Complaints this season

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For whatever reason, all I am seeing across the forums posts is complaints this season and hardly any praises. I think the changes up till now have been incredible and are slowly streamlining the game from clvl 1 to end-game, a work-in-progress! People see to expect everything all at once to get polished from our little mod team. I, for one, greatly appreciate what the dev team has done up till now and continues to do! This is the most amazing mod ever made for D2 and that is indisputable! My only gripe this far is with mercenaries... Would love nothing more that to have them by my side in end-game Ubers. But other than that, I see it all as a mod still in development! My love to the entire dev team and play testers each season! Kudos
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Truth, balancing isn't easy even for Games that have dozens of people working there, MXL players expect too much from the Devs i mean they dont even have a salary , but yeah people will always complain when they dont like something most of the time the complaints are due to struggling through the game but that's not really the Devs fault, i mean why do all new players complain the game is hard aren't they aware that they're noobs and by playing more the game will get easier cause your learn things and gain experience? Seems that people got used to zoom through the game like in POE, which IMO is the worst ARPG atm, and last thing i do hope that Devs will not listen to random beta players feedback, for example this season people gave feedback on Scorpion blade saying it's bad like 2-3 times and it got buffed everytime and now it's insanely OP but no one said its OP , i mean aren't Beta Testers supposed to say it's either bad or too good? but it seems it only goes one way :D , last part is kinda offtopic but i hope the devs will see it :mrgreen:
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I actually liked today version, got alot of beatufil QOL's and game was fun to play, but for me as old player not much build diversity left to play
Also some of them just not working without spending alot TG which am trying to heavily avoid and playing SSF
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my only complaint is that i dont have much free time to play multiple time intensive games in same time frame
changelog look great, although there are still couple of things that i desired
mainly skill rework & giving each build more option to mix & match cross-tree
perhaps 3.0 will fix that, although i still doubt it will push me to play on realm / multiplayer

*in case anyone wondering why i was not active in offtopic, i didnt complete any new game or watching anime for past like couple of months
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iwansquall wrote:i didnt complete any new game or watching anime for past like couple of months

:shock: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: hope 3.0 will fix this :lol:
Pit Knight
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only those who survive like this version
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morphed wrote:
Desperx wrote:
morphed wrote:Redacted

See, there’s merits to both sides of the equation. My 2-cents: Absolutely, the endgame should only be doable by those who invest the time learning mechanics/optimizing their build. That said, many specs simply cannot mathematically complete certain content. I am of the opinion that a highly skilled player who completely decks out their class/spec with fully optimized gear should be able to do all content with enough practice. Am I asking too much for that level of balance? Maybe.. but shouldn’t it be the goal? Take the latest HOZ update, the goal was to bring a dead build closer to the meta. The only difference now is that HOZ is faster at farming. It did nothing to overcome content barriers that already existed. It was sad having to swap from HOZ to Java just to kill Scecheron destroyer.. I mean, the difference was night and day.

To pivot over to Taem’s OP, 1000% agree on Mercenaries. In the past, I’ve floated the idea of implementing a rez timer every time they die but I understand that’s probably tricky to implement. If they are made unkillable, you run the risk of cheese. The only solution that seems viable would be to make them untargetable. They cannot he killed but they cannot take aggro. This would prevent glass cannon builds from exploiting a meat shield. Feel free to stress test the idea.
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Excellent job to the Median developers. They obviously put a lot of hard work and effort into their mod, and that shouldn't go unnoticed regardless of how split the player base is on the direction of their development choices.

Unfortunately I was on the wrong side of the direction they wanted to go, but I can still appreciate their dedication, I don't think anyone would argue that.
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Pit Knight
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I strongly disagree in endgame being viable only to try hard players. Imo it should be viable to everyone with degrees of difficulty to those who want to min/max their builds (Deimoss design for example).

Otherwise you will need unethical umo builds for endgame, what isn't ideal from my player perspective.

Anyway, great job with the game devs.
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