.
No black road skill.

Uber skill: SOV. Yeah, it's right. 1 point wonder. After 100 runs the game finally drop me some sacred javelins like ember storm, Ashenwind, the heartseeker and a Phantom Flight and some RAINDANCE... But I still prefer my dear TU glaive.About charms: 17 at moment... Going for Yshari charm... (damned veil kings of Mephisto :()

Places to farm: TA with some deaths in the process... I let my merc do the killing, cause at moment, with my gear full socketed with P amethysts, I only get 50% of block...and my "king midas" survives and kill nicely with his gear full socketed with LUM runes. Ofc, if wish "speed the run", I don't die, but I get less uniques, sacred uniques and sets in the run...
Duncraig is affordable, the main areas.(except the teleport zones, thank you Marco for killing the fun in Duncraig and transform this place in a boring uber...you know, you summon fire elementals, teleport in the area, DIE. Then, recast your fire elementals, resurrect the mercenary, use waypoint in cold plains until he get Graveyard, returno to Duncraig using tp, teleport again, DIE AGAIN, and repeat until you can do corpse recovery. VERY FUN Finally I get a useful demonsbane in my second attemp of completing the uber, in 1.5 hours....after that, I will not return again. VERY BORING PLACE WITH ONLY 2 ZONES TO FARM DECENTLY.).

An useful tip: invest in some AR...AND try max block... even 30% with 10k of defense is better than nothing.
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We are sorry that you can't farm Duncraig with TU gears and being afk. That will be fixed in next patch.
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Metalistas wrote:We are sorry that you can't farm Duncraig with TU gears and being afk. That will be fixed in next patch.

Not afk, actually PLAYING THE GAME.

oHH I see it: you're so smart that you don't kow about barrels instakilling AFK characters. Interesting. I fear more "fixes" like that, for make "fun" the game(fun means frustrating, boring and prone to rage quiting? It's new for me. We talking about become the mod more newby friendly, and then suddenly we get this "fixes". I'm confused: black for me is black, not white. )

Also, I don't say I can't farm the 2 great zones. I say that apart of the 2 main open areas of Duncraig, the rest of the map (ALL TELEPORT ZONES) are very BORING and TIME CONSUMING for no endgame characters.Unfortunately, farm Duncraig means clean the 2 main areas more other 2 big zones that now are teleport zones,for get productive drops. For a early to mid game char, that's nearly imposible unless you're an assasin, paladin, or you already have the void charm in your inventary for 2 secs teleport skill (again, all newbyes got it,lol. The few actual videos farming Duncraig ALL use teleport or they die, ENDGAME CHARACTERS. HOW DAMN YOU HOPE A NO FARMED/NO FULL CHARMS CHARACTER CAN DO THIS THING?). In comparison, TA is far more productive in terms of drops/time used. Well, TA or any other area plagued with elites in Dest. When the map was not with teleport zones, was affordable with some kiting...BUT, we do kiting for almos any area of the game with ranged chars, right?

Oh wait... we need for the next patch get 5 teleport areas in TA wit at least 30 amazons in each 1 of them, all firing guided arrow and at least 5 arrow side procs for make "fun" or "fix" TA, XD.

Lastly, for me a farming area is only that: an area for get items, Duncraig being 1 of them. If the purpose is become more strong the boss (uberquest) then you can give more avoid or so, and in this form you get both things: a farming area, and already a hard boss (barrels, 2 hit killing mobs, crazy fire pierce, etc.)
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thanks a lot for reply. my javazon achieved 120lv and D2. i sayed 'I want to quickly farming at destrcution any field' is mean 'blood moor' ,'sewers 2' ,'bloody foothills', not hard uberlevel such as Duncraig. That's to hard for me.