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So, according to my NotArmory:

I have spent a total of 90-hours (or 3 days and 18hr) playing this game. On average, I put in 1-3 hrs on my free days which number between 2-3 days a week. This means on my best week I have 9hr of play time and on my worst week I have 2hr of play time. This averages out to 4.4hr per week. I have been playing more than I am "supposed too" lately with the consequence of my wife barking down my neck which has forced me to restrict my playtime even more than usual. All of this to say, I am quite certain I represent your average casual gamer with kids. So where am I going with this?

The reason I have been playing more than usual is to get trophy's. As you can see from my NotArmory, I have most of the charms, and I will tell you straight, while two did in fact drop from goblins, I re-farmed those charms on my own to get near perfect (or at least what I needed for my build) charms, so I know I can do these ubers solo and that makes me feel good, with the exception of Baal who I need help with and Vial of Elders Blood who I'm quite certain I can never complete. Which brings me back to trophy's....

To get my last four VERY HARD and three EXTREME charms, I really want to improve my charms with trophy's to make this experience easier and more enjoyable... and for that sense of completion in knowing I did all there is to do in this game... And this fucking blows, because I spent hours and hours each night farming just one single boss for charms to make fragments because this shit bag only dropped one single frag after farming him so insane amount of times... I can't even begin to explain how mind-numbing this expenditure is, and when I look at all the rest of the charms I have which need a trophy, I quickly lose interest in this game hard because I realize that even if I start a new toon, that does not solve anything because what is required is to grind! I guess for me, the saturation point comes around the time you get most charms and need trophies to continue. Let's put this in perspective for a moment... I spent double my allotted play-time of 4.4 average (so 9-hours) just farming various charms for trophies and still don't even have three full trophies of any single charm yet. As a casual gamer, this is not an enjoyable experience... it's not fun mindlessly farming a boss for trophies you never get. Perhaps this is the penultimate goal the dev team desires for the most diehard players, to grind, IDK, but not for me.

My suggestion to the dev team for this absolutely wonderful mod is to lower the charm count to create trophies. 20 is a fucking stupid ridiculous amount for any sane person, and if you are so unlucky as I have been, you will need 40-60 charms to create your three fragments! Honestly, I lost patience after 7 charms alone so, upon realizing this was just the beginning of the rest of what this game was about, I was ready to stop playing. I honestly do not believe anybody want's to waste so much time farming these trophies. Nobody. The first portion of the game is magical and balanced so well, it's really such a shame the final leg of it resorted to a grind-fest to keep people playing. Mighty I suggest that the real interest lies in perfecting your toon, then creating a new one to see how it does, hence the appeal of D2 throughout the ages?? Why not continue the good feelings the game provides and encourage your casual gamer to keep playing instead of leaving a bitter taste of, "is this really worth my time?" Due to the limitations of my free-time, I like to look at the value - if you will - of what I am getting out of my time, and when the net result is the opposite of fun, I ask myself if I'd be better served playing another game where the end-goals are attainable for the casual gamer.

Sure I made mistakes playing my toon, hell look at my 488-deaths she has, but as of right now, my toon can clear almost anywhere. This is not a damage issue. This is not a lack of understanding mechanics issue. This issue is due to the grind of farming trophies as an end-game goal, a limitation of the potential of this game due to a lackluster finish... I implore you to consider lowering the charm count to create trophy fragments for casual gamers to get a sense of completion. The real appeal of d2 has ALWAYS been creating new toons and decking them out then kicking the shit out of bosses with friends.
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I can fairly confidently say that you and casual gamers are not the main audience of this mod. I don't mean this in a demeaning way but you will probably never see Median tuned to such a degree that casual players can complete 95-97% of the content with very minimal time and effort spent. It does get boring though to farm trophies for n'th season in a row but that is probably why some people just buy the grindy stuff to save time. Don't hold your breath.
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I like the trophy mechanics
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Trust me, I've been there! The only solutions I've found are waiting for another season when I'm not as time-restricted or buying the trophies. Sometimes it's better to just play offline too. The target audience will almost always have more free time than us casual gamers. While I do think 20 is a bit much, I don't think it'll change... I kinda miss the days of full trophies - all done after one drop!
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People have been complaining about trophies for ages. That's why we introduced the fragments - to help with extreme cases.

For 40 kills, chance to get at least 1 trophy:
Now: 92%
Before fragments: 55%

Now, after 60 runs, you're guaranteed a trophy. Before, there were people that had to do 100+ Laz kills to get a trophy.
It's true that the chance to get a trophy is now less if you're doing under 20 runs, but it's much better for a larger number of runs.

The game was not meant for a casual gamer to finish everything and collect everything. There's a reason some ubers are considered to be of Impossible and Extreme difficulty. I know it's frustrating, it's frustrating for me too, since I can't play much now, plus it's tiring/stressful, but we gotta deal with that as newfound adults. If we made everything too easy and achievable, people would be able to do all the content in like 1 day, so it would provide no challenge, and thus, would not be nearly as satisfying - and they'd quit Median XL.
"but if it's simple it's not that hard" - Quirinus 2017
"small things like this are not a big deal" - Quirinus 2017
Rust Claw
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I’m not sure if all the charms need a trophy. Like for example getting the +10% spell damage one if you’re character build doesn’t use spells afaik would be a waste.

I would only focus on trophies helpful to your build.
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it was 25 charms before count your blessings
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Quirinus is absolutely right. As long as you're aware of trophy fragment mechanics, the grind is not so jarring.
Especially if you play on sp with legit dupe. Kekeke.
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I miss negative cookies already ... not that i have ever given one.

Some actual creative suggestions would be like - increase trophy chance on deathless kills or on some low timer kills. Simply reducing count of charms for trophy is not a solution - next person will complain that 15 charms per trophy is "ridicolous" and wheel will spin again.
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Well, clearly my opinion is not the popular one and I accept that. I was not trying to find an alternative solution because to me, the current system seemed outright unnecessary however take my opinion with a grain of salt as I never attempted trophies before in any prior patch. So you can take my POV as that of a casual, almost new player to some of these mechanics. This (what I wrote in my OP) is the impression left on me when attempting trophy frags. I understand most of you were around gathering trophies back in the Laz era, so my opinion probably sounds like a whiny bitch compared to how farming trophies used to be. This is completely fair to be honest, and I get it. But do you get where I'm coming from experiencing these frustrations for the very first time? To me, the issue is quantity of charms to create a frag, but alas and as I've already said, I never tried farming them before now so I don't share many of your viewpoints unfortunately, and I do apologize for that. It's sounding more and more like the old school players and devs believe everything re trophies, while not necessarily perfect, works as intended. Alright, I'm fine with that, although I do like Anonymous' alternative suggestions as well vs endless farming. Anyway, thank you for letting me voice my opinion on the subject. I'll probably just buy trophies because I do not have the patience to farm them. Chow